- Crowley publishes his
Gargoyles through his publishing company, The
Society for Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.) |
Location: Tengyueh,
Current Events:
- Willis
Carrier receives a U.S. patent for the world's first air
conditioner. |
Location: Tengyueh,
Current Events:
- Composer,
Maurice Ravel's Miroirs premieres in Paris, France. |
January 1906 |
Location: Tengyueh,
- Crowley
finds the body of George Litton, the British Consul for Tengyueh,
China, dumped on the consulate verandah. He calls on the
Consul's Bengali doctor, Ram Lal Sircar. After Sircar
refuses to leave his meal to view the body, Crowley whips
him and forces him into action.
[233] |
Current Events:
- George Cecil Jones
is 33 years old. |
Saturday, 13
January 1906 |
Location: Tengyueh,
China. |
News Related to Crowley:
Homeward Mail |
Thursday, 18
January 1906 |
Location: Traveling
from Teng Yueh to Yungchang,
- Crowley,
Rose Kelly and their daughter
leave Teng Yueh and travel to Yungchang.
[233] |
Location: Yungchang,
- Crowley and
Rose Kelly and their daughter
reach Yungchang, China, where the mandarin
Tao Tai treated them to a twelve-hour banquet.
[56] |
Thursday, 25
January 1906 |
Location: Yungchang,
- Crowley enjoys the
Chinese New Year celebrations.
[286] |
Location: China.
- Crowley and
Rose Kelly cross the Mekong river near Yongping and
travel to Dali.
[286] |
Saturday, 27
January 1906 |
Thursday, 1
February 1906 |
Location: Traveling
from Dali to Yunnan-Fu,
- Crowley,
Rose Kelly and their daughter
leave Dali on way to Yunnab-Fu.
[286] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling
from Dali to Yunnan-Fu,
China. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling
from Dali to Yunnan-Fu,
China. |
Tuesday, 13
February 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling
from Dali to Yunnan-Fu,
China. |
February 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling
from Dali to Yunnan-Fu,
China. |
Thursday, 15
February 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling
from Dali to Yunnan-Fu,
China. |
Current Events:
- The
British Labour Party is founded. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling
from Dali to Yunnan-Fu,
China. |
Saturday, 17
February 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling
from Dali to Yunnan-Fu,
China. |
Tuesday, 20
February 1906 |
February 1906 |
Thursday, 22
February 1906 |
Saturday, 24
February 1906 |
Tuesday, 27
February 1906 |
February 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Mengtzu,
- Crowley,
Rose Kelly and daughter
arrive at Mengtzu, China, where the Collector of Customs
kindly receives him and gives him the first meal and bed
he'd had since leaving Tengyueh.
Current Events:
- The
first performance of composer, Maurice Ravel's Sonatine.
- A
mining accident at Courrieres, France kills 1.060 people. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Manhao, on
the Red River, China.
- Crowley takes his revenge
on the porter who had struck his daughter
Lilith on the 14th when
he refuses to pay the porters the full amount owed them
after deducting "certain fines" due to the porter's behavior
towards his daughter.
[287] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Traveling by train from Ho K'ow to Hai-Phong, China
- Crowley,
Rose Kelly and their daughter
travel by train to Hai-Phong, China.
[233] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling by
boat to Hong Kong.
- Crowley,
Rose Kelly and their daughter
are traveling on a tramp steamer packed three-deep with pigs.
Current Events:
- The
Census of the British Empire shows that Great Britain
rules 1/5th of the world. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling by
boat to Hong Kong.
- Crowley,
Rose Kelly and their daughter
are traveling on a tramp steamer packed three-deep with pigs.
- They
are currently off of Hoi-How, China.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling by
boat aboard the S.S. Nippon Maru from Hong Kong to
- Crowley
leaves Hong Kong aboard the S.S. Nippon Maru.
- Rose Kelly and daughter
return to England by way of Calcutta, accompanied by Salama
Tantra, one of Crowley's trusted porters.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling by
boat aboard the S.S. Nippon Maru from Hong Kong to
Shanghai. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling by
boat aboard the S.S. Nippon Maru from Hong Kong to
- Crowley
is suffering from malaria.
Current Events:
- Mount
Vesuvius erupts killing more than 100 people.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Shanghai.
