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— 1923 —


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circa 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

- Crowley's book The Diary of a Drug Fiend is published in the United States. 

Charles Stansfeld Jones' books XXXI Hymns to the Star Goddess Who Is Not and Crystal Vision through Crystal Gazing are published.  

Charles Stansfeld Jones' musical score for Three Songs of the New Aeon is published.  


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - "Margery" to Crowley




—  January 


circa January 1923





   - Unknown Correspondent to Crowley




Monday, 1 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- The English Review publishes a review of Crowley's book The Diary of a Drug Fiend.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookman's Journal

   - Daily Nonpareil

   - Detroit Times

   - English Review

   - News Palladium

   - Public Opinion

   - Salina Daily Union

   - Santa Cruz Evening News

   - Springfield Daily Leader

   - Springfield Daily Republican

   - Vancouver Daily World

Current Events:

   - The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (USSR) is established.


Tuesday, 2 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Detroit Times

   - Evening Independent

   - Miami Herald

   - Orlando Evening Star



Wednesday, 3 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Camden Post-Telegram

   - Harrisburgh Telegraph

   - Milwaukee Journal

   - San Bernardino Daily Sun

   - Xenia Gazette



Thursday, 4 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Capital Times

   - New Castle Herald

   - Telegraph Herald



Friday, 5 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily News

   - Detroit News

   - Montgomery Times

   - Olean Evening Herald



Saturday, 6 January 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- The Northern Whig publishes a review of Crowley's The Diary of a Drug Fiend.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Austin American

   - Janesville Daily Gazette

   - Northern Whig

   - Times



Sunday, 7 January 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Detroit Free Press



Monday, 8 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Courier

   - Daily Register

   - Decatur Herald

   - Daily Northwestern

   - Daily Register Gazette

   - Hattiesburg American

   - Jackson News

   - La Crosse Tribune

   - Tucson Citizen



Tuesday, 9 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- The Westminster Gazette publishes a review of Crowley's The Diary of a Drug Fiend.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

News Related to Crowley:

   - American Statesman

   - Salina Evening Journal

   - Westminster Gazette

   - Wilmington News-Journal



Wednesday, 10 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Rockford Republic

Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 50 years old.


Thursday, 11 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Albany Evening Herald

   - Nevada State Journal



Friday, 12 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Cordova Times



Saturday, 13 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Los Angeles Times



Sunday, 14 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Courier

   - Tampa Tribune



Monday, 15 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


   - Norman Mudd to Stansfeld Jones

News Related to Crowley:

   - Santa Ana Register



Tuesday, 16 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bridgeport Telegram

Current Events:

   Norman Mudd is 34 years old.


Wednesday, 17 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Honolulu Star-Bulletin



Saturday, 20 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Billings Gazette

   - Chicago Daily News

   - Daily Post-Herald

   - Press



Sunday, 21 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture on "Inner Obstacles To Perfection" at 11:00 a.m. in Le Salon Francais, 213-214 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 22 January 1923






Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 38 years old.


Tuesday, 23 January 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- The Scotsman publishes a review of Crowley's The Diary of a Drug Fiend.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Aberdeen Press

   - Scotsman



Wednesday, 24 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Denver Post



Thursday, 25 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Billings Gazette



Friday, 26 January 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Altoona Tribune



Saturday, 27 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 28 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture on "Exterior Obstacles To Perfection" at 11:00 a.m. in Le Salon Francais, 213-214 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 29 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


   - Crowley to James Doughty




Tuesday, 30 January 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- The Aberdeen Press and Journal publishes a review of Victor B. Neuburg's book Larkspur.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Aberdeen Press and Journal



—  February 


Thursday, 1 February 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- The Occult Press Review publishes a review of Charles Stansfeld Jones' book Q.B.L.; or The Bride's Reception.

- The Occult Press Review publishes an article by Charles Stansfeld Jones entitled "Bread or Stones (Part I)."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Occult Press Review

   - Occult Press Review



Sunday, 4 February 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


   - James Doughty to Crowley




Thursday, 8 February 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Denver Post



Friday, 9 February 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

Norman Mudd makes out his Last Will and Testament. [132]


   - Last Will and Testament of Norman Mudd




Saturday, 10 February 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- The Spectator publishes a review of Crowley's book The Diary of a Drug Fiend.

Betty May gets into a fight with Ninette Shumway after calling her a slob. [56]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Spectator



Sunday, 11 February 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

Betty May gets into a fight with Crowley over newspapers being banned from the Abbey. In the evening she packs her bags, leaves the Abbey, and goes to Palermo where she lodges a complaint against Crowley with the British Consul. [56]


   - Raoul Loveday to His Parents




Monday, 12 February 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

Jane Wolfe is sent by Crowley to Palermo to find Betty May and discover what her intentions are. Wolfe finds that Betty is planning to send an urgent telegram to Raoul Loveday's father and to speak with the Commissario of Cefalů and the British Consul. Jane returns to the Abbey and relates this to Crowley. Jane returns to Palermo and gives Betty a letter from Raoul. Betty returns to the Abbey but is forced by Leah Hirsig to sign an affidavit before being allowed to enter and see her husband. [287]


   - Betty May to British Consulate

   - Raoul Loveday to Betty May

   - Leah Hirsig Statement




Tuesday, 13 February 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.





