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— 1904 —


January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December



circa 1904



- Crowley privately publishes his book Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden.

- Crowley's book Goetia is published by his publishing company The Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.).

- Crowley's privately publishes his book Why Jesus Wept. The book is published in two "impressions" (first impression, second impression) during 1904 and includes a pamphlet entitled Mr. Crowley and the Creeds. The second impression is published by Crowley's publishing house, the Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.).

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




—  January 


Friday, 1 January 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Ceylon.






Thursday, 7 January 1904



Location: Ceylon.

Rose Kelly has an attack of fever. Crowley writes his poem Rosa Mundi. [237]





Sunday, 10 January 1904






Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 31 years old.


Saturday, 16 January 1904



Location: Ceylon.

- Crowley, on a hunt, pursues a nineteen-foot rat snake. Thinking he has filled the snake full of shot from his rifle, his hired man eventually hits it with a stick. The snake is completely unmarked from Crowley's lead shot and he later finds that he has been swindled in his purchase of ammunition with pellets being substituted for heavy shot. [237]

- The Agnostic Journal publishes a letter from J.F.C. Fuller entitled "A Barbaric Survival".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal

Current Events:

   Norman Mudd is 15 years old.


Sunday, 17 January 1904



- The New York Herald publishes a letter from Cowley.


News Related to Crowley:

   - New York Herald



Friday, 22 January 1904






Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 19 years old.


Thursday, 28 January 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling to Suez, Egypt.

- Crowley and Rose Kelly leave the port of Colombo and are traveling to Suez, Egypt. [91], [287]





—  February 


circa February 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Friday, 5 February 1904



Location: Traveling to Suez, Egypt.

- Crowley's poem "Nabuchadnosor" is published in the Weekly Critical Review.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Weekly Critical Review



Sunday, 7 February 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Suez, Egypt.

- Crowley and Rose Kelly arrive at Suez, Egypt. [91]





Monday, 8 February 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Port Said, Egypt.

- Crowley and Rose Kelly arrive at Port Said, Egypt. [91]

- Crowley and Rose Kelly are staying at the Eastern Exchange Hotel in Port Said under the alias of Lord and Lady Boleskine.



Current Events:

   - Japan declares war on Russia.


Tuesday, 9 February 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling to Cairo, Egypt.

- Crowley and Rose Kelly leave for Cairo, Egypt. [91]





Thursday, 11 February 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Grand Continental Hotel, Cairo, Egypt.

- Crowley and Rose Kelly are staying at the Grand Continental Hotel in Cairo under the alias of Lord and Lady Boleskine.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Egyptian Gazette



Saturday, 13 February 1904



- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "Ego".

- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by J.F.C. Fuller entitled "Sadness".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal

   - Agnostic Journal



Tuesday, 16 February 1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Egyptian Gazette

Current Events:

   - Russia declares war on Japan.


Wednesday, 17 February 1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Northern Chronicle

Current Events:

   - Composer, Giacomo Puccini's opera Madame Butterfly premieres in Milan, Italy.


Friday, 19 February 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tewfik Palace Hotel, Helwan, Egypt.

- Crowley and Rose Kelly go to Helwan, Egypt as Prince Chioa Khan and princess. [91]





Saturday, 20 February 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tewfik Palace Hotel, Helwan, Egypt.






Monday, 22 February 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tewfik Palace Hotel, Helwan, Egypt.





Saturday, 27 February 1904



Location: Tewfik Palace Hotel, Helwan, Egypt.

- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "Strong-Heart".

- The Agnostic Journal publishes a letter from J.F.C. Fuller entitled "Pillow Fighting, B.C.".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal

   - Agnostic Journal

   - Egyptian Gazette



—  March 


Tuesday, 1 March 1904



Location: Tewfik Palace Hotel, Helwan, Egypt.

Leah Hirsig is appointed a teacher today in America. [100]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Egyptian Gazette



Wednesday, 2 March 1904



Location: Tewfik Palace Hotel, Helwan, Egypt.



Current Events:

   - Author, Dr. Seuss (Theodore Geisel) is born.


Thursday, 3 March 1904



Location: Tewfik Palace Hotel, Helwan, Egypt.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Egyptian Gazette



Saturday, 5 March 1904



Location: Tewfik Palace Hotel, Helwan, Egypt.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Egyptian Gazette

Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.


Saturday, 12 March 1904



Location: Tewfik Palace Hotel, Helwan, Egypt.

- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "Credone?".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal

   - Egyptian Gazette



Monday, 14 March 1904



Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.

- Crowley and Rose Kelly take a flat in a corner house near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter. [56]





Wednesday, 16 March 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.

- Crowley and Rose Kelly perform the “Bornless One” ritual. Rose Kelly tells Crowley that "They are waiting for you." [56]





Thursday, 17 March 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.

