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— 1915 —


January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December



circa 1915



- Crowley's essay "Honesty is the Best Policy" from The Fatherland is reprinted in the book The World on Fire.


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley

   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley

   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley

   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley

   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley

   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley

   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley

   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley

   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - British Black Book

   - The World on Fire



—  January 


circa January 1915



Wilfred Talbot Smith joins the MMM; the British branch of the O.T.O. [7]

- in early January Crowley is on a bus proceeding up Fifth Avenue in New York City when a man by the name of O'Brien asks him if he was "in favor of a square deal for Germany and Austria." When Crowley answers in the positive he is given the man's card and invited to come to his office at a paper called The Fatherland at a later date. When Crowley eventually visits the office he instead meets George Sylvester Viereck  and ends up writing pro-German articles for The Fatherland, the first being “Honesty is the Best Policy.” which appears in print on 13 January. [261]





Friday, 1 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

John Quinn invites Crowley to dinner along with John Butler Yeats, and art critic F. J. Gregg. [31 December 1914 - John Quinn to Jack Yeats]

- Crowley grants Charles Stansfeld Jones a patent proclaiming him to be VII°, a holder of all the degrees of O.T.O. up to and including Sovereign Grand Inspector General of all rites and his representative in the City of Vancouver. [7]


   - Leilah Waddell to Unknown Correspondent




Saturday, 2 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Lea Dewey with the object being 'the gift of oratory.' [78], [80]





Sunday, 3 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Monday, 4 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.


   - John Quinn to Crowley




Tuesday, 5 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Grace Harris with the object being 'sex attraction.' [78], [80]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley

   - John Quinn to Crowley




Wednesday, 6 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Thursday, 7 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley sells $100 worth of books to "S.K." [77]





Friday, 8 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.


   - John Quinn to Crowley




Saturday, 9 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Sunday, 10 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Lea Dewey with the object being 'sex attraction.' [78], [80]



Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 42 years old.


Monday, 11 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Tuesday, 12 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.



Current Events:

   - The United States House of Representatives rejects a proposal to give women the right to vote.


Wednesday, 13 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

The Fatherland publishes Part I of Crowley's essay Honesty is the Best Policy.”


   - John Quinn to W.B. Yeats

News Related to Crowley:

   - Fatherland



Thursday, 14 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a 'solo' sexual magical operation with the object being 'energy.' [78], [80]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Friday, 15 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Saturday, 16 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Margaret Pitcher with the object being 'money.' [78], [80]



Current Events:

   Norman Mudd is 26 years old.


Sunday, 17 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a 'solo' sexual magical operation with the object being 'money.' [78], [80]

- The Chattanooga Daily Times reprints a copy of Crowley's essay "Honesty is the Best Policy" from The Fatherland.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chattanooga Daily Times



Monday, 18 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

Wilfred Talbot Smith and Emily Talbot Smith sign the preliminary pledge form of the MMM (the British branch of the O.T.O.). [7]


   - W.B. Yeats to J.B. Yeats




Tuesday, 19 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

   - Crowley conducts a 'solo' sexual magical operation with the object being 'money.' [78], [80]



Current Events:

   - The first German Zeppelin air raid attack on the United Kingdom.


Wednesday, 20 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

The Fatherland publishes Part II of Crowley's essay Honesty is the Best Policy.”


News Related to Crowley:

   - Fatherland



Thursday, 21 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Friday, 22 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.



Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 30 years old.


Saturday, 23 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Sunday, 24 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Monday, 25 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley


Current Events:

   - Inventor, Alexander Graham Bell in New York, calls Thomas Watson in San Francisco on the telephone.


Tuesday, 26 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts two sexual magical operations with Lola Auguste Grumbacher with the object being 'a rich marriage.' [78], [80]

- The Dubuque Telegraph Herald in Dubuque, Iowa prints Part I of a copy of Crowley's essay "Honesty is the Best Policy".


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

News Related to Crowley:

   - Dubuque Telegraph-Herald



Wednesday, 27 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley


Current Events:

   - United States Marines occupy Haiti.


Thursday, 28 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Friday, 29 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Lola Auguste Grumbacher with the object being 'a rich marriage.' [78], [80]

- The Dubuque Telegraph Herald in Dubuque, Iowa prints Part II of a copy of Crowley's essay "Honesty is the Best Policy".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Dubuque Telegraph-Herald



Saturday, 30 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Aimée Gouraud with the object being 'sex force.' [78], [80]





Sunday, 31 January 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





—  February 


Monday, 1 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Tuesday, 2 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.


