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The Many Faces of Aleister Crowley


Aleister Crowley's

Birth Certificate


The Grange in Redhill, Surrey.

The Crowley Family Moved

Here in June 1881


Circa 1889

Circa 1889



The Devil's Chimney, Beachy Head

14 July 1894


Etheldreda's Pinnacle, Beachy Head

14 July 1894


Circa 1896


Circa 1896


Circa 1896


Circa 1896


Circa 1896


Circa 1899


Circa 1899

Circa 1899

Circa 1899





Circa September 1901


1902 K2 Expedition. [298]


1902 K2 Expedition


20 June 1902.

The K2 Expedition. From left to right. Guy Knowles, Crowley & Victor Wessely. [298]



20 June 1902.


The 1902 K2 Expedition. From left to right is Victor Wessely, Oscar Eckenstein, Jules Jacot-Guillarmod, Aleister Crowley, Heinrich Pfannl and Guy Knowles.





See Photos of Crowley's 1902

Mountaineering Expedition to K2 

K2 Expedition. August 1902


K2 Expedition. August 1902.


K2 Expedition. August 1902.


Circa 1903


7 November 1903.

Crowley with Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod in Les Verrières, Switzerland. [298]


6 November 1903.

Crowley in Les Verrières,

Switzerland. Photographed

by Dr. Jules Jacot. [298]



6 November 1903.

Crowley in Les Verrières,

Switzerland. Photographed

by Dr. Jules Jacot.




6 November 1903.

Crowley in Les Verrières,

Switzerland. Photographed

by Dr. Jules Jacot.





Rose Kelly and Crowley - circa 1904


Circa 1904


Circa 1904


"Prince Chaio Khan" - circa 1904


"Prince Chaio Khan" - circa 1904


"Prince Chaio Khan" - circa 1904


Circa 1905


Circa 1905


Circa 1905.

Indianapolis Star 13 May 1923.


Circa 1905


Circa 1905


Crowley's Chinese Passport - 1905 [286]


Aleister Crowley with daughter Lillith - April 1905. [298]


Aleister Crowley with daughter Lillith - April 1905. [432]

Group portrait during a

reception and dinner

at Boleskine [432]

Kangchenjunga Expedition - 1905.

Crowley in Sunglasses and hat. [298]


Kangchenjunga Expedition - 1905.