- Crowley and Rose Kelly invoke Thoth. Rose tells Crowley that "They are waiting for you." "It's all about the child; all Osiris." [56]





Friday, 18 March 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.

- Crowley and Rose Kelly invoke again. Rose tells Crowley that "He who waits is Horus." [56]





Saturday, 19 March 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.

- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "March Twentieth".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal



Sunday, 20 March 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.

- At 10:00 p.m. Crowley and Rose Kelly conduct a ceremony where he learns that this is the time of the Equinox of the Gods. [56]





Monday, 21 March 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.

- Crowley takes the AA\ Oath of a Probationer taking the motto "Perdurabo." [8] 

- Crowley and Rose Kelly go to the Boulak Museum where Crowley instructs Rose to find the god Horus. To his surprise she leads him to exhibit # 666, a glass case displaying a tablet showing Horus in the form of Ra Hoor Khuit (the Stélé of Revealing). [287] 



Current Events:

   - The Spring Equinox.

   Jane Wolfe is 29 years old.


Tuesday, 22 March 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.






Wednesday, 23 March 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.






Thursday, 24 March 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.






Friday, 25 March 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.

- Crowley's poem "Le Penseur" is published in the Weekly Critical Review.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Weekly Critical Review



—  April 


Saturday, 2 April 1904



Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.



Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 18 years old.


Wednesday, 6 April 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.





Thursday, 7 April 1904



Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.

Rose Kelly goes into a trance and informs Crowley that for the next three days, he is to enter the temple in their flat precisely at noon and write down what he hears. He will stop writing precisely at 1 o’clock. [56]





Friday, 8 April 1904



Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.

- At noon Crowley steps into his temple and sits at his desk to await something to happen. He then hears a voice speaking to him over his left shoulder and begins receiving Liber Legis from the discarnate entity Aiwass in Cairo. He writes what he hears for one hour. [56]





Saturday, 9 April 1904



Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.

- Crowley continues receiving Liber Legis from the discarnate entity Aiwass. He writes what he hears for one hour. [56]



Current Events:

   Leah Hirsig is 21 years old.


Sunday, 10 April 1904



Location: A flat in a corner house (The Standard Life Building, Soliman Pasha Square [397]) near Cairo's museum in the fashionable European quarter.

- Crowley continues receiving Liber Legis from the discarnate entity Aiwass. He writes what he hears for one hour. [56]





circa mid April 1904



- Before Crowley and Rose Kelly leave Eqypt for Paris he has a replica made by a resident artist of the Boulak Museum of exhibit #666 (the Stélé of Revealing). He also has the Book of the Law manuscript typed and sends it off in a circular letter to fifteen of his friends including Allan Bennett, Oscar Eckenstein, George Cecil Jones, and MacGregor Mathers. [287] 





Monday, 18 April 1904



Location: Traveling aboard the Isis from Port Said, Egypt to Brindisi, Italy.

- Sometime between 3 p.m. and 11 p.m. Crowley and Rose Kelly depart from Port Said, Eqypt on board the Isis. While in transit to Brindisi, Italy they find that Annie Besant is also aboard the ship. [350] 





Thursday, 21 April 1904



Location: Brindisi, Italy.

- Crowley and Rose Kelly arrive in Brindisi, Italy aboard the Isis. [350] 





Friday, 22 April 1904





   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Saturday, 23 April 1904



- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "To Count Tolstoy".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal



Monday, 25 April 1904





   - Emily Crowley to Crowley




Tuesday, 26 April 1904


Diary Entries:

   - Arnold Bennett

Location: Paris France.

- Crowley and Rose Kelly  have lunch at Paillard's restaurant with Arnold Bennett. Crowley wore "a heavily jewelled red waistcoat and the largest ring I ever saw on a human hand." [232]





Wednesday, 27 April 1904



- Crowley and Rose Kelly return to London and ultimately Boleskine House. [56]





—  May 


circa  May 1904



- Crowley closes his account with the publisher Kegan Paul, Trench & Trübner. He is disappointed with slow sales and price reductions on his overstocked titles. Since 1902, only ten copies of Tannhaüser had sold, five of Carmen Saeulare, seven of Soul of Osiris, and two of Jephthah; and Other Mysteries, Lyrical and Dramatic. The books An Appeal to the American Republic, The Mother’s Tragedy, The Tale of Archais, and Songs of the Spirit have not sold any copies. He calls on Charles Watts of London to do his printing. To combat what he considered mismanagement of his stock of books, Crowley decides to distribute his works himself. He names his publishing house the Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.), a parody of the Church of England’s venerable Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. [56]





Wednesday, 4 May 1904






Current Events:

   - The United States begins construction of the Panama Canal.


Friday, 6 May 1904






Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 21 years old.


