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— 1928 —


January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December



circa 1928



- Crowley's book Little Poems in Prose is published.


   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe

   - Eugen Grosche to Martha Kuntzel

News Related to Crowley:

   - My Life in a Love Cult



—  January 


circa January 1928





   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Sunday, 1 January 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris. [271]






Monday, 2 January 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.

Gerald Yorke returns to London from visiting Crowley in Paris. [397]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Paris Times



Thursday, 5 January 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.



News Related to Crowley:

   - West Sussex Gazette



Monday 9 January 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.






Tuesday, 10 January 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.

- Crowley meets Michel, "a Dahomey negro, who fucked me and sucked me off—in honour of Aiwas. [397]



Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 55 years old.


Wednesday, 11 January 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.


   - Karl Germer to Montgomery Evans




Thursday, 12 January 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Friday, 13 January 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.




Current Events:

   Norman Mudd is 39 years old.


Tuesday, 17 January 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke





Wednesday, 18 January 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson





Sunday, 22 January 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.




Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 43 years old.


Thursday, 26 January 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Friday, 27 January 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Tuesday, 31 January 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




—  February 


Thursday, 1 February 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 2 February 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris


   - Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




Wednesday, 8 February 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Tuesday, 14 February 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




Sunday, 19 February 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Saturday, 25 February 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Sunday, 26 February 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.

- Crowley travels to Fontainebleau for the day. [108] 





Monday, 27 February 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




—  March 


circa March 1928





   - Crowley to Edward Titus




Thursday, 1 March 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Sunday, 4 March 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.


   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Monday, 5 March 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.

- Kasimira Bass arrives and soon generates scenes with both Ninette Shumway and Dorothea Walker. [397]



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.


Tuesday, 6 March 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 8 March 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.


   - Crowley to William Collins & Sons




Saturday, 10 March 1928



- Crowley conducts a magical sexual operation with swimming champion, Lili.. [397]



Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 55 years old.


Sunday, 11 March 1928





   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Friday, 16 March 1928





   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Sunday, 18 March 1928



Location: 3 Rue de Fleury, Fontainebleau, France.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Monday, 19 March 1928



- Crowley draws up a horoscope for Lance Sieveking. [233] 





Tuesday, 20 March 1928


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith


Current Events:

   - The Spring Equinox.

   - Fred Rogers ("Mr. Rogers") is born.


Wednesday, 21 March 1928





   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley


Current Events:

   Jane Wolfe is 53 years old.


Thursday, 22 March 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.

- Crowley receives a letter from the publisher W. Collins & Sons, Ltd. returning to him full rights of The Diary of a Drug Fiend. [108] 





Friday, 23 March 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Saturday, 24 March 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 29 March 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




—  April 


Sunday, 1 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Monday, 2 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.



Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 42 years old.


Wednesday, 4 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 5 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Sunday, 8 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Monday, 9 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke


Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.

   Leah Hirsig is 45 years old.


Tuesday, 10 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Wednesday, 11 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Saturday, 14 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of the death of Crowley's mother, Emily.


Tuesday, 17 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Katherine Smith to Wilfred T. Smith




Sunday, 22 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Ogden Standard-Examiner

   - Philadelphia Inquirer



Monday, 23 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Wilfred T. Smith to Katherine Smith


Current Events:

   - Actor, Shirley Temple is born.


Thursday, 26 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Karl Germer




Friday, 27 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Sunday, 22 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


News Related to Crowley:

   - New Orleans States

   - Times



Monday, 30 April 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




—  May 


Thursday, 3 May 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.

- Crowley conducts a magical sexual operation with Kasimira Bass. [397]


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Pitt & Scott, Ltd. to Crowley




Friday, 4 May 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T.  Smith




Sunday, 6 May 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.



Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 45 years old.


Monday, 7 May 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Germer to Jane Wolfe

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke


Current Events:

   - The United Kingdom lowers the age of women voters from 30 to 21.


Wednesday, 9 May 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

News Related to Crowley:

   - New Britain Herald



Friday, 11 May 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke


Current Events:

   - The General Electric Company opens the first television station.


Wednesday, 16 May 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.

- The Anderson Galleries in New York City sell Crowley's autograph manuscript for the "King of Terrors." Crowley originally presented this manuscript to John Quinn as a present for Christmas 1914. It was subsequently auctioned off by Quinn on the afternoon of 14 November 1923. [George Smith Auction Catalog]


   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

News Related to Crowley:

   - George Smith Auction Catalog



Thursday, 17 May 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Saturday, 19 May 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.