Wednesday, 14 February 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

Raoul Loveday's illness takes a turn for the worse and a doctor is called in to attend to him. The doctor's diagnosis is acute enteritis. [56]


   - Crowley to James Doughty




Friday, 16 February 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

Raoul Loveday's illness worsens and Crowley and Betty May travel to town to fetch the doctor. [56]

- At about 4 P.M. Raoul Loveday dies at the Abbey of Thelema, Cefalu, Sicily, Italy. The doctor puts the cause of death to paralysis of the heart, and assures everyone that, even if they’d called him when Raoul first got sick, he was so weak that the outcome would not have changed. Within an hour of death, Raoul's body is placed in a coffin. Crowley spends the night reciting over the body and rapping on the side of the coffin with his wand. [84], [56]  





Saturday, 17 February 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- In the morning Crowley puts on his long white silk robe and his star sapphire ring and conducts a funeral for Raoul Loveday. On Crowley's breast hangs a topaz Rosy Cross and on his head is a coronet inscribed with the name of the northern archangel Uriel. A mule-driven cart carries the coffin to the local Catholic cemetery as the local monks watch the solemn procession of Crowley and his acolytes. Howard Shumway, dressed in a blue silk robe and crowned with a wreath of flowers, ran ahead excitedly. The mourners found Howard at the cemetery, running in circles and announcing, “We’re going to bury Raoul!” Crowley, Leah Hirsig, Ninette Shumway, Jane Wolfe, and Betty May, all robed, gathered round the bier. Crowley strikes his Tibetan bell and conducts a Thelemic funeral service, reciting the “Quia Patris” from his play The Ship. [56], [112], [250]

- Following the funeral Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

   - Graphic

   - Sphere



Sunday, 18 February 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture on "The Secret of Suffering" at 11:00 a.m. in Le Salon Francais, 213-214 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 

Betty May receives funds from the British Consul to pay for her return to England. [233] 


   - British Consulate to Betty May




Monday, 19 February 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 



Current Events:

   - Composer, Jean Sibelius' 6th Symphony premieres.


Tuesday, 20 February 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Westminster Gazette



Friday, 23 February 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 


   - Crowley to Frank Bennett

   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Sunday, 25 February 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Sunday Express



Monday, 26 February 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Betty May to Crowley

   - Raoul Loveday Statement




Wednesday, 28 February 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- In the evening Jane Wolfe arrives in London from Deippe, France. She calls on Betty Sheridan-Bickers for assistance. [206]

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 





—  March 


circa March 1923



- Crowley writes the poem "In Disillusion". [376]





Thursday, 1 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- The Bookman's Journal publishes a review of Victor B. Neuburg's books from The Vine Press.

- Crowley is confined to his room by illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookman's Journal



Friday, 2 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily Express



Saturday, 3 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily Express

Current Events:

   Time magazine publishes its first issue.


Sunday, 4 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Sunday Express



Monday, 5 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.


Friday, 9 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Allan Bennett, age 50, dies in London, England.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 





Saturday, 10 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - John Bull



Sunday, 11 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Ogden Standard-Examiner



Wednesday, 14 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 



Current Events:

   The German Supreme Court prohibits the NSDAP (Nazi Party).


Thursday, 15 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is confined to his room due to illness and fever and doesn't venture outside again until 16 March. [250] 


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Friday, 16 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley ventures outside for the first time since the funeral of Raoul Loveday. He has been confined to his room by illness and fever. [250] 


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

   - Crowley to Robert Stott




Saturday, 17 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Argus

   - Detroit Times

   - John Bull



Sunday, 18 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vancouver Sun



Monday, 19 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Tuesday 20 March 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley performs the Ceremony of the Equinox. [84]


   - Unknown to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times



Wednesday, 21 March 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

Leah Hirsig receives the Word of the Equinox. [84]



Current Events:

   - The Spring Equinox

   Jane Wolfe is 48 years old.


Friday, 23 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


   - Crowley to Frank Bennett

   - Crowley to Norman Robb

   - Crowley to Mr. Sampson




Saturday, 24 March 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - John Bull



Sunday, 25 March 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.





Monday, 26 March 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.





Tuesday, 27 March 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Wednesday, 28 March 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.





Thursday, 29 March 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.





Friday, 30 March 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Indianapolis Star



Saturday, 31 March 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.





—  April 


circa April 1923





   - Crowley to James Cabell

   - Crowley to Raymond Greene




Sunday, 1 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- The British Journal of Inebriety publishes a review of Crowley's book The Diary of a Drug Fiend.

- The Occult Press Review publishes an article by Charles Stansfeld Jones entitled "Bread or Stones (Part II)."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times

   - British Journal of Inebriety

   - Indianapolis Star

   - New Orleans States

   - Occult Press Review

   - San Francisco Examiner



Monday, 2 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley writes the poem "The Bed" and a final stanza for another poem called "In Disillusion". [84]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones


Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 37 years old.


Tuesday, 3 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.