   - L.B. Yardley to Frank Bennett




Wednesday, 3 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Thursday, 4 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Friday, 5 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Saturday, 6 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Sunday, 7 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a 'solo' sexual magical operation with the object being '$20,000.' [78], [80]





Monday, 8 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Lea Dewey with the object being '$20,000.' [78], [80]


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley


Current Events:

   - The film The Birth of A Nation opens in Los Angeles, California.


Tuesday, 9 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Wednesday, 10 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Thursday, 11 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Lea Dewey with the object being '$20,000.' [78], [80]


News Related to Crowley:

   - New Age



Friday, 12 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Saturday, 13 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Lea Dewey with the object being 'To be a worth High Priest of the Lord Phallos.' [78], [80]

- In Liverpool, England Leila Waddell boards the RMS Lusitania and embarks by boat for New York. [238]





Sunday, 14 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Monday, 15 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Tuesday, 16 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Wednesday, 17 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Thursday, 18 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.



Current Events:

   - Germany begins a naval blockade of Britain.


Friday, 19 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Saturday, 20 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

Leila Waddell arrives in New York aboard the RMS Lusitania from Liverpool, England. [238]





Sunday, 21 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Leila Waddell with the object being 'sex-force and sex-attraction.' [78], [80]





Monday, 22 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Tuesday, 23 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Wednesday, 24 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Thursday, 25 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.


   - John Quinn to W. B. Yeats




Friday, 26 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

The Continental Times publishes Crowley's essay An Orgy of Cant.”


News Related to Crowley:

   - Continental Times



Saturday, 27 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: New York City, New York.





Sunday, 28 February 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





—  March 


circa March 1915



- Crowley takes a week off in March to go to Philadelphia, where evangelist, Billy Sunday is conducting a revival. [249]





Monday, 1 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

James Windram appoints Ernest Dunn VII° as Acting Viceroy for Australasia.





Tuesday, 2 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Wednesday, 3 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Thursday, 4 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Lea Dewey with the object being 'Amnydpwaw, i.e. a mantra-like word meaning All my New York debts paid within a week.' [78], [80]





Friday, 5 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- The first O.T.O. initiation in North America takes place in North Vancouver when W.C. Clark takes the Minerval degree initiation at the British Columbia Lodge No. 1. He is initiated by Charles Stansfeld Jones. [262]



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.


Saturday, 6 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Sunday, 7 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Monday, 8 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Tuesday, 9 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Wednesday, 10 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.





Thursday, 18 March 1915



Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- The Deutscher Herold reprints a copy of Crowley's essay "Honesty is the Best Policy" from The Fatherland.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Deutscher Herold



Friday, 19 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Doris Gomez with the object being 'the further mysteries of the IX°.' [78], [80]

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Leila Waddell with the object being 'all McFall's savings.' [78], [80]





Saturday, 20 March 1915



Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Athenaeum



Sunday, 21 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a 'solo' sexual magical operation with the object being 'to obtain the Word of Equinox.' [78], [80]


   - W. B. Yeats to John Quinn


Current Events:

   - The Spring Equinox

   Jane Wolfe is 40 years old.


Friday, 26 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Lea Dewey with the object being 'Wisdom.' [78], [80]





Saturday, 27 March 1915



Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.



News Related to Crowley:

   - North-China Herald



Wednesday, 31 March 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Doris Gomez with the object being 'Wisdom.' [78], [80]





—  April 


Friday, 2 April 1915



Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.



Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 29 years old.


Wednesday, 7 April 1915



Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.



   - John Quinn to Crowley


Current Events:

   - Singer, Billie Holiday is born.


Thursday, 8 April 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Doris Gomez with the object being 'Wisdom.' [78], [80]



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Friday, 9 April 1915



Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.

   Leah Hirsig is 32 years old.


Saturday, 10 April 1915



Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

Howard White takes the Minerval degree initiation at midnight at the British Columbia Lodge No. 1 in North Vancouver. He is initiated by Charles Stansfeld Jones. [262], [264]



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Monday, 12 April 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Doris Gomez with the object being 'Inspiration.' [78], [80]





Thursday, 15 April 1915



Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.



   - John Quinn to Crowley




Saturday, 17 April 1915



Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- At 7:45 p.m. W.C. Clark and Charles Stansfeld Jones conduct the Minerval degree initiation at the British Columbia Lodge No. 1. The initiates are Wilfred Talbot Smith, Emily Talbot Smith, Rubina Stansfeld Jones, Catherine Skidmore, Edwin Parnell, and Maud Grady. [7]


   - Meeting Minutes - B.C. Lodge




Monday, 19 April 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Doris Gomez with the object being 'Inspiration.' [78], [80]





Tuesday, 20 April 1915



Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.



