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— 1969 —


January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December



—  January 


Friday, 3 January 1969





   - Grady McMurtry to Phyllis Seckler




Saturday, 11 January 1969





   - Phyllis Seckler to Grady McMurtry




Sunday, 19 January 1969





   - Gabriel Montenegro to Walter Englert




Sunday, 26 January 1969





   - Phyllis Seckler to Grady McMurtry




Tuesday, 28 January 1969





   - Grady McMurtry to Phyllis Seckler




—  February 


Monday, 3 February 1969





   - Phyllis Seckler to Grady McMurtry




Wednesday, 12 February 1969





   - Grady McMurtry to Phyllis Seckler




Saturday, 15 February 1969





   - Phyllis Seckler to Grady McMurtry




Saturday, 22 February 1969





   - Grady McMurtry to Phyllis Seckler




Sunday, 23 February 1969





   - Phyllis Seckler to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 27 February 1969





   - Grady McMurtry to Phyllis Seckler




—  March 


Sunday, 2 March 1969





   - Gerald Yorke to Phyllis Seckler




Monday, 10 March 1969





   - Grady McMurtry to Phyllis Seckler




Sunday, 16 March 1969





   - Phyllis Seckler to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 20 March 1969





   - Gerald Yorke to Phyllis Seckler




—  April 


Saturday, 5 April 1969





   - Phyllis Seckler to Gerald Yorke




Wednesday, 9 April 1969






Current Events:

   Leah Hirsig is 86 years old.


Friday, 11 April 1969





   - Gerald Yorke to Phyllis Seckler




—  May 


Friday, 2 May 1969






Current Events:

   - Aleister Ataturk is 32 years old.


—  June 


Monday, 9 June 1969





   - Jean Sihvonen to Grady McMurtry




Monday, 16 June 1969





   - Marcelo Motta to Robert Lund




Saturday, 28 June 1969





   - Grady McMurtry to Hermann Metzger

   - Phyllis Seckler to Gerald Yorke




—  July 


Tuesday, 1 July 1969





   - Gabriel Montenegro to Grady McMurtry




Wednesday, 2 July 1969





   - Gerald Yorke to Phyllis Seckler




Thursday, 3 July 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






Monday, 7 July 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






Tuesday, 8 July 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






Wednesday, 9 July 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






Friday, 11 July 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






Saturday, 12 July 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






Wednesday, 16 July 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






Thursday, 17 July 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






Saturday, 19 July 1969



Grady McMurtry, Phyllis Seckler & Mildred Burlingame officially reactivate the Ordo Templi Orientis in the state of California, using Grady's "emergency powers" given him by Crowley. [305]





Wednesday, 23 July 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






—  August 


Friday, 8 August 1969



Grady McMurtry, acting as Saladin, gives the Minerval initiation to Llee Heflin, Robert W. Foss & Charles "Chuck" Laurence Apel at a camp ground on the Russian River at Duncan Mills, near Jenner, California. [305]


   - Phyllis Seckler to Gerald Yorke




Saturday, 9 August 1969



Grady McMurtry, acting as Saladin, gives the Minerval initiation to Allison Kaplan at a camp ground on the Russian River at Duncan Mills, near Jenner, California. [305]





Tuesday, 12 August 1969





   - Gerald Yorke to Grady McMurtry




Friday, 15 August 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






Sunday, 24 August 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






Sunday, 31 August 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






—  September 


Tuesday, 2 September 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta

Grady McMurtry appoints Mildred Burlingame as his successor in the O.T.O. [305]


   - Grady McMurtry to Mildred Burlingame




Tuesday, 2 September 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






Monday, 8 September 1969


Diary Entries:

   - Marcelo Motta






—  October 


Tuesday, 7 October 1969





   - Grady McMurtry to Israel Regardie




Saturday, 18 October 1969






Current Events:

   Grady McMurtry is 51 years old.


—  November 


Monday, 17 November 1969






Current Events:

   Israel Regardie is 62 years old.


—  December 


Friday, 19 December 1969






Current Events:

   Gerald Yorke is 68 years old.











































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