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— 1894 —


January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December



—  January 


Monday, 1 January 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - British Chess Magazine



Wednesday, 10 January 1894






Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 21 years old.


Tuesday, 16 January 1894






Current Events:

   Norman Mudd is 5 years old.


Friday, 19 January 1894



- From 7:00 p.m. to a quarter to 11:00, at the Victoria Restaurant, Mr. J. H. Blackburne played simultaneously 27 players, 24 of whom were Eastbourne men, while two came from Hastings and one from Uckfield. The game played by Crowley against Mr. Blackburne was a draw. [Eastbourne Gazette], [Sussex Agricultural Express]





Monday, 22 January 1894






Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 9 years old.


Wednesday, 24 January 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Friday, 26 January 1894



- Crowley wins his chess game against his Hailsham opponent but Crowley's Eastbourne Chess Club loses five games to six against Hailsham. [Eastbourne Gazette]





Saturday, 27 January 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - Sussex Agricultural Express



Wednesday, 31 January 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



—  February 


Thursday, 1 February 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - British Chess Magazine



Tuesday, 6 February 1894






Current Events:

   The Bottle Opener is patented by William Painter.


Wednesday, 7 February 1894



 - The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Friday, 9 February 1894



- Crowley wins his chess game against his Lewes opponent but Crowley's Eastbourne Chess Club loses  3 1/2 games to 6 1/2 against Lewes. [Eastbourne Gazette]





Wednesday, 14 February 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes one of Crowley's earliest poems called "A Welcome to Jabez Spencer Balfour" and a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Thursday, 16 February 1894






Current Events:

   British troops occupy Ilorin, Gold Coast.


Wednesday, 21 February 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Wednesday, 28 February 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



—  March 


Thursday, 1 March 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - British Chess Magazine



Saturday, 3 March 1894






Current Events:

   The 4th British government of William Ewart Gladstone resigns.


Monday, 5 March 1894






Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.

   - Archibald Primrose becomes the U.K. Prime Minister.


Wednesday, 7 March 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Tuesday, 13 March 1894






Current Events:

   Coca-Cola is sold in bottles for the first time.


Wednesday, 14 March 1894



Location: Queen's Hotel, Eastbourne, East Sussex, England.

- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."

- From 6:30 to 9:00 in the evening Crowley is in Eastbourne playing chess in the Queen's Hotel. He wins his chess game against his Hastings and St. Leonards Chess Club opponent and Crowley's Eastbourne Chess Club ties the Hastings and St. Leonards Chess Club team 4 games to 4 games. [Hastings and St. Leonards Observer]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Saturday, 17 March 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - Hastings and St. Leonards Observer



Wednesday, 21 March 1894



Location: Victoria Restaurant, Eastbourne, East Sussex, England.

- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."

- Crowley wins his chess game, in an adjudicated match, against his Lewes Chess Club opponent and Crowley's Eastbourne Chess Club beats the Lewes Chess Club team 5 1/2 games to 2 1/2 games. [Eastbourne Gazette], [Sussex Agricultural Express]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette

Current Events:

   Jane Wolfe is 19 years old.


Saturday, 24 March 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Chronicle

   - Sussex Agricultural Express



Wednesday, 28 March 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Friday, 30 March 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - Sussex Agricultural Express



Saturday, 31 March 1894



Location: Brighton, England.

- Crowley is in Brighton playing chess in the McArthur Cup tournament. He wins his chess game against his Brighton Chess Club opponent but Crowley's Eastbourne Chess Club loses  2 games to 4 against Brighton. [Eastbourne Gazette]





—  April 


Monday, 2 April 1894






Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 8 years old.


Wednesday, 4 April 1894



Location: Beachy Head, East Sussex, England.

- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."

- Crowley pays his first visit to Beachy Head and spends the day with a friend climbing the chalk. [Scottish Mountaineering Journal]

- In the afternoon the pinnacle at Beachy Head is climbed for the first time by Crowley and a friend. [Eastbourne Gazette]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Friday, 6 April 1894



Location: Eastbourne, Sussex, England.

- Crowley wins his chess game against his St. Leonards Chess Club opponent but Crowley's Eastbourne Chess Club loses  3 1/2 to 6 1/2 games against St. Leonards. [Hastings and St. Leonards Observer]





Saturday, 7 April 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - Hastings and St. Leonards Observer



Monday, 9 April 1894






Current Events:

   Leah Hirsig is 11 years old.