   - Meeting Minutes - B.C. Lodge




Wednesday, 21 April 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Doris Gomez with the object being 'Business success tomorrow morning.' [78], [80]


   - John Quinn to Crowley

   - L.B. Yardley to Frank Bennett




Thursday, 22 April 1915



Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.




Current Events:

   - First military use of poison gas (chlorine gas) by Germany in World War I .


Saturday, 24 April 1915



Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.


   - John Quinn to W.B. Yeats


Current Events:

   - Germany uses chloroform gas in Ypres, Belgium.


Monday, 26 April 1915



Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.



Current Events:

   - Italy signs the "Treaty of London" with Britain, France and Russia, bringing Italy into World War I on the side of the allies.


Thursday, 29 April 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 40 West 36th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Doris Gomez with the object being 'Glory and Thanksgiving to the Holy Phallos.' [78], [80]


   - John Quinn to Crowley




—  May 


circa May 1915



- Crowley enlists Mitchell Kennerley to publish The Giant’s Thumb, a collection of poetry that he had had typeset by the Ballantyne Press in England but which was never released owing to the war; however, the project with Kennerley never advanced beyond page proofs. [56]





Monday, 3 May 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Helen Marshall with the object being 'Wisdom.' [78], [80]





Tuesday, 4 May 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Leila Waddell with the object being 'sex-force and sex-attraction.' [78], [80]





Wednesday, 5 May 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a 'solo' sexual magical operation with the object being 'a independent fortune suited to my rank.' [78], [80]





Thursday, 6 May 1915



Location: New York City, New York.



Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 32 years old.


Friday, 7 May 1915



Location: New York City, New York.




Current Events:

   - The RMS Lusitania is sunk by a German submarine off the southern coast of Ireland. 1,198 people are killed.


Saturday, 8 May 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Viola with the object being 'a mate, o Babalon, if Thou lovest me.' [78], [80]





Monday, 10 May 1915



Location: New York City, New York.




Current Events:

   - A German Zeppelin drops hundreds of bombs on Southend-on-Sea, Essex, England.


Friday, 14 May 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Doris Gomez with the object being 'Σοφια Wisdom.' [78], [80]





Saturday, 22 May 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a three separate sexual magical operations with three separate male strangers in the steam room of a Turkish Bath with the object being 'Wisdom.' [78], [80]





Sunday, 23 May 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Marie Low with the object being 'Wisdom.' [78], [80]



Current Events:

   - Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary.


Tuesday, 25 May 1915



Location: New York City, New York.




Current Events:

   - The second battle of Ypres ends with 105,000 casualties.


Saturday, 29 May 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with a male stranger in the steam room of a Turkish Bath with the object being 'Wisdom.' [78], [80]





Sunday, 30 May 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Mr. Finch with the object being 'Wisdom.' [78], [80]





Monday, 31 May 1915



Location: New York City, New York.




Current Events:

   - A German Zeppelin makes an air raid on London.


—  June 


Tuesday, 1 June 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

The International publishes Crowley's essay The End of England.”

- The Occult Review prints a review of Crowley's Book 4, Part II.


News Related to Crowley:

    - International

    - Occult Review

    - Vanity Fair



Wednesday, 2 June 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with 'Julia Robertson' with the object being 'Wisdom.' [78], [80]





Friday, 4 June 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts three sexual magical operations with Mr. Finch with the object being 'I am keeping this man for myself.' [78], [80]





Sunday, 6 June 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Mr. Finch with the object being 'I, as a secret mother, am keeping this man for myself (?).' [78], [80]





Wednesday, 9 June 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with 'Mamie' with the object being 'success tonight, i.e. making a good impression on Mrs. Finch and Co.' [78], [80]



Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 30 years old.


Thursday, 10 June 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley meets Jeanne Foster for the first time in the company of her friend Helen Westley. [78], [80]





Friday, 11 June 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a 'solo' sexual magical operation with the object being 'Thanksgiving for Jeanne Foster.' [78], [80]





Saturday, 12 June 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

The first full public performance "A Rite of Isis" written by Charles Stansfeld Jones and Howard White. Jones acts as the Magus with White as the Assistant Magus and Wilfred Talbot Smith as the Magus of Fire. Other performers include Rubina Stansfeld Jones and Emily Talbot Smith as Priestesses of Isis. Emily Talbot Smiths' daughter Katherine serves as the musical director and Benjamin Dawson serves as the Acolyte. [7]





Sunday, 13 June 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Laura Brown with the object being 'Energy.' [78], [80]





Wednesday, 16 June 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with 'Lilian' with the object being 'Poetic inspiration.' [78], [80]

The Fatherland publishes Crowley's essay England or Germany? Mr. Harris.”