- Crowley, after receiving Ł100 from Gerald Yorke dispatches his daughter Lulu to Madame Mathonat's little school at Mory-Montcrux, outside Ansauvillers, Oise, 50 miles north of Paris. [397]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Belleville News-Democrat



Tuesday, 22 May 1928



Location: Hotel Foyot, Paris.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily Argus



Thursday, 24 May 1928



- Crowley leaves Paris for Dijon and has an "excellent dinner" at Le Pré aux Clercs restaurant. [397]


News Related to Crowley:

   - South Bend Tribune



Friday, 25 May 1928





   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

News Related to Crowley:

   - Wisconsin State Journal



Saturday, 26 May 1928



- Crowley leaves Marseille for Cassis's Hotel Panorama. [397]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Rockford Register-Gazette



Sunday, 27 May 1928



Location: Hotel Panoramas, Cassis, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Burlington Hawk-Eye

   - Morning Call



Monday, 28 May 1928



Location: Hotel Panoramas, Cassis, France.


   - Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




Tuesday, 29 May 1928



Location: Hotel Panoramas, Cassis, France.

- Crowley conducts a magical sexual operation (Opus 54) with Kasimira Bass with the object being to cure a nervously exhausted Kasimira. According to Crowley it "calmed her temper, or was it the sunbathing?" [397]





—  June 


Saturday, 2 June 1928



Location: Hotel Panoramas, Cassis, France.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Sunday, 3 June 1928



Location: Hotel Panoramas, Cassis, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Charleston Gazette



Monday, 4 June 1928



Location: Hotel Panoramas, Cassis, France.


   - Otto Gebhardi to Crowley

   - Martha Kuntzel to Crowley




Tuesday, 5 June 1928



Location: Hotel Panoramas, Cassis, France.

- Crowley and Kasimira Bass join New Jersey-born Langston Moffett and his wife, Claudia, for a 10-mile excursion along the coast to Bandol. [397]





Wednesday, 6 June 1928



Location: Hotel Panoramas, Cassis, France.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith

   - Kasimira Bass to Wilfred T. Smith




Thursday, 7 June 1928



Location: Hotel Panoramas, Cassis, France.

- Crowley introduces himself at the hotel to Lance Sieveking. [397]





Friday, 8 June 1928



Location: Hotel Panoramas, Cassis, France.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Saturday, 9 June 1928






Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 43 years old.


Sunday, 10 June 1928


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Tuesday, 12 June 1928



- Crowley meets with Lance Sieveking. [233] 





Tuesday, 5 June 1928



Location: Hotel du Petit Nice, Corniche, Marseille, France.

- Crowley and Kasimira Bass go up the coast to La Ciotat to investigate villas, then to Marseille and the Hotel du Petit Nice, Corniche. [397]





Friday, 15 June 1928



Location: Hotel du Petit Nice, Corniche, Marseille, France.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Saturday, 16 June 1928



- Karl Germer's American visa is extended to 1 June 1929. [1]





Sunday, 17 June 1928





   - Germer to Jane Wolfe




Tuesday, 19 June 1928





   - Dion Fortune to Gerald Yorke




Wednesday, 20 June 1928





   - Ninette Shumway to Crowley




Thursday, 21 June 1928






Current Events:

   - The Summer Solstice.


Tuesday, 5 June 1928



- Crowley sees the movie Les Nuits de Chicago, a French version of Josef von Sternberg's Oscar-winning Underworld, calling it "a really good crook film." [397]





Saturday, 23 June 1928





   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Monday, 25 June 1928





   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Wednesday, 27 June 1928



Location: Hotel du Panorama, Cassis-sur-Mer, Marseille, Paris.


   - Lloyds Foreign Bank to Crowley




Thursday, 28 June 1928





   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




—  July 


Sunday, 1 July 1928



- Crowley and Kasimira Bass investigate villas at the port of l'Estaque, a little north of Marseille. [397]





Monday, 2 July 1928



- Crowley and Kasimira Bass go to Carry-le-Rouet, 9 miles up the coast, and as far again to Martigues, looking for villas. [397]





Tuesday, 3 July 1928





   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Friday, 6 July 1928



Location: Hotel du Chateau, Carry-le Rouet, Bouches du Rhone, France.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Saturday, 7 July 1928



Location: Hotel du Chateau, Carry-le Rouet, Bouches du Rhone, France.



Current Events:

   - Machine-sliced bread is sold for the first time by the Chillicothe Baking Company.