- Crowley
arrives at Shanghai and calls on
Elaine Simpson.
Current Events:
- The
world's first animated cartoon is released. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Elaine Simpson's apartment in Shanghai.
Current Events:
- The
San Francisco earthquake and fire kills nearly 4,000 people
while destroying over 80% of the city.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Sailing to
Vancouver, Canada aboard the Empress of India.
- Crowley in bed sick all
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Sailing to
Vancouver, Canada aboard the Empress of India.
- Crowley's ship arrives in
Nagasaki, Japan at about 5 P.M.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Sailing to
Vancouver, Canada aboard the Empress of India.
- Crowley's ship arrives in
Kobe, Japan at 5 P.M.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Sailing to
Vancouver, Canada aboard the Empress of India.
- Crowley's ship leaves
Kobe, Japan at 12 noon.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Sailing to
Vancouver, Canada aboard the Empress of India.
- Crowley's ship arrives in
Yokohama, Japan at 11 A.M.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Sailing to
Vancouver, Canada aboard the Empress of India.
- Crowley's ship leaves
Yokohama, Japan at 12 noon.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Sailing to
Vancouver, Canada aboard the Empress of India. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Sailing to
Vancouver, Canada aboard the Empress of India. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Sailing to
Vancouver, Canada aboard the Empress of India. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Sailing to
Vancouver, Canada aboard the Empress of India.
- Crowley's daughter
dies of typhoid at Rangoon, Burma.
[237] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Vancouver,
British Columbia.
- Crowley arrives in
Vancouver, British Columbia, from Shanghai aboard the
Empress of India.
Current Events:
- British-controlled
Egypt takes the Sinai peninsula from Turkey.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling by
railway from Vancouver, British Columbia to New York.
- Crowley departs
Vancouver, British Columbia by railway for New York.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling by
railway from Vancouver, British Columbia to New York. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling by
railway from Vancouver, British Columbia to New York. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling by
railway from Vancouver, British Columbia to New York. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling by
railway from Vancouver, British Columbia to New York. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling by
railway from Vancouver, British Columbia to New York. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: New York
City, New York. |
Current Events:
- The
Wright Brothers are granted a patent for their "flying
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling
aboard the S.S. Compania from New York City, New
York, to Liverpool, England. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling
aboard the S.S. Compania from New York
City, New York, to Liverpool, England. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling
aboard the S.S. Compania from New York
City, New York, to Liverpool, England. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling
aboard the S.S. Compania from New York
City, New York, to Liverpool, England. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling
aboard the S.S. Compania from New York
City, New York, to Liverpool, England. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Traveling
aboard the S.S. Compania from New York
City, New York, to Liverpool, England. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: London,
- Crowley
sees the Richard Wagner opera, Tristan and Isolde.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
- George Cecil Jones
and Crowley continue to discuss Crowley's work and decide
that he should go on a Great Magical Retirement in some
comparatively near spot.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
- Crowley's
doctors insist that he receive an immediate operation for
his ulcerated throat.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
enters a nursing home to have an operation on his throat.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
has an operation on his throat.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
throat. He gets
his stitches removed today.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
- Crowley
writes the Introduction to the
- Crowley
conducts an experiment with hashish, ganja and port wine. He
offers his nurse a small bit of hashish and she accepts.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
- Crowley
writes the poem "Abjad-i-al'ain"
and makes revisions.
Current Events:
- Rose Kelly
is 32 years old. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Nursing Home.
- Crowley
is in a nursing home recovering from an operation on his
August 1906 |
Saturday, 1
September 1906 |
Saturday, 8
September 1906 |
Saturday, 15
September 1906 |
Sunday, 16
September 1906 |
Monday, 17
September 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Ashdown Park
Hotel, Coulsdon,
- Crowley and
Rose Kelly
move into a suite at the Ashdown Park Hotel, Coulsdon.
[237] |
Tuesday, 18
September 1906 |
Location: Ashdown Park
Hotel, Coulsdon,
Current Events:
- A
typhoon with tsunami kills an estimated 10,000 people in
Hong Kong.