Friday, 14 May 1904



- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "A Song of Freedom".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal



Tuesday, 17 May 1904






Current Events:

   - Composer, Maurice Ravel's song cycle Schéhérzade premieres in Paris, France.


—  June 


Thursday, 9 June 1904






Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 19 years old.


Tuesday, 21 June 1904






Current Events:

   - The Summer Solstice.


Wednesday, 29 June 1904



Location: Paris France.

- Crowley petitions the Anglo-Saxon Masonic Lodge No. 343 for initiation. His petition gives his name as 'Aleister St. Edward Crowley, and his occupation as 'poet'. His petition is signed by the lodge's secretary, the Reverend James Lyon Bowley, and counter-signed by the Worshipful Master, Edward-Philip Denny. The Anglo-Saxon Lodge was chartered in 1899 by the Grande Loge de France, a body unrecognized by the United Grand Lodge of England. [284]





—  July 


circa  July 1904



- Crowley's book The Argonauts is published by his publishing imprint the Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.). This is the first book published by the S.P.R.T.





Tuesday, 19 July 1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Westminster Gazette



Wednesday, 20 July 1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily News



Saturday, 23 July 1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Westminster Gazette

Current Events:

   Rose Kelly is 30 years old.


Monday, 25 July 1904



- The Scotsman publishes a review of Crowley's book The Argonauts.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Scotsman



Thursday, 28 July 1904



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Nuit Ma Ahathoor Hectate Sappho Jezebel Lilith Crowley is born this day to Aleister Crowley and Rose Kelly at Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness. From Crowley's Confessions, Volume III: "Nuit was given in homage to our Lady of the Stars; Ma, goddess of Justice, because the sign of Libra was rising; Ahathoor, goddess of Love and Beauty because Venus rules Libra; I'm not sure about the name Hecate; but it may have been as a compliment to the infernal gods; a poet could hardly do less than commemorate the only lady who ever wrote poetry, Sappho; Jezebel still held her place as my favourite character in Scripture; and Lilith, of course, hold undisputed possession of my affections in the realm of demons."





Saturday, 30 July 1904



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Sphere



—  August 


circa August 1904



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley's mother, Emily Crowley, visits Kentucky in America to see her American relative Lawrence Bishop. [238]

- Crowley publishes his book The Sword of Song through his publishing company, the Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.).


   - Crowley to Numerous Recipients




Wednesday, 3 August1904



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Tatler



Friday, 5 August 1904



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- The Bookseller publishes a review of Crowley's book The Argonauts. 


   - Rose Kelly to Gerald Kelly

News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookseller

   - Inverness Courier



Saturday, 13 August 1904



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "Carmen Triumphans".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal

Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 27 years old.


Sunday, 14 August 1904



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley writes "Warning" from Orpheus.





Monday, 15 August 1904



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.


   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Tuesday, 16 August1904



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.




Current Events:

   - New York City begins construction on Grand Central Station.


Wednesday, 17 August1904



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- The Morning Post publishes a review of Crowley's book The Argonauts.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Morning Post

Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.


Sunday, 21 August 1904



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- The Freethinker publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "The Pagan".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Freethinker



Monday, 29 August 1904



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.



   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




—  September 


circa  September 1904



- Crowley's book The Star and the Garter ("Popular" Edition) is published by his publishing imprint the Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.).





Thursday, 1 September1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookman

Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 26 years old.


Saturday, 3 September1904



- The Academy and Literature and the Graphic publish reviews of Crowley's book The Argonauts.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Academy and Literature

   - Graphic



Wednesday, 14 September1904



- The Daily News publishes a review of Crowley's book The Argonauts.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily News



Friday, 16 September1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Welsh Coast Pioneer



Saturday, 17 September1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Saturday Review



Friday, 23 September1904






Current Events:

   - The Fall Equinox.


Saturday, 24 September1904



- "Mr. Crowley and the Creeds" is published in the London Daily News igniting a written war of words between Crowley and G. K. Chesterton.

- The Publisher's Circular publishes a review of Crowley's book The Argonauts.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily News

   - Publisher's Circular



Wednesday, 28 September1904



Location: Savoy Hotel, London.

- Crowley's response to G. K. Chesterton's article "Mr. Crowley and the Creeds" is published in the London Daily News.


   - Crowley to the Daily News

News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily News



Thursday, 29 September1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily News

   - Standard

   - St. James's Gazette



—  October 


circa October 1904





   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Saturday, 1 October1904



- The Westminster Review publishes a review of Crowley's book The Argonauts.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Westminster Review



Monday, 3 October1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Scotsman



Saturday, 8 October 1904



Location: Paris France.

- Crowley is initiated into the Anglo-Saxon Masonic Lodge No. 343. The Anglo-Saxon Lodge was chartered in 1899 by the Grande Loge de France, a body unrecognized by the United Grand Lodge of England. [284]

- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "Between the Spheres".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal



Wednesday, 12 October 1904



- Crowley is 29 years old.