Tuesday, 10 July 1928



Location: Hotel du Chateau, Carry-le Rouet, Bouches du Rhone, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Mid-Sussex Times



Thursday, 12 July 1928



Location: Hotel du Chateau, Carry-le Rouet, Bouches du Rhone, France.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans




Monday, 2 July 1928



- Gerald Yorke arrives, arranges a regular allowance of Ł10 a week till the year's end and establishes a publishing syndicate to promote Crowley's works. All the while Kasimira Bass raves insanely in front of Yorke. Crowley thinks her jealous of his and Yorke's talks. [397]





Sunday, 15 July 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.

- Gerald Yorke is visiting Crowleys. [397]


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Tuesday, 17 July 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.

- Gerald Yorke is visiting Crowley. [397]


   - Crowley to Lance Sieveking

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Wednesday, 18 July 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.

- Crowley sends 300 francs to his daughter, Lulu. [397]

- Gerald Yorke is visiting Crowley. [397]


   - Crowley to Karl Germer

   - Gerald Yorke to Samuel Jacobs




Thursday, 19 July 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.

- Crowley is driven to Sausset-les-Pins. [397]

- Gerald Yorke is visiting Crowley. [397]





Sunday, 22 July 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.

- Crowley goes to Martigues for dinner and declares it "A rotten hole." [397]

- Gerald Yorke is visiting Crowley. [397]





Monday, 23 July 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.

- Gerald Yorke is visiting Crowley. [397]



Current Events:

   Rose Kelly is 54 years old.


Tuesday, 24 July 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.

- Gerald Yorke is visiting Crowley. [397]


   - Crowley to Karl Germer




Thursday, 26 July 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.

- Gerald Yorke returns to London from visiting Crowley. [397]





Friday, 27 July 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Monday, 30 July 1928



Location: Hotel Splendide, Marseille.

- Crowley and Kasimira Bass travel to Grenoble at the foot of the French Alps and arrive at 9:21 p.m.. [108], [233], [397]


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




—  August 


circa August 1928





   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans




Wednesday, 1 August 1928



Location: Exploring the mountains near Grenoble, France. [233] 

- Crowley has dinner in Sassenage. [397]


   - Martha Kuntzel to Crowley




Thursday, 2 August 1928



Location: Exploring the mountains near Grenoble, France.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Friday, 3 August 1928



Location: Hotel Splendide, Marseille.

- Crowley and Kasimira Bass travel from the little ski resort of La Grave, some 21 miles south of Grenoble, walking up to the ruined chalets below the Glacier de la Meije where they perform a magical sexual operation (Opus 88). [397]





Saturday, 4 August 1928



Location: Exploring the mountains near Grenoble, France.


   - Israel Regardie to Crowley




Sunday, 5 August 1928



Location: Hotel Splendide, Marseille.

- Crowley and Kasimira Bass have a tiring, five-hour walk to the glacier moraine. [397]





Monday, 6 August 1928



Location: Exploring the mountains near Grenoble, France.

- Crowley and Kasimira Bass travel up from La Grave more than half a mile to Les Terrasses to see glaciers and a Romanesque church. [397]



Current Events:

   - Artist, Andy Warhol is born.


Tuesday, 7 August 1928



Location: Hotel de la Meije, La Grave. Exploring the mountains near Grenoble, France. [397] 

- Crowley and Kasimira Bass check into La Grave's Hotel de la Meije. [397]





Friday, 10 August 1928



Location: Exploring the mountains near Grenoble, France.

- Crowley hears from Lance Sieveking. [233] 





Saturday, 11 August 1928



Location: Exploring the mountains near Grenoble, France. [397] 

- Crowley and Kasimira Bass hike to the Hut Evariste Chancel refuge (2,508 m), with a view of a lake. Crowley's first time in an Alpine hut since August 1914. [397]





Monday, 13 August 1928



Location: Hotel De Lameije, Coli du Lantaret, Hautes Alpes, France.

- Crowley and Kasimira Bass travel to Hotel de Glaciers, Col de Lauteret. Crowley notes "Hotel bad—neither old style nor new. No service, vile food, and they steal one's wine. Poisoned by paté. Took K.[asimira] up to snow. She was fine." [397]


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke


Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 51 years old.


Wednesday, 15 August 1928



Location: Terminus Hotel, Briançon, France.

- Crowley and Kasimira Bass travel two hours by car to Briançon's Terminus Hotel, some 40 miles southeast of Grenoble. [397]





Thursday, 16 August 1928



Location: Hotel Lombard.