Friday, 21
September 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Ashdown Park
Hotel, Coulsdon,
Surrey. |
Saturday, 22
September 1906 |
Sunday, 23
September 1906 |
Monday, 24
September 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Ashdown Park
Hotel, Coulsdon,
- Crowley,
working under the direction of
George Cecil Jones,
is preparing a certain ritual [Liber 671—"Liber
Pyamidos"] of
initiation that is to combine the Eastern and Western
Tuesday, 25
September 1906 |
Location: Ashdown Park
Hotel, Coulsdon,
- Crowley,
working under the direction of
George Cecil Jones,
is preparing a certain ritual [Liber 671—"Liber
Pyamidos"] of
initiation that is to combine the Eastern and Western
26 September 1906 |
Location: Ashdown Park
Hotel, Coulsdon,
- Crowley, working under
the direction of
George Cecil Jones, is preparing a certain ritual [Liber 671—"Liber
Pyamidos"] of initiation that is to
combine the Eastern and Western methods.
Thursday, 27
September 1906 |
Location: Ashdown Park
Hotel, Coulsdon,
- Crowley,
working under the direction of
George Cecil Jones,
is preparing a certain ritual [Liber 671—"Liber
Pyamidos"] of
initiation that is to combine the Eastern and Western
Friday, 28
September 1906 |
Location: Ashdown Park
Hotel, Coulsdon,
- Crowley,
working under the direction of
George Cecil Jones,
is preparing a certain ritual [Liber 671—"Liber
Pyamidos"] of
initiation that is to combine the Eastern and Western
Saturday, 29
September 1906 |
Sunday, 30
September 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Ashdown Park
Hotel, Coulsdon,
Surrey. |
- Crowley publishes his
Collected Works - Volume II through his publishing company, The
Society for Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.) |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Ashdown Park
Hotel, Coulsdon,
Surrey. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Ashdown Park
Hotel, Coulsdon,
Surrey. |
10 October 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Ashdown Park
Hotel, Coulsdon,
- Crowley
is drunk with Samadhi all day.
Thursday, 11
October 1906 |
Saturday, 13
October 1906 |
17 October 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: 106 St.
Mary's Mansions, Paddington,
England. |
Thursday, 18
October 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: 106 St.
Mary's Mansions, Paddington,
England. |
Saturday, 20
October 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: 106 St.
Mary's Mansions, Paddington,
England. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: 106 St.
Mary's Mansions, Paddington,
England. |
24 October 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: 106 St.
Mary's Mansions, Paddington,
England. |
31 October 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: 106 St.
Mary's Mansions, Paddington,
England. |
Thursday, 1
November 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: 106 St.
Mary's Mansions, Paddington,
England. |
Saturday, 3
November 1906 |
Location: 106 St.
Mary's Mansions, Paddington,
England. |
Current Events:
- The
International Radiotelegraph Conference in Berlin selects
the "SOS" distress signal as the worldwide standard to
request help. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: 106 St.
Mary's Mansions, Paddington,
England. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: 106 St.
Mary's Mansions, Paddington,
England. |
Saturday, 10
November 1906 |
Tuesday, 13
November 1906 |
14 November 1906 |
November 1906 |
Saturday, 24
November 1906 |
Saturday, 8
December 1906 |
Tuesday, 11
December 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Bournemouth,
- Crowley goes to Bournemouth
to put himself under a doctor's care for throat trouble.
Thursday, 13
December 1906 |
Saturday, 15
December 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Bournemouth,
- Crowley spends 2 1/2
hours working on a Table of Correspondences that he
eventually publishes as
777 in 1909.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Bournemouth,
- Crowley spends 2 1/2
hours working on a Table of Correspondences that he
eventually publishes as
777 in 1909.
Current Events:
- Louis Wilkinson
is 25 years old. |
Tuesday, 18
December 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Bournemouth,
- Crowley spends 3 hours
working on a Table of Correspondences that he eventually
publishes as
777 in 1909.
19 December 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Bournemouth,
- Crowley continues working
on a Table of Correspondences that he eventually publishes
777 in 1909.
Current Events:
- Gerald Yorke
is 5 years old. |
Thursday, 20
December 1906 |
Saturday, 22
December 1906 |
Current Events:
- The Winter Solstice. |
Tuesday, 25
December 1906 |
26 December 1906 |
Thursday, 27
December 1906 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: 106 St.
Mary's Mansions, Paddington,
- Crowley returns to 106
St. Mary's Mansions, Paddington, England.
[237] |
Saturday, 29
December 1906 |