Wednesday, 4 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley does some work on dictating The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. [84]


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Thursday, 5 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.





Friday, 6 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Saturday, 7 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - John Bull

Current Events:

   - The first brain tumor operation under local anesthesia is performed.


Sunday, 8 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times

   - Denver Post

   - Indianapolis Star

   - New Orleans States

   - Pittsburgh Press

Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Monday, 9 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.

   Leah Hirsig is 40 years old.


Tuesday, 10 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Wednesday, 11 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.





Thursday, 12 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Tonkawa News



Friday, 13 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley leaves for Naples to meet Raymond Greene, a friend of Raoul Loveday. [84]

- Benito Mussolini signs an Expulsion Order expelling Crowley from Italy. [see correspondence]





Saturday, 14 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Raymond Greene

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley meets Raymond Greene, a friend of Raoul Loveday, in Naples. [84]

- The Worthing Herald publishes a review of Victor B. Neuburg's book Larkspur.

Charles Stansfeld Jones finishes writing his book The Egyptian Revival. [324]   


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

   - John Bull

   - Worthing Herald

Current Events:

   - Anniversary of the death of Crowley's mother, Emily.


Sunday, 15 April 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is in Naples. [84]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "More Light On Intuition" at 11:00 a.m. at the 213-214 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times

   - Denver Post

   - Indianapolis Star

   - New Orleans States

   - San Francisco Examiner

Current Events:

   - Insulin becomes generally available for treating diabetes.


Tuesday, 17 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is in Naples. [84]





Wednesday, 18 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is in Naples. [84]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Hermes The Thrice Greatest" at 8:00 p.m. at the 213-214 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]

- The Worthing Herald publishes a second review of Victor B. Neuburg's book Larkspur.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Worthing Herald



Thursday, 19 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is in Naples. [84]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Detroit Free Press



Friday, 20 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is in Naples. [84]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Detroit Free Press



Saturday, 21 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley returns to the Abbey of Thelema. [84]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 22 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

Norman Mudd arrives at the Abbey of Thelema.  [84]

- John Pinney and Claud Bosanquet, two undergraduates of Oxford, arrive to investigate the death of their friend Raoul Loveday. Crowley shows them the way to climb "Cavern Pitch" and "Deep Gill Pillar" among the local rock formations and he is delighted when they succeed in climbing both.  [250] 

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Further Light On Initiation" at 11:00 a.m. at the 213-214 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times

   - Denver Post

   - Indianapolis Star

   - New Orleans States



Monday, 23 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley is summoned to the Cefalů Police Station and the Expulsion Order expelling Crowley from Italy is read to him. He has until 1 May to leave Italy. [84], [250] 


NOTE: "According to Charles Gray, he, Gray, was responsible for Crowley's expulsion from Italy. On John Pinney's return from Cefalů, he brought him and Peter Rodd together. Rodd's father was British Ambassador in Rome, and Gray persuaded Rodd to communicate with him. 'I believe that it was the result of representations made by Sir Rennel Rodd that Crowley was expelled,' wrote Mr. Gray to me in January 1952, after he had read The Great Beast. [250] 


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Wednesday, 24 April 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Hermetic Philosophy" at 8:00 p.m. at the 213-214 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Thursday, 26 April 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


   - Norman Mudd to Frank Bennett




Saturday, 28 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

   - John Bull

   - John Bull



Sunday, 29 April 1923



Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Planetary Initiation" at 11:00 a.m. at the 213-214 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times

   - Denver Post

   - Indianapolis Star



Monday, 30 April 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Residence: Abbey of Thelema, Cefalů, Sicily.

- Crowley and Leah Hirsig leave the Abbey of Thelema after receiving an order of expulsion from Italy on 13 April. [84]

- Crowley signs a document transferring all his property situated at the Abbey of Thelema to Norman Mudd. [132]


   - Transfer of Property




—  May 


circa May 1923



Charles Stansfeld Jones' book The Egyptian Revival is published.  





Tuesday, 1 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling from Palermo to Tunis.

- Crowley and Leah Hirsig leave Palermo for Tunis. [84]

- The Poetry Review publishes a review of Victor B. Neuburg's book Larkspur.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Poetry Review



Wednesday, 2 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunis.

- Crowley and Leah Hirsig arrive in Tunis. [84]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Magic And Business" at 8:00 p.m. at the 213-214 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Thursday, 3 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunis.





Friday, 4 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel Eymon in the Arab Quarter, Tunis.

- Crowley takes a room in Hotel Eymon in the Arab town near the Porte de France. [84]





Saturday, 5 May 1923



Location: Hotel Eymon in the Arab Quarter, Tunis.


News Related to Crowley:

   - John Bull

   - Pensacola News Journal



Sunday, 6 May 1923



Location: Hotel Eymon in the Arab Quarter, Tunis.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times

   - Denver Post

   - Indianapolis Star

   - New Orleans States

Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 40 years old.


Monday, 7 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel Eymon in the Arab Quarter, Tunis.

- Crowley conducts a magical sexual operation with Leah Hirsig with the object being 'Physical energy in widest sense.' [84]





Tuesday, 8 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel Eymon in the Arab Quarter, Tunis.