- Crowley and Kasimira Bass take the train to Gap to the Hotel Lombard. [397]





Friday, 17 August 1928






   - Pitt & Scott, Ltd to Crowley


Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.


Sunday, 19 August 1928





News Related to Crowley:

   - Evansville Courier

   - Salt Lake Tribune



Monday, 20 August 1928



Location: Grand Hotel Lombard, Hautes Alpes, France.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 23 August 1928



Location: Grand Hotel Lombard, Hautes Alpes, France.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Friday, 24 August 1928



- Crowley and Kasimira Bass drive to the Chateau de Charance. [397]





Sunday, 26 August 1928



Location: Grand Hotel Lombard, Hautes Alpes, France.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Kasimira Bass to Gerald Yorke

News Related to Crowley:

   - New Orleans States

   - Star Tribune

   - Times



Monday, 27 August 1928



Location: Traveling to Paris..

- Crowley and Kasimira Bass drive to Grenoble. [397]





Wednesday, 29 August 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.

- Crowley and Kasimira Bass leave Grenoble and arrive in Paris at 10:04 p.m. They perform a magical sexual operation with the object being "Wundaschon sex magick for 'Gold'." [397]





Friday, 31 August 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

News Related to Crowley:

   - Mid-Sussex Times



—  September 


circa September 1928





   - Carl de Vidal Hunt to Crowley

   - Carl de Vidal Hunt to Gerald Yorke

   - Lulu Crowley to Kasimira Bass




Saturday, 1 September 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke


Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 50 years old.


Tuesday, 4 September 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.

- Crowley sees the movie Le Baiser Mortel." [397]





Thursday, 6 September 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Saturday, 8 September 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.


   - Lulu Crowley to Crowley




Tuesday, 11 September 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Wednesday, 12 September 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Karl Germer to Crowley


Current Events:

   - A hurricane in Florida kills 6,000 people.


Saturday, 15 September 1928



Location: Hotel Royal Condé, 10 Rue de Condé, Paris.



Current Events:

   - Scottish bacteriologist, Alexander Fleming discovers the antibiotic penicillin.


Wednesday, 19 September 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Crowley moves to 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris. [105]





Saturday, 22 September 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

Gerald Yorke visits Crowley for the weekend. [105]





Sunday, 23 September 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.




Current Events:

   - The Fall Equinox.


Monday, 24 September 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Crowley arranges for Israel Regardie to come over to Paris from America. [105]





Wednesday, 26 September 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Crowley's seven-year-old daughter Astarte arrives in Paris. [108]





Thursday, 27 September 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.


   - Neville Foreman to Crowley




Friday, 28 September 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



Current Events:

   - The United Kingdom passes the Dangerous Drugs Act outlawing marijuana.


Sunday, 30 September 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




—  October 


Tuesday, 2 October 1928






Current Events:

   Jack Parsons is 14 years old.


Thursday, 4 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Crowley dines with Montgomery Evans and C.K. Ogden. [114], [397]


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Friday, 5 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Sunday, 7 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Monday, 8 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Wednesday, 10 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Thursday, 11 October 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- While Crowley is at the Chess Club he leaves Kasimira Bass in the care of Carl de Vidal Hunt and his girl friend. That evening Kasimira packs her clothes and leaves Crowley, taking 5,000 francs with her. [105]


   - Carl de Vidal Hunt to Crowley




Friday, 12 October 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Crowley is 53 years old.

Israel Regardie arrives from America at 1:11 p.m. [105]

- Crowley reports the theft of 5,000 francs by Kasimira Bass to the Police. He is later visited by Carl de Vidal Hunt and while moving a large statue he finds the stolen 5,000 francs under the statue and believes it is Hunt who has returned the money taken by Kasimira Bass. [114]

- Crowley purchases from The Galignani Library, 224, Rue de Rivoli, Paris, the books; Golden Verse - Pythagoras, Charteris Mystery, Footsteps that Stopped, and a stamp. [271]


   - C.K. Ogden to Unknown Correspondent


Current Events:

   - The first use of an iron lung machine.


Saturday, 13 October 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

Gerald Yorke pays Crowley a visit. [105]


   - Rosa Reynolds to Kasimira Bass




Tuesday, 16 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.


   - Henri Birven to Martha Kuntzel




Thursday, 18 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke


Current Events:

   Grady McMurtry is 10 years old.


Friday, 19 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Crowley is in Cassis and Marseilles suffering from ptomaine poisoning.





Saturday, 20 October 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.






Monday, 22 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Tuesday, 23 October 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

Kasimira Bass returns to Crowley's apartment. [105]

- Crowley is introduced to Claude Farrere (Frederick-Charles Bargone) by Montgomery Evans. [397]


   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Wednesday, 24 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 25 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.