Aleister Crowley with Mr. Melik





See Photos of Crowley's 1905 Mountaineering Expedition to Kangchengunga


Circa 1905


Circa 1905


Circa 1905


Circa 1905


Circa 1905


Circa 1905


Circa 1905


Circa May 1906


Circa May 1906


New York

Circa 1906


New York

Circa 1906


Circa 1906


Circa 1906


Sculpture of Crowley

by Michael Brenner, October 1908


Circa 1909

Circa 1909


Circa 1909


The Ibis

Circa March 1909


The God

Circa March 1909


The Thunderbolt

Circa March 1909


The Dragon

Circa March 1909



Scars on Crowley's Arms from

Liber Jugorum practice

Circa September 1910


Circa 1909


Circa 1909


January 10, 1910 - Crowley, Rose

and Lola Zaza


January 10, 1910 - Crowley, Rose

and Lola Zaza


January 10, 1910 - Crowley, Rose

and Lola Zaza


Circa 1910


Circa 1910


Circa 1910


Circa 1910


Circa 1910


Circa 1910


Circa 1910


Circa 1910


Circa 1910


Rites of Eleusis - 1910


Rites of Eleusis - 1910


Rites of Eleusis - 1910


Rites of Eleusis - Caxton Hall - 1910


Rites of Eleusis - Caxton Hall - 1910


Rites of Eleusis - 1910 

Rites of Eleusis - 1910


Rites of Eleusis - 1910

Rites of Eleusis - 1910


Rites of Eleusis - 1910


Rites of Eleusis - 1910


Circa 1910


Circa 1910


Circa 1910


Circa 1910


Circa 1910


Portrait by Augustus John - 1911


Portrait by Jacob Kramer - 1911


Portrait by Jacob Kramer - 1911


Portrait by Jacob Kramer - 1911


Circa 1912


Circa 1912


Circa 1912


Circa 1912


Circa 1912


Circa 1912


Circa 1912


Circa 1912


Circa 1912


Circa 1912



Crowley as Baphomet X° from Theodor Reuss' Oriflamme - circa 1912



Circa 1913


Circa 1913


Circa 1913


Portrait by Augustus John - Circa 1914


Portrait by Augustus John - Circa 1914


Circa 1915


Circa 1915


Circa 1915


Circa 1915/1916

Portrait by Stella Marks (Version 1)

[additional info] 

Circa 1915/1916

Portrait by Stella Marks (Version 2)

[additional info]


Circa 1916


Circa 1916 


Crowley in his studio, seeking inspiration from his favorite Chinese idol, "Ha-Toi," which he carries with him in his world wanderings - Indianapolis Star 6 May 1923.


Circa 1917


Circa 1917.


Circa 1917


Psychochrome by Leon Engers Kennedy

Circa 1917.


Psychochrome by Leon Engers Kennedy

Circa 1917.


Portrait by Leon Engers Kennedy

Circa 1917-1918.


From Crowley's 'Rex de Arte Magia', Part III [145]


Gerald Hamilton and Crowley

with the Scarlet Woman


Self Portrait as

The Master Therion 666

Circa 1918.


Photographed at His Easel in His Studio on Washington Square, New York City.


Photographed at His Easel in His Studio on Washington Square, New York City - from the Indianapolis Star 22 April 1923.


Decatur, Georgia - 1919


Decatur, Georgia - 1919


Decatur, Georgia - 1919


Portrait by Bob Chanler - 1919


Circa - 1919


Decatur, Georgia - October 1919


Decatur, Georgia - October 1919


Decatur, Georgia - October 1919


Decatur, Georgia - October 1919


The Sun (Auto Portrait)



Cefalu - circa 1921


Cefalu - circa 1921


Frank Bennett, Aleister Crowley, Leah Hirsig

Hansi, Jane Wolfe & Howard Shumway

Cefalu - circa 1921


Circa 1923


Circa 1923


Circa 1923


Circa 1923


Circa 1923


Circa 1923


Circa 1923


Circa 1923


Circa 1925


Circa 1927





From The Morning Call

Newspaper, 27 May 1928





Registrar's Certificate Issued on 23 July 1929

for Crowley and Maria Ferrari de Miramar


Marriage Certificate Issued on 16 August 1929

for Crowley and Maria Ferrari de Miramar


Crowley and Maria Ferrari de Miramar - circa 1929


Crowley and Maria Ferrari de Miramar - circa 1929


Crowley and Maria Ferrari de Miramar - circa 1929


Crowley and Maria Ferrari de Miramar - circa 1929


Crowley and Maria Ferrari de Miramar - circa 1929


Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Self Portrait

circa 1929


Circa 1929

Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Circa 1929


Portrait by Augustus John - 1929


Crowley & Fernando Pessoa - September 1930



Circa 1930


Circa 1930


Circa 1930


Circa 1930


Circa 1930


Circa 1930


Circa 1930


Circa 1930


Aleister Crowley Portrait

by Gwen Le Gallienne (circa 1930)


Aleister Crowley Portrait

by Austin Spare (1931)




Aleister Crowley Portrait

by Max Brüning (1931)


Crowley & Bertha Busch

by Max Brüning (1931)


Circa 1932


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


June 1934


22 June 1934

From Left: Frank Lewis

A. W. Shipley &

Aleister Crowley

See Photo Caption at Right [431]


Caption from Photograph

at Left [431]


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


Circa 1934


18 July 1935 - At a Foyle's Literary

Luncheon Seated next to a wax

Effigy of the Murderer Charlie Peace.