   - Crowley to Godfrey Collins




Wednesday, 9 May 1923



Location: Hotel Eymon in the Arab Quarter, Tunis.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Thursday, 10 May 1923



Location: Hotel Eymon in the Arab Quarter, Tunis.


   - Leah Hirsig to Ninette Shumway




Friday, 11 May 1923



Location: Hotel Eymon in the Arab Quarter, Tunis. [31]

- Crowley arrives in Tunis and works on the Qabalistic Comment to CCXX all night. [31] 





Saturday, 12 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia. [31]

- Crowley travels to Marsa Plage. [31]


   - Betty May to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 13 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Hotel Au Souffle du Zephyr. [31]

Leah Hirsig arrives from Tunis to join Crowley. [31]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Chalice Of Ecstasy" at 11:00 a.m. at the 213-214 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times

   - Denver Post

   - Indianapolis Star

   - New Orleans States



Monday, 14 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Hotel Au Souffle du Zephyr.






Tuesday, 15 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Hotel Au Souffle du Zephyr.



   - Norman Mudd to Quotidien




Wednesday, 16 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Hotel Au Souffle du Zephyr.

- Leah Hirsig goes to Tunis. [31]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Science Of Life" at 8:00 p.m. at the 213-214 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Thursday, 17 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Hotel Au Souffle du Zephyr.





Friday, 18 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Hotel Au Souffle du Zephyr.





Saturday, 19 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Hotel Au Souffle du Zephyr.

- Crowley introduces himself to the Tunis Chess Club and plays two games of chess which he wins. [31]

- At 7:26 a.m. Ninette Shumway gives birth to her and Baron Carlos La Calce's child. Upon Crowley's advice she names the child Isabella Isis Selene Hecate Artemis Diana Hera Jane. [250]


News Related to Crowley:

   - John Bull



Sunday, 20 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Hotel Au Souffle du Zephyr.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times

   - Denver Post

   - Indianapolis Star

   - New Orleans States



Monday, 21 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Hotel Au Souffle du Zephyr.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Tuesday, 22 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Aleister Crowley #2

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia. [31]





Wednesday, 23 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   Stanley Baldwin becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.


Thursday, 24 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.





Friday, 25 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.





Saturday, 26 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia. 





Sunday, 27 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- Crowley spends the evening in Tunis. [31]


   - Crowley to Ninette Shumway

News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times

   - Denver Post

   - Indianapolis Star

   - New Orleans States

Current Events:

   - Statesman, Henry Kissinger is born.


Monday, 28 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- Crowley dictates the essay "Ethyl Oxide" to Leah Hirsig. [31]



Current Events:

   - The U.S. Attorney General declares that it is legal for women to wear trousers anywhere.


Tuesday, 29 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.





Wednesday, 30 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- Crowley returns from Tunis where he has successfully beaten the president of the Tunis Chess Club.  He also saw the film Le Cabinet du Dr Calligari. [31]

- Crowley continues dictating the essay "Ethyl Oxide" to Leah Hirsig. [31]





Thursday, 31 May 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.





—  June 


Friday, 1 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- Crowley continues dictating the essay "Ethyl Oxide" to Leah Hirsig. [31]

To-Day publishes a review of Victor B. Neuburg's books from The Vine Press.

- The Occult Press Review publishes an article by Charles Stansfeld Jones entitled "Gambling with the World."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Occult Press Review

   - To-day



Saturday, 2 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Sunday, 3 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times

   - Denver Post

   - Indianapolis Star

   - New Orleans States



Monday, 4 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

News Related to Crowley:

   - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette



Tuesday, 5 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.





Wednesday, 6 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.





Thursday, 7 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- Crowley decides to stop using heroin at midnight.  See 11 June 1923 "Stopping Heroin" report. [31]





Friday, 8 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- Crowley continues his withdrawal from heroin.  See 11 June 1923 "Stopping Heroin" report. [31]





Saturday, 9 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- Crowley continues his withdrawal from heroin.  See 11 June 1923 "Stopping Heroin" report. [31]



Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 38 years old.


Sunday, 10 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- Crowley continues his withdrawal from heroin.  See 11 June 1923 "Stopping Heroin" report. [31]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times

   - Denver Post

   - Indianapolis Star

   - New Orleans States

   - Pensacola News Journal



Monday, 11 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - Stopping Heroin

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- Crowley continues his withdrawal from heroin.  See 11 June 1923 "Stopping Heroin" report. [31]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Tuesday, 12 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.




Current Events:

   - Escape artist, Harry Houdini frees himself from a straight jacket while suspended upside down, 40 feet above the ground in New York City.


Wednesday, 13 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.



   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Thursday, 14 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Friday, 15 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Saturday, 16 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Sunday, 17 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- Crowley conducts a magical sexual operation with 'Shabmodar.' [31]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times

   - Denver Post

   - Indianapolis Star

   - New Orleans States

   - Pensacola News Journal



Monday, 18 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- Crowley visits Tunis and plays chess at the Chess Club. [31]





Tuesday, 19 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Wednesday, 20 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

Norman Mudd arrives at Marsa Plage, Tunisia. [31]





Thursday, 21 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

Leah Hirsig goes to Sicily. [31]





Friday, 22 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia. [31]



News Related to Crowley:

   - Aberdeen Press and Journal

Current Events:

   - The Summer Solstice.


