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— 1924 —


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circa 1924



Germinal publishes Crowley's poem "An Epigram."

Charles Stansfeld Jones' book I.N.R.I. - De Mysteriis Rosae Rubeae & Aureae Crucis is published.  

- Victor B. Neuburg's poem 'Grey Smoke' is published in the book Smoke Rings and Roundelays.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

News Related to Crowley:

   - Germinal



—  January 


circa January 1924





   - Crowley to Bentelli

   - Crowley to Andre Gide

   - Crowley to William Seabrook




Tuesday, 1 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Notes on Heroin

Location: Hotel Terminus, Nice, France.

- The Pine Cone publishes 'Advent' by Victor B. Neuburg.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Pine Cone



Wednesday, 2 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel Terminus, Nice, France.

- Crowley has lunch with Frank Harris. [50]





Thursday, 3 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel Terminus, Nice, France.






Friday, 4 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling to Paris, France..

- Crowley leaves Nice for Paris at 6:50 P.M. [50]





Saturday, 5 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.

- Crowley arrives in Paris. [50]





Sunday, 6 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Denver Post

   - Lancaster Sunday News

   - Repository

   - San Francisco Examiner



Monday, 7 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.

- Crowley meets with publisher Sylvia Beach to discuss publishing The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. [50]


   - H. M. Holman Hunt to Crowley

   - Crowley to H. M. Holman Hunt




Tuesday, 8 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.






Wednesday, 9 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.






Thursday, 10 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.

- Crowley has lunch with Aimée Gourand. [50]



Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 51 years old.


Friday, 11 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Oakland Tribune



Saturday, 12 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.

- Crowley is visited by Leon Engers Kennedy. [50]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 13 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Great Secret" at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


   - Stansfeld Jones to Montgomery Evans




Monday, 14 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.

- Crowley is visited by Leon Engers Kennedy. [50]


   - Leah Hirsig to Crowley




Tuesday, 15 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

- Crowley has lunch with Leon Engers Kennedy and dinner with Aimée Gourand. [50]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Crowley to Leon Engers Kennedy

   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

   - J.G. Bayley to Montgomery Evans




Wednesday, 16 January 1924



Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   Norman Mudd is 35 years old.


Thursday, 17 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

- Crowley spends the day sick in bed. [50]





Friday, 18 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

- Crowley spends the day sick in bed. [50]


   - Leah Hirsig to Crowley

   - Belgacem ben Amor to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Telegraph Herald



Saturday, 19 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

- Crowley spends the day sick in bed. [50]


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Sunday, 20 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

- Crowley has dinner with Aimée Gourand and plays chess at the Café de la Régence. [50]





Monday, 21 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

- Crowley plays chess at the Café de la Régence. [50]


   - Leah Hirsig to Crowley


Current Events:

   - Vladimir Lenin dies.


Tuesday, 22 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

Norman Mudd arrives from Tunis to assist Crowley. [50]


   - Grand Hotel to Crowley


Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 39 years old.

   Ramsay McDonald becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.


Wednesday, 23 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd




Thursday, 24 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Friday, 25 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Saturday, 26 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

- Crowley has lunch with Aimée Gourand. [50]


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Sunday, 27 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Brooklyn Citizen



Monday, 28 January 1924



Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.



   - Leah Hirsig to Crowley




Tuesday, 29 January 1924



Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.



   - Crowley to Parker-Garrett

   - Frank Harris to Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd




Wednesday, 30 January 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Paris, France.


   - Leah Hirsig to Crowley




—  February 


circa February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Heinrich Tränker

   - Crowley to Unknown

   - Leah Hirsig to Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig to Blanche Conn

   - Ninette Shumway to Crowley

   - Ninette Shumway to Crowley

   - Astarte Lulu Panthea to Crowley




Friday, 1 February 1924



Location: Paris, France.

- The Occult Review publishes an article by Charles Stansfeld Jones entitled "Belief versus Knowledge" .


News Related to Crowley:

   - Occult Review



Saturday, 2 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 3 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Living Things Never Die" at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 4 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.





Tuesday, 5 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.


   - Leah Hirsig to Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig to Frank Bennett




Wednesday, 6 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.





Thursday, 7 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.





Friday, 8 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Fontainebleau, France.

- Crowley goes to Fontainebleau. [50]





Saturday, 9 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Fontainebleau, France.

- Crowley walked along Rocher d’Avon, etc. to Avon. [50]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 10 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Fontainebleau, France.