News Related to Crowley:

   - Fatherland



Saturday, 19 June 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- The Bronxville Review reports that Crowley was a guest in the early week of Layton Crippin at the Hotel Gramatan in Bronxville, New York.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bronxville Review

   - Publishers' Circular

   - Scarsdale Inquirer



Tuesday, 22 June 1915



Location: New York City, New York.




Current Events:

   - The Summer Solstice.


Thursday, 24 June 1915



Location: New York City, New York.



   - W. B. Yeats to John Quinn




Sunday, 27 June 1915



Location: New York City, New York.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Sunday Mirror



—  July 


Wednesday, 1 July 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

The International publishes Crowley's essay The Blunders of Edward VII and How to Repair Them.”

Vanity Fair publishes Crowley's article Vampire Women.”


News Related to Crowley:

    - International

    - Little Review

    - Vanity Fair



Friday, 3 July 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- At dawn Crowley, Leila Waddell and eight others, including J. Dorr and Patrick Gilroy, steer a thirty-foot launch from the recreation pier of West Fiftieth Street down the Hudson River, into the Bay, and stop off Bedloe's Island under the Statue of Liberty. At 4:32 A.M. Crowley begins a ceremony to declare the independence of the Irish Republic. An Irish flag is unfurled, an English passport is torn up and scattered onto the water, and the Declaration of Independence of Ireland is read. The launch then proceeds up the Hudson river with Leila Waddell playing patriotic Irish airs on her violin. The party then lands the launch and goes to Jack's restaurant for breakfast. See the New York Times for details of the event and Crowley's speech.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Portsmouth Daily Times



Tuesday, 7 July 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Doris Gomez with the object being 'Sammasati.' [238]


News Related to Crowley:

    - Continental Times



Wednesday, 8 July 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

Jeanne Foster returns to New York and to Crowley. [238]

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster with the object being 'a male child.' [238]





Friday, 10 July 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- At 10:29 p.m. on a warm night "the air full of moisture" Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster. Per Crowley "This is in fact real passion, though yet very young. So, too, the elixir lay almost undisturbed in the cucurbit." [238]





Sunday, 12 July 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- At 12:15 a.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Helen Sullivan, a "small slim keen girl; amateur with no objection to profit if possible, Sun in Pisces, probably Aquarius rising, a cashier at Rothenburg's." The operation was undertaken "on the spur of the moment at the conclusion of a rather Panic day." The operation was "pretty good." He added "There is some question, however, as to whether the whole affair is not a deceit of the devil." [238]





Monday, 13 July 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Helen Westley with the object being 'a child by Hilarion [Jeanne Foster].' [238]


News Related to Crowley:

    - Los Angeles Times

    - New York Times



Tuesday, 14 July 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster. [238]


News Related to Crowley:

    - Kansas City Star



Wednesday, 15 July 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.






Friday, 16 July 1915



Location: New York City, New York.


   - John Quinn to W.B. Yeats




Saturday, 17 July 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley and Jeanne Foster conduct their fourth sexual magical operation together. The object being Hilarion's [Jeanne Foster's] problems. [238]





Sunday, 18 July 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley and Jeanne Foster spend the afternoon swimming and then dine in Manhattan at the McAlpin Hotel. [238]

- Crowley and Jeanne Foster conduct their fifth sexual magical operation together. The object chosen by Jeanne being "the Regeneration of Humanity." [238]


News Related to Crowley:

    - New York Herald



Monday, 19 July 1915


News Related to Crowley:

    - New York Times

Location: New York City, New York.

The New York Times publishes a Letter to the Editor from Crowley.


   - Crowley to the New York Times




Wednesday, 21 July 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

The Fatherland publishes Crowley's essay England on the Brink of Revolution.”


News Related to Crowley:

    - Fatherland

    - Musical Courier



Thursday, 22 July 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Helen Westley with the object being 'Awake awake Hilarion [Jeanne Foster].' [238]





Friday, 23 July 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley and Jeanne Foster meet at 7:15 a.m. and spend the day at Rockaway Beach. They begin to make love in one of the changing sheds but are interrupted by Jeanne's period. They dine and continue sex later with Crowley remarking that the Elixir was "roseate and perfect." They then sleep in each other's arms until 12:30 a.m. on Saturday. [238]



Current Events:

   Rose Kelly is 41 years old.


Saturday, 24 July 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- The Franklin Evening News in Franklin, Pennsylvania, prints a copy of Crowley's "A German View of England".


