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— 1936 —


January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December



circa 1936





   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley Statement re Gerald Yorke




—  January 


Wednesday, 1 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

- The American Astrologer publishes the excerpt "Man" from Crowley's book Little Essays Toward Truth.


News Related to Crowley:

   - American Astrology

   - Book Collector's Journal

   - Catalog of Copyright Entries



Thursday, 2 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Friday, 3 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Saturday, 4 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Sunday, 5 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Tuesday, 7 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

- Crowley has dinner with Gerald Yorke at the Eiffel Tower restaurant. [38]





Wednesday, 8 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

- Crowley receives £60 from Gerald Yorke. [38]





Thursday, 9 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Friday, 10 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley




Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 63 years old.


Saturday, 11 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 23 Albert Road, London, N.W.1.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe

   - Wilfred T. Smith to Floyd M. Spann




Sunday, 12 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

- Crowley has Charles Cammell to dinner. [38]





Monday, 13 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Crowley to Floyd M. Spann




Tuesday, 14 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Wednesday, 15 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Pearl Brooksmith has her uterus and fallopian tubes removed. [38]





Thursday, 16 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Friday, 17 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Saturday, 18 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Sunday, 19 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with Jane Warrilow. [38]





Monday, 20 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 20 Radcliffe Gardens, Earls Court.


   - Crowley to Max Schneider


Current Events:

   - Edward VII succeeds George V as King.


Tuesday, 21 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Wednesday, 22 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley




Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 51 years old.


Thursday, 23 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Crowley to Max Schneider

   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Friday, 24 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Saturday, 25 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Sunday, 26 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Monday, 27 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Tuesday, 28 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley to Max Schneider

   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith

   - Crowley Memorandum




Wednesday, 29 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley




Thursday, 30 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Friday, 31 January 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






—  February 


Sunday, 2 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Monday, 3 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Crowley to Cecil Brooke




Tuesday, 4 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Crowley to Max Schneider




Wednesday, 5 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Thursday, 6 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Friday, 7 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

- Crowley has Tom Driberg to lunch. [38]





Sunday, 9 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Monday, 10 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Tuesday, 11 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Thursday, 13 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Friday, 14 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



News Related to Crowley:

   - Knoxville Journal



Saturday, 15 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley




Current Events:

   - Adolf Hitler announces the construction of the Volkswagen Beetle automobile.


Sunday, 16 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Monday, 17 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Tuesday, 18 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley




Wednesday, 19 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Thursday, 20 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Friday, 21 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Saturday, 22 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Sunday, 23 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley




Monday, 24 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Tuesday, 25 February 1936



Location: 23 Albert Road, N.W.1.


   - Crowley to Andre Pigne




Thursday, 27 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 23 Albert Road, N.W.1.


   - Andre Pigne to Crowley




Friday, 28 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 23 Albert Road, N.W.1.


   - Crowley to Andre Pigne




Saturday, 29 February 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 23 Albert Road, N.W.1.

- Crowley pawns his overcoat. [38]





—  March 


Sunday, 1 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 23 Albert Road, N.W.1.


   - Andre Pigne to Crowley




Tuesday, 3 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 23 Albert Road, N.W.1.


   - Crowley to Andre Pigne




Wednesday, 4 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 23 Albert Road, N.W.1.





Thursday, 5 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 23 Albert Road, N.W.1.


   - Andre Pigne to Crowley


Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.


Friday, 6 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 23 Albert Road, N.W.1.


   - Crowley to Andre Pigne

   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Saturday, 7 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley




Current Events:

   - Adolf Hitler breaks the Treaty of Versailles by sending troops into the Rhineland.


Sunday, 8 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Monday, 9 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Tuesday, 10 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Andre Pigne travels from France to London and meets with Crowley.





Wednesday, 11 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Thursday, 12 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

- Crowley agrees to admit Andre Pigne to the O.T.O. [38]





Friday, 13 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

- Crowley has Tom Driberg to curry. [38]





Saturday, 14 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Sunday, 15 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Monday, 16 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Tuesday, 17 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.

- Crowley moves to The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho. [370]





Wednesday, 18 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.