   - Crowley to Carl de Vidal Hunt




Friday, 26 October 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke #2




Saturday, 27 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Monday, 29 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley




Tuesday, 30 October 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




—  November 


Thursday, 1 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Clifford Church




Friday, 2 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Karl Germer to Gerald Yorke


Current Events:

   - Composer, Dmitri Shostakovish'd 1st Symphony premieres in Philadelphia.


Saturday, 3 November 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

Kasimira Bass leaves Crowley. [105]





Sunday, 4 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans




Monday, 5 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to C.K. Ogden

   - Crowley to Martha Kuntzel

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Tuesday, 6 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.




Current Events:

   - Herbert Hoover is elected the 31st President of the United States.


Wednesday, 7 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Carl de Vidal Hunt to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 8 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Crowley meets Maria de Miramar for the first time. [339]


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Monday, 12 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Crowley dines at the Petite Chaise restaurant, 36 rue de Grenelle, Paris. At 10:45 p.m. Crowley kisses "P.R.S." [397]


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Martha Kuntzel to Henri Birven




Tuesday, 13 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with Annette de Ligon with the object being for "the Great Work." [397]





Wednesday, 14 November 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Crowley sees the movies Le Roi de Cirque and Le dernier des hommes. [397]


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 15 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Hotel du Chateau to Crowley




Saturday, 17 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



Current Events:

   Israel Regardie is 21 years old.


Sunday, 18 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Today is Crowley's 30th "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his initiation into the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke


Current Events:

   - Walt Disney's Steamboat Willie is released, the first Mickey Mouse sound cartoon.


Monday, 19 November 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.






Tuesday, 20 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Crowley's daughter, Astarte, is visiting Crowley. [see correspondence]


   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Alfred Dunhill Ltd. to Crowley




Wednesday, 21 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 22 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke


Current Events:

   - First public performance of composer, Maurice Ravel's Bolero in Paris.


Friday, 23 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Karl Germer

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Monday, 26 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with Kasimira Bass with the object being Gold "of quite a unique kind—ritual performance—many strange ideas—astral occurrence very remarkably good—10:05 p.m." He noted "the Magical Phenomena in this apartment are now acute. Lights and shadows, dancing sparks, noises as of people walking about, a large dark ghost in the bedroom lobby, short attacks of rheumatism (to three of us) and a Nameless ear which seized Regardie [Israel Regardie]" [397]


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke #2

   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley

   - Carl de Vidal Hunt to Gerald Yorke

   - Debt Recovery Association to Crowley




Wednesday, 28 November 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




—  December 


Monday, 3 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Debt Recovery Association to Crowley




Tuesday, 4 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 6 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.


   - Debt Recovery Association to Israel Regardie

News Related to Crowley:

   - Times-Union



Friday, 7 December 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

Gerald Yorke visits Crowley for the weekend. [105]


   - Kasimira Bass to Eugene Shoecraft




Sunday, 9 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Before returning to London Gerald Yorke takes the Oath of Probationer in the AA. [124]


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Monday, 10 December 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

News Related to Crowley:

   - Indianapolis Times



Tuesday, 11 December 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

- Crowley dismisses Carl de Vidal Hunt as his agent. [114]


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Wednesday, 12 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 13 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Lecram Press




Friday, 14 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Cora Eaton

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




circa mid-December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.


   - Carl de Vidal Hunt to Crowley




Sunday, 16 December 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Martha Kuntzel

   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Carl de Vidal Hunt to Gerald Yorke




Monday, 17 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 47 years old.


Wednesday, 19 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



Current Events:

   Gerald Yorke is 27 years old.


Thursday, 20 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Friday, 21 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Karl Germer to Crowley




Saturday, 22 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke


Current Events:

   - The Winter Solstice.


Sunday, 23 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Lecram Press

   - Crowley to Chas. de Monmouth Millage

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Monday, 24 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Lecram Press to Crowley




Tuesday, 25 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Karl Germer

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Wednesday, 26 December 1928


Diary Entries:

  - Aleister Crowley

Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Friday, 28 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke

   - Carl de Vidal Hunt to Gerald Yorke




Saturday, 29 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Sunday, 30 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.



   - Crowley to Benjamin Charles Hammond




Monday, 31 December 1928



Location: 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris.

Gerald Yorke is made a trustee of the E.A. Crowley settlement. [see statement]


   - Martha Kuntzel to Crowley





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