Friday, 14 October1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily Chronicle

   - Daily News

   - Western Morning News

   - Westminster Gazette



Saturday, 15 October1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Black & White

   - Standard

   - St. James's Gazette



Sunday, 16 October 1904



Location: Hotel Regina, Paris.

- Crowley attends the Salon d'Automne art exhibition held at the Grand Palais. [104]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Observer



Monday, 17 October1904



- The Scotsman publishes a review of Crowley's book The Sword of Song.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Scotsman



Tuesday, 18 October 1904



Location: Hotel Regina, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

News Related to Crowley:


Current Events:

   - Composer, Gustav Mahler's 5th Symphony premieres in Cologne, Germany.


Thursday, 20 October1904



- The Arbroath Herald publishes a review of Crowley's book The Star and the Garter.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Arbroath Herald

   - Belfast News-Letter



Saturday, 22 October1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Saturday Review

   - Sphere



Monday, 24 October1904



- The Perthshire Advertiser publishes a review of Crowley's book The Star and the Garter.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Dublin Daily Express

   - Perthshire Advertiser



circa late October1904



- Crowley travels to St. Moritz, Switzerland to make arrangements for his wife, Rose Kelly, and their daughter, Lilith, to join him there. [249]

- Crowley writes Rosa Inferni. [249]





Thursday, 27 October1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Cambridge Review

Current Events:

   - The first section of the New York City subway opens.


Friday, 28 October1904



Location: Paris, France.

On his way to St. Moritz, Switzerland, Crowley stops off in Paris to arrange with Philippe Renouard the publication of Snowdrops from a Curate’s Garden for his friends. [56]

- The Belfast News-Letter publishes a review of Crowley's book The Sword of Song.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Belfast News-Letter

   - Sheffield Daily Independent



Saturday, 29 October1904



Location: Kulm Hotel, St. Moritz, Switzerland. [56]

- Crowley's wife, Rose Kelly, joins him in St. Moritz where they live under the names of Lord and Lady Lockey. [249]

- The Northern Whig publishes a review of Crowley's book The Star and the Garter.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Northern Whig



—  November 


circa November 1904



- Crowley's book In Residence is published by Elijah Johnson.





Tuesday, 1 November1904



Location: Kulm Hotel, St. Moritz, Switzerland.

- The Westminster Review publishes a review of Crowley's book The Star and the Garter.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookman

   - Buddhist

   - Westminster Review



Friday, 4 November1904



Location: Kulm Hotel, St. Moritz, Switzerland.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookseller



Tuesday, 8 November1904






Current Events:

   - Theodore Roosevelt is elected as President of the United States.


Wednesday, 9 November 1904



Location: Kulm Hotel, St. Moritz, Switzerland.



   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

News Related to Crowley:

   - Oxford Magazine



Monday, 14 November 1904






News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily Chronicle



Friday, 18 November 1904



- Today is Crowley's 6th "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his initiation into the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898.

- The Manchester Courier publishes a review of Crowley's book The Star and the Garter.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Manchester Courier



Thursday, 24 November1904



- The Bath Chronicle publishes a review of Crowley's book The Star and the Garter.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bath Chronicle



—  December 


circa December 1904



- Crowley's book Alice: an Adultery is published by his publishing imprint the Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.).





Thursday, 1 December 1904



- The Literary Guide and Rationalist Review publishes a review of Crowley's book The Sword of Song.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Literary Guide and Rationalist Review



Saturday, 3 December 1904



- The Academy and Literature publishes a review of Crowley's book In Residence.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Academy and Literature



Thursday, 8 December 1904



- The Cambridge Review publishes a review of Crowley's book In Residence.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Cambridge Review

Current Events:

   - Allan Bennett is 32 years old.


Friday, 9 December 1904





   - Auguste Rodin to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookseller



Saturday, 17 December 1904



Location: Paris, France.

- Crowley is made a Master Mason in Lodge 343 Anglo-Saxon in Paris, working under the Grand Lodge of France. [See correspondence][284]


News Related to Crowley:

   - St. James's Gazette

Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 23 years old.


Monday, 19 December 1904






Current Events:

   Gerald Yorke is 3 years old.


Tuesday, 20 December 1904





News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily News

   - Westminster Gazette



Thursday, 22 December 1904



- The Scotsman publishes a review of Crowley's book Alice: an Adultery.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Scotsman

Current Events:

   - The Winter Solstice.


Saturday, 8 October 1904



- The Agnostic Journal publishes a letter to the Editor from Victor B. Neuburg entitled "Beetledom Dying".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal



Saturday, 31 December 1904






Current Events:

   - The first New Year's Eve celebration held in Times Square in New York City.



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