- Crowley has sex with "Violet van der Elst." [370]





Thursday, 19 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.


   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley

   - Wilfred T. Smith to Max Schneider




Friday, 20 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.



Current Events:

   - The Spring Equinox.


Saturday, 21 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.

- Crowley receives the Word of the Equinox. [38]



Current Events:

   Jane Wolfe is 61 years old.


Sunday, 22 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Monday, 23 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Tuesday, 24 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Wednesday, 25 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Friday, 27 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Saturday, 28 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Sunday, 29 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.



Current Events:

   - Nazi propaganda claims that 99% of Germans voted for Nazi candidates.


Tuesday, 31 March 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




—  April 


Wednesday, 1 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Thursday, 2 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.


   - Andre Pigne to Crowley


Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 50 years old.


Friday, 3 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Saturday, 4 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Sunday, 5 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Monday, 6 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.



Current Events:

   - A tornado in Gainsville, Georgia, kills 203 people and injures 1,800 others.


Wednesday, 8 April 1936



Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Thursday, 9 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.

   Leah Hirsig is 53 years old.


Friday, 10 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Saturday, 11 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Sunday, 12 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Monday, 13 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Tuesday, 14 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of the death of Crowley's mother, Emily.


Wednesday, 15 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Thursday, 16 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Friday, 17 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Saturday, 18 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Monday, 20 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Tuesday, 21 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Thursday, 23 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.

Charles Stansfeld Jones completes writing "Liber QNA vel Namen Dei sub figura CLI." [324]





Friday, 24 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Saturday, 25 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Sunday, 26 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Swiss Hotel, 53 Old Compton Street, Soho.





Monday, 27 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

- Crowley moves to 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005. [38]





Tuesday, 28 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Wednesday, 29 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Thursday, 30 April 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





—  May 


Friday, 1 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Saturday, 2 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.



Current Events:

   - Composer, Sergei Prokofiev's musical Peter and the Wolf premieres in Moscow.


Monday, 4 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Tuesday, 5 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Wednesday, 6 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.



Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 53 years old.


Thursday, 7 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Friday, 8 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Saturday, 9 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Sunday, 10 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Monday, 11 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Tuesday, 12 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.



Current Events:

   - Composer, Ralph Vaughan Williams opera Poisoned Kiss premieres in London.


Wednesday, 13 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Thursday, 14 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Friday, 15 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Sunday, 17 May 1936



Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.


   - Bertha Van Brunt to Crowley




Monday, 18 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.


   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley




Tuesday, 19 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Thursday, 21 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Friday, 22 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Monday, 25 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Tuesday, 26 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Wednesday, 27 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Thursday, 28 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Friday, 29 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Sunday, 31 May 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





—  June 


Monday, 1 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Tuesday, 2 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

- Crowley has Gerald Yorke and another to lunch. [38]





Wednesday, 3 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

- Crowley takes Pearl Brooksmith to see the film Die Ewige Maske. [38]





Friday, 5 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Saturday, 6 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

   - Police Commissioner of Palermo to Police Chief Arturo Bocchini




Monday, 8 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Tuesday, 9 June 1936



Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith & Max Schneider


Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 51 years old.


Wednesday, 10 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Thursday, 11 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Friday, 12 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Saturday, 13 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Sunday, 14 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

- Elsie Morris claims that Crowley is the father of her child. [38]





Monday, 15 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

Gerald Yorke visits Crowley. [38]





Tuesday, 16 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Wednesday, 17 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

- Crowley takes a pre-order from Michael Juste of the Atlantis Bookshop for 25 copies of his upcoming publication of The Equinox of the Gods. [370]





Thursday, 18 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

- Crowley prepares the prospectus for The Equinox of the Gods. [38]





Friday, 19 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

- Crowley receives a proof copy of the prospectus for The Equinox of the Gods. [38]





Saturday, 20 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

- Crowley sees the printer regarding the print job for The Equinox of the Gods. [38]





Sunday, 21 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.



Current Events:

   - The Summer Solstice.


Monday, 22 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Tuesday, 23 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.