   First performance of Anton Bruckner's 5th Symphony in B in Graz, Austria.


Wednesday, 11 April 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Friday, 13 April 1894



- Mr. Joseph Blackburne visits the Eastbourne Chess Club and plays seven games of chess simultaneously. As one of the seven players, Crowley plays him to a draw. [Eastbourne Gazette]





Sunday, 15 April 1894






Current Events:

   Nikita Kruschev is born.


Wednesday, 18 April 1894



   - The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Wednesday, 25 April 1894



   - The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Thursday, 26 April 1894






Current Events:

   Rudolph Hess is born.


—  May 


Tuesday, 1 May 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - British Chess Magazine



Sunday, 6 May 1894






Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 11 years old.


Wednesday, 9 May 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Friday, 25 May 1894



- Crowley attends and participates a demonstration at Diplock's Hotel of Mr. Blackburne playing simultaneous chess. Crowley loses against Mr. Blackburne. [Eastbourne Gazette]





Saturday, 26 May 1894






Current Events:

   Emanuel Lasker becomes undisputed World Chess Champion.


Wednesday, 30 May 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



—  June 


Friday, 1 June 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - British Chess Magazine



Wednesday, 6 June 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Saturday, 9 June 1894






Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 9 years old.


Wednesday, 13 June 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Saturday, 16 June 1894



Julian L. Baker becomes a member of the Golden Dawn at the Isis Urania Temple taking the magical motto Frater Causa Scientiae [for the sake of knowledge]. [239]





Sunday, 17 June 1894






Current Events:

   First U.S. poliomyelitis epidemic breaks out in Rutland, Vermont.


Monday, 18 June 1894






Current Events:

   British Prime Minister Primrose declares Uganda a British protectorate.


Wednesday, 20 June 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Wednesday, 27 June 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Saturday, 30 June 1894






Current Events:

   London's Tower Bridge opens.


—  July 


Sunday, 1 July 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - British Chess Magazine



Wednesday, 4 July 1894



Location: Beachy Head, East Sussex, England.

- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."

- Crowley and a friend make an attack on the "Devil's Chimney" at Beachy Head. [Scottish Mountaineering Journal]

- Crowley climbs the northern pinnacle (known as Dent du Voleur). It's believed that he is the first one to successfully make this climb. [Eastbourne Gazette]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Wednesday, 11 July 1894



Location: Beachy Head, East Sussex, England.

- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."

- Crowley spends the day scouting for new climbs at Beachy Head as he expects his cousin, Gregor Grant, to join him in climbing. [Scottish Mountaineering Journal]

- Crowley is climbing at Beachy Head. He makes his way up to Pisgah from the east foot of the Devil's Chimney. [Eastbourne Gazette]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Friday, 13 July 1894



Location: Beachy Head, East Sussex, England.

- Crowley and Gregor Grant are climbing at Beachy Head. They climb Etheldreda's Pinnacle from the west and, after lunch at the Beachy Head Hotel, they climb the Devil's Chimney. [Eastbourne Gazette], [Scottish Mountaineering Journal]

- In an evening meeting the Eastbourne Chess Club decides that Mr. Martin should be declared winner of the Handicap, unless Crowley agrees to play him two games. Crowley refuses. [Eastbourne Gazette]





Saturday, 14 July 1894



Location: Beachy Head, East Sussex, England.

- Crowley and Gregor Grant repeat their climbs of 13 July 1894 at Beachy Head. A Mr. Sidney Gibbs is on hand to take photographs [photo #1, photo #2] of their climb. [Eastbourne Gazette]





Wednesday, 18 July 1894



- The Eastbourne Gazette publishes a column by Crowley called "Chess Notes."

- It's announced in the Eastbourne Gazette that, after having been there almost a year, Crowley is leaving Eastbourne at the end of the month. [Eastbourne Gazette]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette

   - Eastbourne Gazette

   - Eastbourne Gazette

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Tuesday, 23 July 1894






Current Events:

   Rose Kelly is 20 years old.