Saturday, 23 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- Crowley visits Tunis and plays chess at the Chess Club. [31]





Sunday, 24 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Denver Post



Monday, 25 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Tuesday, 26 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Wednesday, 27 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.




Current Events:

   - The first successful aerial refueling of an airplane.


Thursday, 28 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Friday, 29 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Saturday, 30 June 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- Crowley visits Tunis and plays chess at the Chess Club. [31]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Evening Star

   - Kansas City Star



—  July 


circa July 1923



Crowley writes the poem "The Eruption of Aetna" from his expanded second edition of Songs for Italy.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Sunday, 1 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- The Bookseller publishes a review of Crowley's The Diary of a Drug Fiend.

The New Pearson's publishes Crowley's review "The Genius of Mr. James Joyce."

The Reviewer publishes Crowley's article "Another Note on Cabell."

- The Occult Press Review publishes two articles by Charles Stansfeld Jones entitled "Initiation (Part I)" and "The Essence of Practical Qabalah."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookseller

   - Literary Digest

   - New Pearson's

   - Occult Press Review

   - Occult Review

   - Reviewer



Monday, 2 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Wednesday, 4 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.



   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Thursday, 5 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Friday, 6 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Saturday, 7 July 1923



Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Argonaut

   - Literary Review



Sunday, 8 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Monday, 9 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Tuesday, 10 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Wednesday, 11 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Thursday, 12 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- The Rutland Daily Herald publishes a review of Crowley's The Diary of a Drug Fiend.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Rutland Daily Herald



Friday, 13 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.




Current Events:

   - The Hollywood Sign is officially dedicated in the hills above Hollywood, Los Angela.


Saturday, 14 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Evening Post

   - Fresno Bee



Sunday, 15 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookseller

   - New York Times



Monday, 16 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Tuesday, 17 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Wednesday, 18 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

- The Rockford Republic publishes a review of Crowley's The Diary of a Drug Fiend.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Rockford Republic



Thursday, 19 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Friday, 20 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

Eddie Saayman visits Crowley. [31]





Saturday, 21 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.






Sunday, 22 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia.

Eddie Saayman visits Crowley. [31]





Monday, 23 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Marsa Plage, Tunisia / Hotel Eymon, Tunis. [31]

- Crowley leaves La Marsa at 5.20 p.m. to begin his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Hotel Eymon in Tunis. [31]



Current Events:

   Rose Kelly is 49 years old.


Tuesday, 24 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel Eymon, Tunis. [31]

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Hotel Eymon in Tunis. [31]





Wednesday, 25 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel Eymon / Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis. [31]

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement in Tunis, but moves to the Tunisia Palace Hotel. [31]





Thursday, 26 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis. [31]

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Friday, 27 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Saturday, 28 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Sunday, 29 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- The New York Times publishes a review of Crowley's The Diary of a Drug Fiend.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

News Related to Crowley:

   - Baltimore Sun

   - New York Times



Monday, 30 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Tuesday, 31 July 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





—  August 


circa August 1923



- Crowley writes the poem "Lyric of Love to Leah". [376]





Wednesday, 1 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- The Bookman publishes a review of Crowley's The Diary of a Drug Fiend.

- The Occult Press Review publishes two articles by Charles Stansfeld Jones entitled "Current Periodicals" and "Initiation (Part II)."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookman

   - Literary Digest

   - Occult Press Review

   - Occult Press Review



Thursday, 2 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- Crowley visits Hamman-Lif. [31]


   - Leah Hirsig to Frank Bennett




Friday, 3 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


   - Norman Mudd to J.F.C. Fuller


Current Events:

   - Vice President Calvin Coolidge becomes the 30th U.S. President upon the death of President Warren G. Harding.


Saturday, 4 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- The St. Louis Globe-Democrat publishes a review of Crowley's The Diary of a Drug Fiend.


News Related to Crowley:

   - St. Louis Globe-Democrat



Sunday, 5 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Sunday Star



Monday, 6 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Eddie Saayman visits and spends the day with Crowley. [31]





Tuesday, 7 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Wednesday, 8 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Crowley writes "Lyric of Love to Leah." [31]


   - Crowley to Frank Bennett




Thursday, 9 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Saturday, 11 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 12 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- The Detroit Free Press publishes a review of Crowley's The Diary of a Drug Fiend.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Cosmic Consciousness" at 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd. Floor, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


   - Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd

News Related to Crowley:

   - Detroit Free Press



Monday, 13 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]



Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 46 years old.


Tuesday, 14 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Wednesday, 15 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Magic Pantacle" at 8:00 p.m. on the 2nd Floor, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Thursday, 16 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- Crowley publishes the first edition of his pamphlet Songs for Italy.

Crowley writes the poem "Tirolo" from his expanded second edition of Songs for Italy.





Friday, 17 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- Crowley completes a sketch of Norman Mudd. [31]



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.