   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley




Wednesday, 24 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

- Crowley receives the 2nd proof copy of the prospectus for The Equinox of the Gods. [38]





Thursday, 25 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

- Crowley receives the final copies of the prospectus for The Equinox of the Gods. [38]





Friday, 26 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.


   - Crowley to Ethel Archer

   - Crowley to Clifford Bax

   - Crowley to Holbrook Jackson

   - Crowley to George Frederick Lees

   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Saturday, 27 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

- Crowley sends out nearly 300 prospectuses for The Equinox of the Gods. [38]


   - Crowley to Wilkinson




Sunday, 28 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.

- Crowley revises the typescript for The Equinox of the Gods. [38]





Monday, 29 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.


   - Crowley to Ethel Archer

   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Vancouver Daily Province



Tuesday, 30 June 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.



Current Events:

   - Author, Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone with the Wind is published.


—  July 


Wednesday, 1 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Thursday, 2 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. Holborn 5005.





Friday, 3 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

Pearl Brooksmith's birthday. Crowley throws her a birthday party. [38]





Saturday, 4 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.


   - Crowley to Herbert Gorman

   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Sunday, 5 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

- Crowley sees the movie The Clairvoyant starring Claude Rains. [38]





Monday, 6 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Tuesday, 7 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Wednesday, 8 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

Ethel Archer visits Crowley. [38]


   - Crowley to Rudolph F. Holm




Thursday, 9 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

- Simpkin Marshall, publishers, agree to distribute Crowley's book The Equinox of the Gods.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Friday, 10 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Saturday, 11 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Sunday, 12 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Tuesday, 14 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Wednesday, 15 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Thursday, 16 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

- Crowley has Charles Cammell over for curry. [38]





Friday, 17 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

Major Robert Thynne dies in an Exeter nursing home. [370]





Saturday, 18 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Sunday, 19 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Monday, 20 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

Patricia Doherty calls Crowley. [38]





Tuesday, 21 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.


   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley




Wednesday, 22 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

Patricia Doherty visits with Crowley. [38]


   - Crowley to Charles Cammell

   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones #2

   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Thursday, 23 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Friday, 24 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Saturday, 25 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Sunday, 26 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Monday, 27 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Tuesday, 28 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.


   - Crowley to Mrs. Bramanbury

   - Crowley to Oliver Jacobi

   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Wednesday, 29 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Thursday, 30 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

- Crowley has lunch with George Sylvester Viereck who agrees to vouch for him for his time in America. [38]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Friday, 31 July 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.


   - Crowley to George Viereck




—  August 


circa August 1936



Oliver Jacobi resigns from the O.T.O. claiming that his place of employment had "threatened him with the loss of his position . . . if he continued to be a member of what they in their ignorance termed an immoral Order." [304]





Saturday, 1 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.



Current Events:

   - The 11th Summer Olympic Games are opened by Adolf Hitler in Berlin.


Sunday, 2 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Monday, 3 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Tuesday, 4 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Wednesday, 5 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Thursday, 6 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Friday, 7 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Saturday, 8 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

Charles Stansfeld Jones begins writing "Additional Notes on Liber Legis."





Sunday, 9 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

- Crowley has dinner with Vyvyan Deacon and his wife. [38]

Charles Stansfeld Jones completes his "Additional Notes on Liber Legis."





Monday, 10 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Tuesday, 11 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Wednesday, 12 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

- Crowley works on settling details of binding etc for his book The Equinox of the Gods. [38]





Thursday, 13 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.



Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 59 years old.


Friday, 14 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

- Crowley sees the movie Panic on the Air starring Ann Sothern. [38]





Saturday, 15 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

- Crowley receives the proof for The Equinox of the Gods and begins work on correcting them. [38]

- The Vancouver Daily Province publishes an article by Charles Stansfeld Jones about his ancestors.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vancouver Daily Province



Sunday, 16 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jane Wolfe

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

- Crowley continues work on correcting the proofs for The Equinox of the Gods. [38]





Monday, 17 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.


Tuesday, 18 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.


   - Crowley to Max Schneider




Wednesday, 19 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Thursday, 20 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jane Wolfe

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Friday, 21 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.