News Related to Crowley:

    - Academy

    - Franklin Evening News



Wednesday, 29 July 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- circa late July Crowley conducts a series of sexual magical operations with Helen Westley aimed at freeing Jeanne Foster from constraints to her True Will. The object of the first operation being "Thy Will be done, Hilarion." The object of the second operation being "Freedom of action for Hilarion." [238]


News Related to Crowley:

    - Box Elder News

    - Scottsboro Citizen



Friday, 30 July 1915



Location: New York City, New York.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Brownsville Daily Herald



—  August 


Sunday, 1 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

The Open Court publishes Crowley's essay The New Parsifal. A Study of Wilhelm II.

Vanity Fair publishes Crowley's articles A Hindu at the Polo Ground” and “The Hokku—A New Verse Form.”

- The International publishes Crowley's short story Lieutenant Finn's Promotion.”

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Helen Westley with the object being "a canoe trip with Hilarion [Jeanne Foster]." [238]


News Related to Crowley:

    - International

    - Open Court

    - Vanity Fair

    - Vanity Fair

    - Vanity Fair



Monday, 2 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Helen Westley with the object being "Marriage with Hilarion [Jeanne Foster]." The result he later noted as "This came off, so far as it was possible. At the same time, it was not my True Will, but a romantic idealistic folly." [238]





Thursday, 5 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley obtains a loan of £15 from a pawnbroker by the name of Sutton for the following items: Plated tea urn, Silver tea pot, Silver milk jug, Silver sugar basin, Silver cigar box, 2 pairs plated candle sticks, Gold seal Crucifix: 3 bottle spirit cabinet: Kodak camera: Pair top boots. All in large kit bag. [104]



Current Events:

   - Warsaw, Russia is occupied by the Germans.


Friday, 6 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- The New Ulm Post in New Ulm, Minnesota, prints a copy of Crowley's "The End of England."


News Related to Crowley:

    - New Ulm Post



Saturday, 7 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Irish Standard



Monday, 9 August 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- The Bang publishes Crowley's poem "The Dome."

- Crowley and Jeanne Foster conduct their seventh sexual magical operation together with no object specified. [238]


News Related to Crowley:

    - Bang



Wednesday, 11 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

The Fatherland publishes Crowley's essay A Great Irish Poet's Indorsement of the Fatherland.”


News Related to Crowley:

    - Continental Times

    - Fatherland

    - Fatherland



Thursday, 12 August 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley and Jeanne Foster conduct their ninth sexual magical operation together with the object being "You [Crowley]." [238]





Friday, 13 August 1915






Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 38 years old.


Sunday, 15 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley and Jeanne Foster go to Rockaway Beach on Long Island for a days' bathing. They have a "long quarrel about sex-magic at dinner." [238]





Monday, 16 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- The Bang publishes Crowley's poem "Recognition."


News Related to Crowley:

    - Bang



Tuesday, 17 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones


Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.


Wednesday, 18 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- The Evening Post in New York, New York, prints excerpts from Crowley's "The New Parsifal".


News Related to Crowley:

    - Evening Post



Friday, 20 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

The Continental Times publishes Crowley's essay A New Parsifal. Wilhelm II. The Vision of an English Poet.”


News Related to Crowley:

    - Continental Times



Saturday, 21 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Helen Westley with the object being "Hilarion's [Jeanne Foster] Freedom." Crowley receives a telephone call from Jeanne at 6:00 p.m. and they go for hour and a half drive in Central Park. [238]



Current Events:

   - Italy declares war on Turkey.


Sunday, 22 August 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster. [238]





Monday, 23 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

Jeanne Foster leaves New York with no farewell or explanation to Crowley. [238]

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Helen Westley with the object being "Faith in God." [238]





Tuesday, 24 August 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley receives a reassuring telegram from Jeanne Foster. [238]

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Helen Westley with the object being 'Thanks to God for Hilarion [Jeanne Foster].' [238]





Thursday, 27 August 1915



Location: New York City, New York.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Daily Review



—  September 


circa September 1915



- Crowley presents Jeanne Foster with a copy of his Book of Lies. The first inscription reads "For them I wrote the Book of Lies. For you I write the Book of Truth; They of their wisdom made me wise, you of your folly gave me youth." The second inscription reads "Hilarion [Jeanne Foster] from Perdurabo." [Harry Ransom Research Center]





Wednesday, 1 September 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

The International publishes Crowley's essay The Attitude of America to the War.”

Vanity Fair publishes Crowley's translation of Paul Verlaine's poem Colloque Sentimental.”


News Related to Crowley:

    - International

    - Vanity Fair

Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 37 years old.


Friday, 3 September 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

Location: New York City, New York.

Charles Stansfeld Jones initiates Rubina Stansfeld Jones and Wilfred Talbot Smith into O.T.O. [264]





Monday, 6 September 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- The Bang publishes Crowley's poem "A Rondel."