Saturday, 18 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- Crowley completes a second sketch of Norman Mudd. [31]


   - Norman Mudd to Frank Bennett

News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 19 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "One In All" at 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd. Floor of 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]

- The Illinois State Journal publishes a review of Crowley's The Diary of a Drug Fiend.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Illinois State Journal



Monday, 20 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Tuesday, 21 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Wednesday, 22 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Leah Hirsig arrives from Italy. [31]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Persistence" at 8:00 p.m. on the 2nd Floor of 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Thursday, 23 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Friday, 24 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- Crowley conducts an operation of sex magic with Leah Hirsig for 'help of all sorts'. [31]





Saturday, 25 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


   - Crowley to Consul General




Sunday, 26 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Monday, 27 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Times



Tuesday, 28 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- Crowley and Leah Hirsig drive to Carthage with Dr. Domela, and see Grotto aux mille Amphores. [31]





Wednesday, 29 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


   - Norman Mudd to Dutton




Thursday, 30 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- Crowley writes an essay on the Nature of Reality.


   - Crowley to Helen Hollis

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Friday, 31 August 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


   - Crowley to Arnold Shaw




—  September 


circa September 1923



- Crowley publishes the expanded second edition of his pamphlet Songs for Italy.

- Crowley writes the poems "The Gods took Counsel with the Lords of Fate" and "The Spirit of Solitude". [376]

Charles Stansfeld Jones' book The Chalice of Ecstasy is published.





Saturday, 1 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- The N.Z.L. Quarterly Magazine publishes a copy of Frank Bennett's short story "An Astral Journey."

- The Occult Review publishes a review of Charles Stansfeld Jones' book The Chalice of Ecstasy.

- The Fresno Bee publishes a review of Crowley's The Diary of a Drug Fiend.

- The Occult Press Review publishes two articles by Charles Stansfeld Jones entitled "An Open Epistle of Frater Achad" and "Cosmic Consciousness" .


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookman

   - Chicago Daily News

   - Fresno Bee

   - Literary Digest

   - N.Z.L. Quarterly Magazine

   - Occult Press Review

   - Occult Press Review

   - Occult Review

Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 45 years old.

   - Boxer, Rocky Marciano is born.

   - A magnitude 7.9 earthquake strikes Tokyo and Yokohama in Japan killing 142,000 people.


Sunday, 2 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Race Memories" at 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd. Floor of 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 3 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Tuesday, 4 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


   - Crowley to James Cabell




Wednesday, 5 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Inspiration" at 8:00 p.m. on the 2nd Floor of 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Thursday, 6 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Friday, 7 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Saturday, 8 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Sunday, 9 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Monday, 10 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Tuesday, 11 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Wednesday, 12 September 1923



Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Thursday, 13 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Friday, 14 September 1923



Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

 - Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Saturday, 15 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


   - Norman Mudd to Editor of Quotidien




Sunday, 16 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


News Related to Crowley:

   - San Francisco Chronicle



Monday, 17 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Yorkshire Post

Current Events:

   - Musician, Hank Williams is born.


Tuesday, 18 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


   - Crowley to Mr. Douglas




Wednesday, 19 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


   - Crowley to New York Herald




Thursday, 20 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


   - Norman Mudd to J. Rimmer




Friday, 21 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Saturday, 22 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 23 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- Crowley receives the Word of the Equinox. [31]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Nourishment For The Soul" at 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd. Floor of 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 24 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]



Current Events:

   - The Fall Equinox.


Tuesday, 25 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]





Wednesday, 26 September 1923



Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Realization" at 8:00 p.m. on the 2nd Floor of 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Thursday, 27 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]


   - Leah Hirsig to Stansfeld Jones




Friday, 28 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

- Crowley sends Norman Mudd to Hamman-Lif for a Magical Retirement in which he was to meditate upon the danger of abandoning the Great Work for the sake of a woman [Leah Hirsig]. [287]





Saturday, 29 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Norman Mudd is in Hamman-Lif for a Magical Retirement, as directed by Crowley, in which he was to meditate upon the danger of abandoning the Great Work for the sake of a woman [Leah Hirsig]. [287]





Sunday, 30 September 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Norman Mudd is in Hamman-Lif for a Magical Retirement, as directed by Crowley, in which he was to meditate upon the danger of abandoning the Great Work for the sake of a woman [Leah Hirsig]. [287]





—  October 


circa October 1923



- Crowley writes his Nefta Sonnets. [376]





Monday, 1 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Norman Mudd is in Hamman-Lif for a Magical Retirement, as directed by Crowley, in which he was to meditate upon the danger of abandoning the Great Work for the sake of a woman [Leah Hirsig]. [287]

- To-Day publishes Victor B. Neuburg's poem 'Field-Starlight'.

- The Pine Cone publishes 'Two Poems' by Victor B. Neuburg.


   - Crowley to Bourcier

   - Crowley to Aimée Gourard

   - Crowley to Fanny Hirsig

   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Leah Hirsig to Blanche Conn

News Related to Crowley:

   - Pine Cone

   - To-Day



Tuesday, 2 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Norman Mudd is in Hamman-Lif for a Magical Retirement, as directed by Crowley, in which he was to meditate upon the danger of abandoning the Great Work for the sake of a woman [Leah Hirsig]. [287]



Current Events:

   Jack Parsons is 9 years old.