18 July 1935 - At a Foyle's Literary

Luncheon Seated next to a wax

Effigy of the Murderer Charlie Peace.


18 July 1935 - At a Foyle's Literary

Luncheon Seated next to a wax

Effigy of the Murderer Charlie Peace.

(Crowley on Left)


Self Portrait as the

Taoist philosopher Kwaw

Circa 1935



"Real Detective" Magazine

March 1936


11 August 1938


Crowley as Fo-Hi, the Chinese God of Joy and Laughter - circa 1939


Crowley as Fo-Hi, the Chinese God of Joy and Laughter - circa 1939


Circa 1939


Circa 1939


Circa 1939


Circa 1939


Circa 1939


Circa 1939


Crowley with Frieda Harris (right)

& Pearl Brooksmith - circa 1941


1 February 1942


1 February 1942


Circa 1942


Circa 1942


Circa 1942


Circa 1943


Circa 1943


Circa 1943


Circa 1943


Circa 1943


Circa 1943


Circa 1943


Circa 1943


Circa 1943


Self Portrait

August 1944 [152]


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946


Circa 1946

[World Review - July 1949]


Circa 1946


Portrait by Augustus John

July 1946


Portrait by Augustus John

Reproduced as a postcard

and signed by Crowley


Portrait by Frieda Harris for

Crowley's Book Olla

circa 1946 

Circa 1947


Circa 1947


Circa 1947


Circa 1947


Circa 1947 

Circa 1947


Circa 1947


Circa 1947


Circa 1947


Circa 1947


Circa 1947


Circa 1947

by Frieda Harris


Circa 1947

Circa 1947

by Frieda Harris

Circa 1947

by Frieda Harris


Crowley Dying - Circa 1947

by Frieda Harris


Death Certificate


Aleister Crowley Portrait

by Austin Spare (1953)


Muy mago Krowley Alistor

by Xul Solar (1961)



Crowley's Oath of a Probationer

21 March 1904


Crowley's Oath of a Neophyte

21 March 1905


Crowley's Oath of a Zelator

22 November 1905


Crowley's Oath of a Practicus

23 November 1905


Crowley's Oath of a Philosophus

24 November 1905


Crowley's Oath of a Dominus Liminis

25 November 1905


Crowley's Oath of an Adeptus Minor

11 February 1906


John Yarker's Certificate

Recognizing Crowley as Sovereign

Grand Inspector General (33°)

29 November 1910 [331]


Crowley's Charter as Grand

National Master General of

Ordo Templi Orientis

21 April 1912 [331]


Certificate of Freemasons of

33rd Rite in Scotland

Signed by Theodor Reuss

31 May 1913


Crowley's certificate of honorary

membership in a secret Italian

Order in Florence (1913) [120]


Crowley's American Charter for

O.T.O. from Theodore Reuss [331]


Crowley's copper dagger. [14]


Crowley's copper dagger


Crowley's Masonic headdress

and medallion. [14]


Crowley's Golden Dawn sash. [14]


Crowley's Golden Dawn sash. [14]



Crowley's Wand [The Man We Want to Hang]


Crowley's Wand [The Man We Want to Hang]


Crowley's Wand [The Man We Want to Hang


Crowley's Wand [The Man We Want to Hang]


Crowley's Wand [The Man We Want to Hang]



Crowley's Wand


Crowley's Robe and Knife



Crowley's Robe (front)



Crowley's Robe (back)



Crowley's Robe (detail)



Crowley's Robe (detail)



Crowley's Robe (detail)



Crowley's Magical Dagger



Crowley's Magical Dagger



Crowley's Magical Dagger (front)



Crowley's Magical Dagger (back)



Crowley's Magical Dagger (scabbard detail)



Crowley's Magical Dagger (scabbard detail)



Crowley's Cigarette Case found at the Boca de Inferno, Portugal - circa 1930. [19]









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