News Related to Crowley:

    - Bang



Wednesday, 8 September 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

Jeanne Foster returns to Crowley. [238]

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster the object being "Thanksgiving to God and love toward him." [238]





Monday, 13 September 1915



Location: New York City, New York.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Sunday, 19 September 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster. [238]





Tuesday, 21 September 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster the object being "This woman for my wife?" [238]





Friday, 24 September 1915



Location: New York City, New York.




Current Events:

   - The Fall Equinox.


Saturday, 25 September 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

Rubina Stansfeld Jones is initiated into II° O.T.O. [293]





—  October 


Friday, 1 October 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- The International publishes Crowley's articles Billy Sunday” and Appel Au Bon Sens Francais.”

Vanity Fair publishes Crowley's article The Prize Winners of the Hokku Contest” and his translation of Paul Verlaine's poetry “With Muted Strings.”


News Related to Crowley:

    - International

    - International

    - Literary Guide

    - Phoenix

    - Vanity Fair

    - Vanity Fair



Saturday, 2 October 1915






Current Events:

   Jack Parsons is 1 year old.


Sunday, 3 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Odette Colcock the object being "Power over Hilarion [Jeanne Foster]." [238]





Tuesday, 5 October 1915



Location: New York City, New York.

- The Eau Claire Leader in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, prints a copy of Crowley's "The Future of the Submarine".


News Related to Crowley:

    - Eau Claire Leader



Wednesday, 6 October 1915



Location: Traveling to Detroit, Michigan.

The Continental Times publishes Crowley's Essay America's Attitude to the War.”

The Fatherland publishes Crowley's Essay The Future of the Submarine.”

- In the early evening Crowley, Jeanne Foster, and her husband, Matlack Foster, leave New York by train bound for Detroit. [238]

- At 9:00 p.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster. [238]


News Related to Crowley:

    - Continental Times

    - Fatherland



Thursday, 7 October 1915



Location: Detroit, Michigan.

- At 6:00 a.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster. [238]

- Crowley, Jeanne Foster, and her husband, Matlack Foster, arrive by train in Detroit. [238]





Friday, 8 October 1915



Location: Detroit, Michigan.

- Circa 8 October, Crowley pays a visit to the Parke Davis Pharmaceutical factory to talk to them regarding Anhalonium Lewinii. They welcome him and even agree to make him some special preparations of the drug based on his specifications. [238]


   - Charles Rosher to Ethel Archer




Saturday, 9 October 1915



Location: Traveling from Detroit, Michigan to Chicago, Illinois.

- Circa 9 October, Crowley, Jeanne Foster, and her husband, Matlack Foster, travel by train to Chicago. [238]





Sunday, 10 October 1915



Location: Chicago, Illinois.


   - L.B. Yardley to Frank Bennett




Monday, 11 October 1915



Location: Blackstone Hotel, Michigan Boulevard, Chicago.

- The Continental Times in Berlin, Germany, prints a letter from Crowley taking issue with their introduction to his article "End of England."

- In the afternoon Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster the object being "To be always with this woman without obstacle." [238]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Crowley to The Continental Times

News Related to Crowley:

    - Continental Times



Tuesday, 12 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling from Chicago, Illinois to St. Paul, Minnesota.

- Crowley is 40 years old.

- Crowley claims the grade of Magus taking the motto 'To Mega Therion'. [31]

- Crowley travels by train to St. Paul, Minnesota. [238]



Current Events:

   - The Ford Motor Company manufactures its one millionth automobile in Detroit, Michigan.


Wednesday, 13 October 1915



Location: Traveling from St. Paul, Minnesota to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

- Realizing that he has lost his lapis lazuli ring, engraved with his V.V.V.V.V. motto, Crowley returns at 10:00 a.m. to the railway station and finds the lapis lazuli on the railway platform broken into seven pieces. [238]

- Crowley travels by train to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [238]





Thursday, 14 October 1915



Location: Traveling from St. Paul, Minnesota to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Justice



Friday, 15 October 1915



Location: Traveling from St. Paul, Minnesota to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

- The Bang publishes Crowley's poem "Hymn of Orpheus."


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

News Related to Crowley:

    - Bang



Saturday, 16 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Location: Hotel Vancouver, Howe Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [238]

- Crowley, wearing a gray overcoat and sporting a Malacca cane, arrives by train at 9:25 a.m. in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada where he is greeted by Charles Stansfeld Jones. [238]

- Crowley spends the day speaking with Charles Stansfeld Jones about O.T.O. and AA business. [238]

- At 4:30 p.m. Crowley is introduced to Wilfred Talbot Smith. [238]



Current Events:

   - Great Britain declares war on Bulgaria.