Wednesday, 3 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis. [31]

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Norman Mudd is in Hamman-Lif for a Magical Retirement, as directed by Crowley, in which he was to meditate upon the danger of abandoning the Great Work for the sake of a woman [Leah Hirsig]. [287]





Thursday, 4 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.[31]

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Norman Mudd is in Hamman-Lif for a Magical Retirement, as directed by Crowley, in which he was to meditate upon the danger of abandoning the Great Work for the sake of a woman [Leah Hirsig]. [287]


   - Crowley to William Collins

   - Crowley to Blanche Conn

   - Crowley to Alma Hirsig




Friday, 5 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis. [31]

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Norman Mudd is in Hamman-Lif for a Magical Retirement, as directed by Crowley, in which he was to meditate upon the danger of abandoning the Great Work for the sake of a woman [Leah Hirsig]. [287]





Saturday, 6 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis. [31]

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Norman Mudd is in Hamman-Lif for a Magical Retirement, as directed by Crowley, in which he was to meditate upon the danger of abandoning the Great Work for the sake of a woman [Leah Hirsig]. [287]





Sunday, 7 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis. [31]

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Norman Mudd is in Hamman-Lif for a Magical Retirement, as directed by Crowley, in which he was to meditate upon the danger of abandoning the Great Work for the sake of a woman [Leah Hirsig]. [287]





Monday, 8 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis. [31]

- Crowley continues his Lesser Magical Retirement at the Tunisia Palace Hotel in Tunis. [31]

Norman Mudd is in Hamman-Lif for a Magical Retirement, as directed by Crowley, in which he was to meditate upon the danger of abandoning the Great Work for the sake of a woman [Leah Hirsig]. [287]





Tuesday, 9 October 1923



- Crowley and Leah Hirsig, leave Tunis for Nefta, Tunisia. [397]

- The Sunday Referee publishes a review by Victor B. Neuburg of Crowley's Magick in Theory and Practice.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Sunday Referee



Thursday, 11 October 1923



Location: Tozeur.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd


Current Events:

   - The German Mark falls in value to 10 billion Marks per Ł; or 4 billion Marks per $.


Friday, 12 October 1923



Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley is 48 years old.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Saturday, 13 October 1923



Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley writes the Oath "Eremites" from his Book of Oaths.


News Related to Crowley:

   - John Bull



Monday, 15 October 1923



Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley writes a letter to Norman Mudd relating his doubts about Leah Hirsig's ability to fulfill her role as the Scarlet Woman and about possible replacements for her. [112]


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Wednesday, 17 October 1923



Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

News Related to Crowley:

   - Aberdeen Press and Journal



Thursday, 18 October 1923



Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   Grady McMurtry is 5 years old.


Saturday, 20 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley writes Chapter I of the Djeridensis Comment to the Book of the Law.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Boston Herald



Sunday, 21 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   - The first planetarium opens at the Deutsche Museum in Munich, Germany.


Monday, 22 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.





Tuesday, 23 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley and Leah Hirsig leave at 8.45 p.m. for a short desert trek through the Great Dunes. [50]


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

   - Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd




Wednesday, 24 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley and Leah Hirsig continue their short desert trek through the Great Dunes and start back around 5.20 p.m. [50]


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Thursday, 25 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.





Friday, 26 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley conducts a magical sex operation with Mohammed ben Brahim for the purpose of "Physical Energy in perfect Freedom." [50]





Saturday, 27 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley conducts a magical sex operation. [50]





Sunday, 28 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley conducts two magical sex operations for the purpose of giving Leah Hirsig "reserves of young elastic energy." [50]





Monday, 29 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

Leah Hirsig receives the first of several visions that Crowley believed demonstrated direct communication with the Secret Chiefs. [50]





Tuesday, 30 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.



   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Wednesday, 31 October 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.



   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




—  November 


circa November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley's Comments on Mudd's Diary

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley writes the poems "I Went to Call on Edward Clodd" and "I Went to Call on William Blake". [376]

- Crowley writes his Nefta Sonnets. [376]

- The Sale Catalogue for the auction of the Aleister Crowley books from the John Quinn collection is issued.





Thursday, 1 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley conducts a magical sex operation with Mohammed ben Brahim to "Make direct conscious connection with my Colleagues of A\A\ that I may receive indubitable instructions for my immediate Work in carrying out the Commands of AL, and my general Policy." [50]

Crowley conducts another magical sex operation to "give Leah Hirsig full power to set S.1.s." [50]

- The Occult Press Review publishes an article by Charles Stansfeld Jones entitled "The Great Star Goddess" .


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

   - Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd

News Related to Crowley:

   - Occult Press Review

   - John Quinn Auction Catalogue



Friday, 2 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley travels "through Oasis to South Border. [50]


   - Ninette Shumway to Norman Mudd




Saturday, 3 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley goes to the Corbeille in Nefta. [50]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 4 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Tree Of Life" at 11:00 a.m. at the 213-214 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 5 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.