Wednesday, 25 July 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



—  August 


circa August / September 1894



- Crowley goes climbing in the Swiss, Italian and Austrian Alps. He Climbs Flüela Weisshorn (3085m), Flüela Schwarzhorn (3147m), Schiahorn (2636m), (3139m), Monte Cevedale (3769m), Suldenspitze (3376m), Tschenglser Hochwand (Croda di Cengles) (3375m), Könisspitze (3851m), Schrötterhorn (3386m), Vertainsspitze (3545m), Angelusspitze (3521m), Eiskögele (3426m), Thurwieserspitze (3652m), Hochjoch (2770m), Monte Zebrù (3735m), Ortler (3905m), Pleisshorn (3158m).

- Ortler, Alps. Two ascents of this peak deserving of records have been brought under our notice. In August 1894 Mr. E. Aleister Crowley, with the guides Michael Ortler and J. J. Thöni, of Trafoi traversed the peak, ascending by the Hintere Grat and descending over Stickle Pleiss. Mr. Crowley also accomplished a variation of the Hintere Grat route, by the rock-ridge at the base of the Grat. [Alpine Journal]





Wednesday, 1 August 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette

   - Eastbourne Gazette

Current Events:

   - Death duties are first introduced in England.


Monday, 13 August 1894






Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 17 years old.


Thursday, 14 August 1894






Current Events:

   - Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge demonstrates wireless telegraphy also known as Radio.


Friday, 17 August 1894






Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.


Monday, 27 August 1894



Location: Hotel Sulden, Tyrol, Austria.


   - Crowley to Eastbourne Gazette




—  September 


circa August / September 1894



- Crowley goes climbing in the Swiss, Italian and Austrian Alps. He Climbs Flüela Weisshorn (3085m), Flüela Schwarzhorn (3147m), Schiahorn (2636m), (3139m), Monte Cevedale (3769m), Suldenspitze (3376), Tschenglser Hochwand (Croda di Cengles) (3375m), Könisspitze (3851m), Schrötterhorn (3386m), Vertainsspitze (3545m), Angelusspitze (3521m), Eiskögele (3426m), Thurwieserspitze (3652m), Hochjoch (2770m), Monte Zebrù (3735m ), Ortler (3905m), Pleisshorn (3158m).

- Ortler, Alps. Two ascents of this peak deserving of records have been brought under our notice. In August 1894 Mr. E. Aleister Crowley, with the guides Michael Ortler and J. J. Thöni, of Trafoi traversed the peak, ascending by the Hintere Grat and descending over Stickle Pleiss. Mr. Crowley also accomplished a variation of the Hintere Grat route, by the rock-ridge at the base of the Grat. [Alpine Journal]





Saturday, 1 September 1894






Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 16 years old.


Wednesday, 5 September 1894



- A letter from Crowley in which he defends his 4 April ascent of the Pinnacle at Beachy Head is published by the Eastbourne Gazette. [Eastbourne Gazette]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



Monday, 24 September 1894



- Crowley applies for membership in the Scottish Mountaineering Club. He is elected a member of the club on 7 December.





—  October 


circa October 1894



- Crowley enrolls as a non-matriculated student, in King's College, in the University of London, to study Medicine and Natural Sciences. [286]





Monday, 1 October 1894



- Crowley and Gregor Grant are climbing at Beachy Head. They make an unsuccessful attempt on "Cuillin Crack.". [Scottish Mountaineering Journal]





Friday, 12 October 1894



- Crowley is 19 years old.





Wednesday, 17 October 1894





News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette



—  November 


Thursday, 1 November 1894






Current Events:

   - Nicholas II becomes the new Tsar of Russia after the death of his father.

   - A vaccine for diphtheria is announced by Dr. Roux of Paris, France.


Monday, 5 November 1894






Current Events:

   - Premiere of Richard Strauss' tone poem Till Eulenspiegel.


—  December 


Friday, 7 December 1894



Location: Glasgow, Scotland.

- At a special general meeting held in Glasgow Crowley and several other are balloted and elected to be members of the Scottish Mountaineering Club. [Scottish Mountaineering Journal]





Saturday, 8 December 1894






Current Events:

   - Allan Bennett is 22 years old


Monday, 17 December 1894






Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 13 years old.


Saturday, 22 December 1894






Current Events:

   - Premiere of Claude Debussey's Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune in Paris, France.



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