   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley




Saturday, 22 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Sunday, 23 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Monday, 24 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation. [38]





Tuesday, 25 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

- Crowley has Charles Cammell to dinner. [38]





Wednesday, 26 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation. [38]





Thursday, 27 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.

- Crowley visits Charles Cammell at his house. [38]

Wilfred Talbot Smith suspends all Agape Lodge activities. They do not resume for another three years. [7]





Friday, 28 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Saturday, 29 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 59 Great Ormond Street, London. HOLborn 5005.





Sunday, 30 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.

- Crowley moves to 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London where his landlord is Alan Burnett-Rae. [38]





Monday, 31 August 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





—  September 


circa September 1936





   - Crowley to Unknown

   - Pearl Brooksmith to Gerald Yorke




Tuesday, 1 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.

Crowley rushing around all day clearing up the minor jungle of printers, engravers, etc. for the impending publication of The Equinox of the Gods. [38]



Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 58 years old.


Wednesday, 2 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Thursday, 3 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Friday, 4 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Saturday, 5 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Sunday, 6 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Monday, 7 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.



Current Events:

   - Musician, Buddy Holly is born.


Tuesday, 8 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


   - Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Wednesday, 9 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Thursday, 10 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Pearl Brooksmith to Gerald Yorke




Friday, 11 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Saturday, 12 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Sunday, 13 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Monday, 14 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Tuesday, 15 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Wednesday, 16 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith

News Related to Crowley:

   - Chilliwack Progress



Thursday, 17 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Friday, 18 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.

- Crowley receives advance copies of The Equinox of the Gods. [38]

Karl Germer takes Crowley and Pearl Brooksmith to dinner. [38]





Saturday, 19 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Sunday, 20 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Monday, 21 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Tuesday, 22 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Wednesday, 23 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.

- Crowley publishes his book The Equinox of the Gods.


   - Crowley to Charles Cammell


Current Events:

   - The Fall Equinox.


Thursday, 24 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Friday, 25 September 1936



Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


   - Pearl Brooksmith to Gerald Yorke




Saturday, 26 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vancouver Province

   - West Australian



Sunday, 27 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation. [38]


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Monday, 28 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.

- Crowley has lunch with Charles Cammell. [38]





Tuesday, 29 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley




Wednesday, 30 September 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.

- The Vancouver Daily Province publishes an article about items from Charles Stansfeld Jones' family collection of Flemish art.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vancouver Daily Province



—  October 


Thursday, 1 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


   - Crowley to Pearl Brooksmith




Friday, 2 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones


Current Events:

   Jack Parsons is 22 years old.


Saturday, 3 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


   - Jane Wolfe to Crowley




Sunday, 4 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


   - Wilfred T Smith to Crowley




Monday, 5 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.

- Crowley meets Louis Wilkinson at the Café Royal Bar. [38]





Tuesday, 6 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Wednesday, 7 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Thursday, 8 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.

- Crowley inscribes a copy of his book The Equinox of the Gods "To Edward Grove, with best wishes, Aleister Crowley, An Ix in " [360] 

- Crowley inscribes a copy of his book The Equinox of the Gods "To Louis Umfraville Wilkinson, from Aleister Crowley with respect not uncommingled with affection, An Ix in " [Harry Ransom Center (BF 1001 E685)] 


   - Crowley to Wilkinson

   - Friedrich Lekve to Crowley




Friday, 9 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Saturday, 10 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Monday, 12 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.

- Crowley is 61 years old.





Tuesday, 13 October 1936



Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vancouver Sun



Wednesday, 14 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Thursday, 15 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Friday, 16 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Saturday, 17 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Sunday, 18 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.



Current Events:

   Grady McMurtry is 18 years old.


Monday, 19 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Tuesday, 20 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Wednesday, 21 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.

- Crowley meets with Israel Regardie and Ursula Greville at the Anglo-Austrian Club. [370]





Thursday, 22 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Friday, 23 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Saturday, 24 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Sunday, 25 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Monday, 26 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Tuesday, 27 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.





Wednesday, 28 October 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 56 Welbeck St, Room 6, London.

