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— 1895 —


January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December



—  January 


Tuesday, 1 January 1895





News Related to Crowley:

   - Scottish Mountaineering Journal

   - Scottish Mountaineering Journal



Thursday, 10 January 1895






Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 22 years old.


Wednesday, 16 January 1895






Current Events:

   Norman Mudd is 6 years old.


Tuesday, 22 January 1895






Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 10 years old.


—  February 


Wednesday, 6 February 1895






Current Events:

   - Babe Ruth is born.


Wednesday, 13 February 1895






Current Events:

   - The moving picture projector is patented.


Thursday, 14 February 1895






Current Events:

   - The premiere of Oscar Wilde's play The Importance of Being Earnest in London.


Saturday, 23 February 1895





News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily Telegraph



—  March 


Monday, 4 March 1895






Current Events:

   - The premiere of Gustav Mahler's 2nd Symphony in Berlin, Germany.


Tuesday, 5 March 1895






Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.


Thursday, 21 March 1895






Current Events:

   Jane Wolfe is 20 years old.


—  circa Spring 1895 


circa Spring 1895



- Returning to the Bernese Alps in south-central Switzerland, Crowley scales many of its peaks, including the Eiger (13,025 feet), which he conquered alone. Noting no record of an ascent of Trift (7,667 feet) from the Mountet side, he and an “intelligent-looking young Englishman” named Ellis climbed it in half a day. [56], [286]





—  April 


Tuesday, 2 April 1895






Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 9 years old.


Friday, 5 April 1896






Current Events:

   - Oscar Wilde loses his libel case against the Marquess of Queensbury, who had accused him of homosexual practices.


Tuesday, 9 April 1895






Current Events:

   Leah Hirsig is 12 years old.


Tuesday, 30 April 1895



- Crowley and Mr. New are climbing at Beachy Head and execute the Waterhouse Climb, from the Grass Traverse between the Spit-Block and "Etheldreda’s Pinnacle," emerging at the angle of the cliff and the “Pinnacle Buttress." They also climb the Round Topped Pillar by the crack in its West face & "Nero's Gulley." [Eastbourne Gazette]





—  May 


Wednesday, 1 May 1895



- The Scottish Mountaineering Journal publishes an article by Crowley entitled "Chalk Climbing at Beachy Head."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Alpine Journal

   - Scottish Mountaineering Journal



Saturday, 4 May 1895



- Crowley and Gregor Grant climb Gullies K. J. and C.  Minor climbs. The “Cavern Climb,” an extremely steep gully from below "The Hornet's Nest" and running up the cliff face to the foot of Gully A. [Eastbourne Gazette]





Monday, 6 May 1895






Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 12 years old.


Wednesday, 8 May 1895





News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Saturday, 25 May 1895






Current Events:

   - Oscar Wilde sentenced to two years imprisonment for gross indecency (homosexuality).


Monday, 27 May 1895






Current Events:

   - British inventor, Birt Acres, patents a film camera/projector.


—  circa  Summer 1895 


circa Summer 1895



- In the summer of 1895 Crowley climbs the peaks of the Jungfrau (13,642 feet), Mönch (13,474 feet), Eigerjoch, Junfraujoch, Mönchjoch, Beichgrat, Petersgrat and the Wetterhorn (12,113 feet). [56], [286]





—  June 


Sunday, 9 June 1895






Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 10 years old.


Thursday, 20 June 1895






Current Events:

   - Caroline Willard Baldwin is the first female awarded a doctorate from an American university (Cornell University).


Friday, 21 June 1895






Current Events:

   - British Prime Minister Primrose's Liberal Party government falls.


Tuesday, 25 June 1895






Current Events:

   Robert Gascoyne-Cecil becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.


—  July 


Friday, 12 July 1895



George Cecil Jones is initiated into the Order of the Golden Dawn at the Isis-Urania temple in London.





Tuesday, 23 July 1895






Current Events:

   Rose Kelly is 21 years old.


—  August 


Tuesday, 13 August 1895






Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 18 years old.


Saturday, 17 August 1895






Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.


—  September 


Sunday, 1 September 1895






Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 17 years old.


—  October 


circa October 1895



- Crowley, after receiving a personal recommendations from Lord Ritchie, former Foreign Secretary and Lord Salisbury, Britain's then-current prime minister, begins attending Trinity College, Cambridge and  takes a room in 16 St. John's Street, Cambridge, overlooking St. John's Chapel. [56], [233], [286]





Wednesday, 2 October 1895






Current Events:

   - The first cartoon comic strip is published in a newspaper.


Saturday, 12 October 1895



- Crowley is 20 years old.





Friday, 25 October 1895



- A paper by Gregor Grant and Crowley entitled "On Peak and Pinnacle" is read before The Sidcup Literary and Scientific Society.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Yearbook of Scientific and Learned Societies



Tuesday, 29 October 1895



- Crowley participates in a debate as part of the Cambridge Union debating society at Cambridge University. Crowley's team was a "No" on the topic of "That this House would welcome the expulsion of the Turks from Constantinople." It's reported that Crowley pointed out various fallacies in the speeches of his opponents. [Cambridge Review]





Thursday, 31 October 1895





News Related to Crowley:

   - Cambridge Review



—  November 


Friday, 8 November 1895






Current Events:

   - German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen produces and detects electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range known today as X-rays.


Tuesday, 19 November 1895






Current Events:

   - American inventor Frederick E. Blaisdell patents the pencil.


Wednesday, 27 November 1895






Current Events:

   - Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel's will establishes the Nobel Prize.


—  December 


circa December 1895



- Crowley's application for membership in the Alpine Club passes the membership committee. He is proposed by J.N. Collie and seconded by Martin Conway. Before his name comes up for ballot vote on 6 February 1896 his name is cut out of the proposed membership list.





Sunday, 8 December 1895






Current Events:

   - Allan Bennett is 23 years old.


Tuesday, 17 December 1895






Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 14 years old.


Tuesday, 31 December 1895





   - Moina Mathers to Annie Horniman





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