   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Tuesday, 6 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley conducts a magical sex operation with Mohammed ben Brahim for the purpose of an increase in Crowley's Magical Power. [50]


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

   - Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd




Wednesday, 7 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley conducts magical sex operations with Mohammed ben Brahim for the purpose of (1) the Consecration of Crowley by Fire and (2) introducing a law to suppress all languages which immodestly insist on sexual differences by the use of two or more genders. [50]





Thursday, 8 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.




Current Events:

   - Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party stage the "Beer Hall Putsch" in Munich, Germany.


Friday, 9 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.





Saturday, 10 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley and Leah Hirsig both conduct magical sex operations with Mohammed ben Brahim. Crowley's operation was for the purpose of Maximum efficiency for all his MAGICK. [50]


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Sunday, 11 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley conducts a magical sex operation. [50]




Current Events:

   - The eternal flame is lit at the Tomb for the Unknown Soldier under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.


Monday, 12 November 1923



Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   - Adolf Hitler is arrested for his attempt to seize power during the "Beer Hall Putsch" coup.


Tuesday, 13 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley conducts a magical sex operation for the purpose of Inspiration. [50]





Wednesday, 14 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- The Aleister Crowley portion of books from the John Quinn collection are sold at auction this afternoon through the Anderson Galleries in New York. The sale included many extremely rare books and manuscripts by Crowley. Included in the sale is an actual copy of Alexandra, perhaps the only surviving copy of this book. [Sale Catalogue]

- The Isis Magazine of Oxford University publishes a letter from Norman Mudd vindicating Crowley.  [250] 

- Crowley writes the poem "Meals with the Masters - William Blake" as part of his Book of Oaths.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Isis Magazine



Thursday, 15 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley writes a long poem called "H. G. Wells' Dinner-Party." [50]





Friday, 16 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley conducts a magical sex operation with the object of "The Work of Moon conjunction Uranus". [50]





Saturday, 17 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Crowley writes Chapter II of the Djeridensis Comment to the Book of the Law.



Current Events:

   Israel Regardie is 16 years old.


Sunday, 18 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia.

- Today is Crowley's 25th "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his initiation into the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Monday, 19 November 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel du Djerid, Nefta, Tunisia. 






Wednesday, 21 November 1923



Location: The Desert.



   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Thursday, 22 November 1923



- The sheet music for Crowley's poem "Sing, Happy Nightingale, Sing" with music by Henry William Wright is published. [Catalog of copyright entries] 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Catalog of Copyright Entries



Friday, 23 November 1923



Location: Sidi bou Ali, Tunisia.

- While sitting outside the Marabout in Sidi bou Ali, Tunisia, Crowley writes the oath "The Arab Maidens" for his Book of Oaths.



Current Events:

   - Director, Cecil B. DeMille's first version of the film The Ten Commandments premieres in the United States.


Saturday, 24 November 1923





News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 25 November 1923



Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Macrocosmic Mystery" at 11:00 a.m. at the 213-214 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]






Friday, 30 November 1923





   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

   - Montgomery Evans to Crowley




—  December 


circa December 1923



- Crowley writes his Nefta Sonnets. [376]


   - Crowley to Cutler & Rooke

   - Crowley to Eddie Saayman




Sunday, 2 December 1923





News Related to Crowley:

   - Galveston Daily News

   - Philadelphia Inquirer

   - South Bend Tribune

   - Syracuse Herald



Wednesday, 5 December 1923





   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Thursday, 6 December 1923






Current Events:

   - The first U.S. Presidential address is broadcast on radio.


Sunday, 9 December 1923





   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times



Tuesday, 11 December 1923



Location: Nefta.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

News Related to Crowley:

   - Belfast Telegraph



Wednesday, 12 December 1923





   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Saturday, 15 December 1923





News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 16 December 1923



Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Way Of Devotion (Bhakti Marga)" at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 17 December 1923






Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 42 years old.


Wednesday, 19 December 1923






Current Events:

   Gerald Yorke is 22 years old.


Saturday, 22 December 1923





News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

Current Events:

   - The Winter Solstice.


Sunday, 23 December 1923



Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Birth Of Good-Will" at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


   - Norman Mudd to Montgomery Evans




Tuesday, 25 December 1923





   - Jane Wolfe to "Care Frater"




Wednesday, 26 December 1923



Location: Tunis.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Norman Mudd to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley to Raymond Radclyffe




Friday, 28 December 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Norman Mudd

Location: Motel Transatlantique, Tunis.


   - Norman Mudd to J.F.C. Fuller

   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Saturday, 29 December 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling by ship from Tunis, Tunisia to Marseille, France.

- Crowley leaves Tunis, Tunisia at 5:00 P.M. aboard the ship S.S. Gouverneur General Grevy and travels to Marseille, France. He abandons Leah Hirsig and Norman Mudd who are now destitute in Tunis. [50]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 30 December 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling by ship from Tunis, Tunisia to Marseille, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Perpetual Youth" at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


   - Montgomery Evans to Mr. Sime




Monday, 31 December 1923


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling by ship from Tunis, Tunisia to Marseille, France.

Crowley arrives at Marseille, France and travels to Nice where he books Room 11 at the Hotel Terminus. [50]


   - Leah Hirsig to Crowley





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