Tuesday, 19 October 1915



Location: Hotel Vancouver, Howe Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [238]

- At 5:30 p.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster with the object being "Thanksgiving for my sister and bride Hilarion [Jeanne Foster]." [238]

- Crowley and Jeanne Foster go to Charles Stansfeld Jones' home at 1532 Lonsdale Avenue in North Vancouver. The British Columbia Lodge Number 1 assembles to initiate into the Minerval and degrees Reginald W. Shaw and Horace Sheridan-Bickers. Afterwards Crowley gives a short speech congratulating the Lodge on its progress considering the short time is has been established, and expresses his entire satisfaction with the work. [238]



Current Events:

   - Russia and Italy declare war on Bulgaria.


Wednesday, 20 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: Hotel Vancouver, Howe Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [238]

- At 1:10 p.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster. [238]

- In the afternoon Crowley meets with Howard White and takes him for an "Astral Journey". Additionally he passes him to the Grade of  Probationer. See Jones' 21 October 1915 Diary Entry for full details. [264]

- At 6:15 p.m. Charles Stansfeld Jones meets Crowley in his room at the Hotel Vancouver and they go for an "Astral Journey". After completing this "Astral Journey" Jones and Crowley are joined by Rubina Stansfeld Jones and Jeanne Foster who invites them all out for dinner. Jones and his wife return to North Vancouver by the 11 P.M. boat. See Jones' 21 October 1915 Diary Entry for full details. [264]

- After going to bed Charles Stansfeld Jones believes he has worked out the secrets to the VIII° and IX° Grades. [264]





Thursday, 21 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Charles Stansfeld Jones meets Crowley at the Hotel Vancouver at 7:30 A.M. and tells Crowley that he believes that he has worked out the secrets to the VIII° and IX° Grades. [264] He says good-bye at 9:30 A.M. and Crowley departs Vancouver. [261], [264]





Friday, 22 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones






Saturday, 23 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

Location: New Washington Hotel, Seattle, Washington.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones


Current Events:

   - Approximately 25,000 supporters join in a women's suffrage march in New York city.


Sunday, 24 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

Location: Hotel Multnomah, Portland, Oregon.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Monday, 25 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

Location: Hotel Multnomah, Portland, Oregon.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster with the object being "Hilarion's [Jeanne Foster] Freedom." [238]





Tuesday, 26 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones






Wednesday, 27 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

- At 3:27 p.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with "Juanita" with the object being "Magick Power. This has special reference to my wish to declare myself, and master California." [238]





Thursday, 28 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones






Friday, 29 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones



   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Saturday, 30 October 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster with the object being "Let us offer up our happiness to God." [238]





Sunday, 31 October 1915



Location: Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California. [238]





—  November 


Monday, 1 November 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

Location: Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California.

The International publishes Crowley's book review Frank Harris' Great Book” and short story “The Chute.”

Vanity Fair publishes Crowley's translation of Charles Baudelaire's poetry Three Little Poems in Prose.”

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster with the object being "Hilarion's [Jeanne Foster] Freedom." [238]


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley

   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

    - International

    - International

    - Phoenix

    - Vanity Fair



Tuesday, 2 November 1915



Location: Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Wednesday, 3 November 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

Location: Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California.






Thursday, 4 November 1915



Location: Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Friday, 5 November 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

Location: San Francisco, California.

- At 2:12 a.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Myriam Deroxe with the object being "Θ . . . 40 . . . Φ." [238]

- Later in the day Crowley leaves San Francisco by train and heads south to Santa Cruz. Along the way he meets up with Jeanne Foster. [238]





Monday, 8 November 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

Location: Los Angeles, California.

- At 11:27 a.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster with the object being "In thanks to God." [238]





Tuesday, 9 November 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones



   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Wednesday, 10 November 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

- The Fatherland publishes Crowley's article Skeletons in the Cabinet.”

Rubina Stansfeld Jones is initiated into III° O.T.O. [293]


News Related to Crowley:

    - Fatherland



Thursday, 11 November 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: San Diego, California. [238]

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster with the object being the same as in Opus CXXI. [238]

- Crowley asks Jeanne Foster to deliver a letter of "Pure Love" to Katherine Tingley in which he proposes that they form an alliance against Annie Besant. [238]





Friday, 12 November 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

Location: San Diego, California. [238]

- Crowley decides to visit Katherine Tingley in person and goes to her flower garden overlooking the Pacific. Crowley is rebuffed. While waiting for his automobile ride he witnesses their "soulless devilries for awhile" and then witnesses a young man rush out to take photographs of him which he thought to be "extraordinary." [238]





Saturday, 13 November 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: San Diego, California.