-  After Alan Burnett-Rae throws Crowley out of his room at 56 Welbeck St. he goes to stay with A.E. Richardson at 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767. [339]





—  November 


circa November 1936





   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Thursday, 5 November 1936



Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.

-  Crowley is staying with A.E. Richardson 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, Derment 2767. [113]


   - Crowley to Charles Cammell




Saturday, 7 November 1936



Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.


   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley




Wednesday, 11 November 1936



Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.



   - Crowley to Charles Cammell




Sunday, 15 November 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.



Current Events:

   Israel Regardie is 29 years old.


Wednesday, 18 November 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.

- Today is Crowley's 38th "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his initiation into the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898.

- Crowley has lunch with Edward Grove and tea with Israel Regardie.

- Crowley records himself on record speaking the 1st and 2nd Enochian calls. [38]





Thursday, 19 November 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.

- Crowley makes another recording of himself speaking the 1st and 2nd Enochian calls. [38]

- Crowley has Charles Cammell and his wife to dinner. [38]





Saturday, 21 November 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.





Sunday, 22 November 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.





Monday, 23 November 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.

- Crowley records himself on record speaking the "Anthem" from "The Ship" and the Hymn to Pan. [38]



Current Events:

   - The first issue of Life magazine is published.

   - The first recording session for Delta blues musician Robert Johnson.


Wednesday, 25 November 1936



Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.



   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Friday, 27 November 1936



Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.


   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith

   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Saturday, 28 November 1936



Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Sunday, 29 November 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.





Monday, 30 November 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.

- Crowley has haggis with Charles Cammell. [38]





—  December 


Tuesday, 1 December 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.

- Crowley records himself on record speaking the "Hymn for July 4th" and some other pieces. [56]

- Karl Germer arrives in Ireland, and finds work as a machinist.





Wednesday, 2 December 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 68 Warren Drive Surbiton, London, Derment 2767.

- Crowley has lunch with Edward Grove and later goes to Charles Cammell's reading at the Poetry Society. [38]





Thursday, 3 December 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, London, W.C.1.

- Crowley goes to the Imperial Hotel. [38]


   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Thursday, 10 December 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, London, W.C.1.

- Crowley prepares a horoscope for Gerald Yorke. [38]



Current Events:

   - Edward VIII signs Instrument of Abdication, giving up the British throne to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson.


Sunday, 13 December 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: The Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, London, W.C.1.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Wednesday, 16 December 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Flat 3, Earl's Court, London, S.W.10.

- Crowley moves to 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Flat 3 Earl's Court London, S.W.10. [38]





Thursday, 17 December 1936



Location: 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Flat 3, Earl's Court, London, S.W.10.



Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 55 years old.

   Pope Francis is born.


Friday, 18 December 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Flat 3, Earl's Court, London, S.W.10.





Saturday, 19 December 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Flat 3, Earl's Court, London, S.W.10.


   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley


Current Events:

   Gerald Yorke is 35 years old.


Sunday, 20 December 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Flat 3, Earl's Court, London, S.W.10.





Monday, 21 December 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Flat 3, Earl's Court, London, S.W.10.





Tuesday, 22 December 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Flat 3, Earl's Court, London, S.W.10.


   - Crowley to Karl Germer


Current Events:

   - The Winter Solstice.


Friday, 25 December 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Flat 3, Earl's Court, London, S.W.10.





Monday, 28 December 1936



Location: 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Flat 3, Earl's Court, London, S.W.10.

- Crowley writes to publisher, Dodd Mead and Company to inform them that the book they've published by Evangeline Adams, Astrology—Your Place in the Sun, is taken from a manuscript written by him. Additionally, he tells them that her other two books were probably written by him as well and that he wants a share of the profits.


   - Crowley to Dodd-Mead & Co.

   - Crowley to Arnold Krumm-Heller




Tuesday, 29 December 1936



Location: 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Flat 3, Earl's Court, London, S.W.10.



   - Crowley to Karl Germer





Wednesday, 30 December 1936



Location: 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Flat 3, Earl's Court, London, S.W.10.


   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley




Thursday, 31 December 1936


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Flat 3, Earl's Court, London, S.W.10.


   - Friedrich Lekve to Crowley





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