- Crowley has a nightmare which he attributes to an attack on him by Katherine Tingley. [238]





Wednesday, 17 November 1915






Current Events:

   Israel Regardie is 8 years old.


Thursday, 18 November 1915



- Today is Crowley's 17th "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his initiation into the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898.





Friday, 19 November 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

Location: Kansas City, Missouri. [238]

 - The New Ulm Post in New Ulm, Minnesota, prints a copy of Crowley's "The Attitude of America to the War".

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Ruth "Hall" with the object being the same as in Opus CXXI. [238]


News Related to Crowley:

    - New Ulm Post



Sunday, 21 November 1915



Location: The Blackstone, Chicago, Illinois.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Monday, 22 November 1915



Location: Chicago, Illinois. [238]



   - John Quinn to Crowley




Tuesday, 23 November 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: Buffalo, New York. [238]

- Around 11:30 p.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster with the object being 'Semper eadem!ever the same.' [238]


   - L.B. Yardley to Frank Bennett




Wednesday, 24 November 1915





   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Friday, 26 November 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones






Sunday, 28 November 1915





   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




—  December 


circa December 1915





   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Wednesday, 1 December 1915



Vanity Fair publishes Crowley's articles The Hokku Winners,” “The Nonsense about Vers Libre” and his translations of Charles Baudelaire's poetry “Six Little Poems in Prose.”

- The International publishes Crowley's article Sweet Reasonableness.”


News Related to Crowley:

    - Open Court

    - International

    - Vanity Fair

    - Vanity Fair

    - Vanity Fair



Thursday, 2 December 1915



Location: New York, New York.

Stella Marks begins working on two miniature portraits [portrait one / portrait two] of Crowley. [more info]


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley




Friday, 3 December 1915



Location: New York, New York.

- Crowley attends a party hosted by Elvira and William McNeir, stockbroker, and meets "Mierka." who he later engages in four sexual magical operation between 4 and 7 December. [238]





Saturday, 4 December 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York, New York.

- Crowley conducts a the first of four sexual magical operations with "Mierka." [238]





Tuesday, 7 December 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York, New York.

- Crowley conducts a the fourth of four sexual magical operations with "Mierka." [238]





Wednesday, 8 December 1915






Current Events:

   - Allan Bennett is 43 years old.

   - Composer, Jean Sibelius' 5th Symphony in E premieres.


Thursday, 9 December 1915



Location: 25 West 44th Street, New York, New York. [238]   

Crowley is living in New York under the alias "Cyril Grey." [238]  


   - John Quinn to Crowley




Friday, 10 December 1915



Location: 25 West 44th Street, New York, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster with the object being 'Magical Energy' which Crowley recorded to be an 'Instant Success.' [238]





Saturday, 11 December 1915



Location: 25 West 44th Street, New York, New York.

- Crowley inscribes a copy of his book Household Gods to Jeanne Foster with the inscription "To Hilarion from Θηρίον. Straight forward simple love of maid and man is the one safeguard from the jests of Pan. Dec 11, 1915." [Household Gods. Harry Ransom Center. PR 6005 R7 H68 1912 - Copy 2]





Sunday, 12 December 1915






Current Events:

   - The first all-metal aircraft (the Junkers J-1) is test flown at Dessau Germany.

   - Singer, Frank Sinatra is born.


Monday, 13 December 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 25 West 44th Street, New York, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster with the object being 'Money.' [238]

- Crowley writes the short story "The Mysterious Malady." [384]





Friday, 17 December 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York, New York.

- At 10:00 p.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Rita Gonzales with the object being 'Hilarion's [Jeanne Foster] happiness.' [238]



Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 34 years old.


Saturday, 18 December 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York, New York.

- At 10:40 p.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster with the object being 'Power to continue The Golden Rose which had languished of late weeks.' [238]


News Related to Crowley:

    - Pittsburgh Press



Sunday, 19 December 1915



Location: New York, New York.



Current Events:

   Gerald Yorke is 14 years old.


Tuesday, 21 December 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York, New York.

- At 1:50 a.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Rita Gonzales with the object being 'The whole of Hilarion [Jeanne Foster].' [238]





Wednesday, 22 December 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York, New York.

- At 9:46 p.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Jeanne Foster with the object being 'Create in me a clean beast, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.' [238]



Current Events:

   - The Winter Solstice.


Sunday, 26 December 1915


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York, New York.

- At 5:40 p.m. Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Rita Gonzales with the object being 'Health.' [238]


News Related to Crowley:

    - Washington Post



Wednesday, 29 December 1915



Location: New York, New York.

- The Fatherland publishes Crowley's Essay Behind the Front (Part I).”


News Related to Crowley:

    - Fatherland




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