- Crowley pays an unannounced visit to George Gurdjieff's Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man and is shown around by Major Frank Pinder. [50]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "What Is Conscience" at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 11 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Paris, France.

   - Crowley returns to Paris. [50]


   - Crowley to Frank Harris




Tuesday, 12 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Paris, France.



Current Events:

   - Composer, George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue premieres in New York City.


Wednesday, 13 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Paris, France.





Thursday, 14 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Paris, France.





Friday, 15 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.





Saturday, 16 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Paris, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Spectator



Sunday, 17 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Belgacem ben Amor

   - Leah Hirsig to Crowley




Monday, 18 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Tuesday, 19 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Wednesday, 20 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Thursday, 21 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Ninette Shumway




Friday, 22 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Saturday, 23 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

   - John Bull



Sunday, 24 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Man, Known and Unknown" at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]



Current Events:

   Mahatma Gandhi is released from jail.


Monday, 25 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

Norman Mudd is visiting Crowley. [50]


   - David Garnett to Montgomery Evans




Tuesday, 26 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   The trial against Adolf Hitler for treason in the "Beer Hall Putsch" begins in Munich, Germany.


Wednesday, 27 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Thursday, 28 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Frank Harris




Friday, 29 February 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





—  March 


circa March 1924



- Crowley writes the poem "The Aviary" as part of his Book of Oaths.





Saturday, 1 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Sunday, 2 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Monday, 3 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Tuesday, 4 March 1924



Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   The song "Happy Birthday to You" is published.


Wednesday, 5 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.


Thursday, 6 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Montgomery Evans to Crowley

   - Montgomery Evans to J.G. Bayley




Saturday, 8 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

- Crowley pawns everything he has to send Norman Mudd to London. [50]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 9 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

Norman Mudd leaves Paris for London. [50]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Man—God's Masterpiece" at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 10 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Wednesday, 12 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Thursday, 13 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Friday, 14 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Saturday, 15 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 16 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

- Crowley is visited by Nina Hamnett. [50]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Art Of Living" at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 17 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.






Tuesday, 18 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.



   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Wednesday, 19 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

- Crowley receives the Word of the Equinox. [50]





Thursday, 20 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   - The Spring Equinox.


Friday, 21 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   Jane Wolfe is 49 years old.


Saturday, 22 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 23 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Aries—The Pioneer" at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 24 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd


Current Events:

   - Composer, Jean Sibelius' 7th Symphony in C premieres in Stockholm, Sweden.


Tuesday, 25 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

   - Frank Harris to Crowley




Wednesday, 26 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Thursday, 27 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Friday, 28 March 1924



Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Otago Daily Times



Saturday, 29 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

Leah Hirsig arrives in Paris at 9 A.M. from Cefalu, Italy. [50], [93]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

   - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 30 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Light of the Rosy Cross" at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


   - Montgomery Evans to William Seabrook




Monday, 31 March 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





—  April 


circa April 1924





   - Crowley to Frank Harris

   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Tuesday, 1 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Lorimer Hammond


Current Events:

   - Adolf Hitler is sentenced to 5 years labor in prison for his role in the "Beer Hall Putsch" coup attempt.


Wednesday, 2 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - A. Kempler to Crowley


Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 38 years old.


Thursday, 3 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Frank Harris


Current Events:

   - Actor, Marlon Brando is born.


Friday, 4 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Saturday, 5 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd

News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

   - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 6 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Divine Providence" at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 7 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

   - Crowley is visited by Nina Hamnett who lends him 20 francs. [50]





Tuesday, 8 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

- Crowley notes in his diary that today is the twentieth anniversary of the writing of the first chapter of the Book of the Law. [50]


   - Frank Harris to Crowley


Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Wednesday, 9 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Practical Magick" at 8:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.

   Leah Hirsig is 41 years old.


Thursday, 10 April 1924



Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.




Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Friday, 11 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Saturday, 12 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

   - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 13 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Silent Brethren" at 11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 14 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Leah Hirsig to Frank Bennett

   - Leah Hirsig to Frank Bennett # 2


Current Events:

   - Anniversary of the death of Crowley's mother, Emily.


Tuesday, 15 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Wednesday, 16 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Magick Link" at 8:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Alexandra Herald and Otago Gazette



Thursday, 17 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Friday, 18 April 1924



Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Raymond Radclyffe

   - Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd


Current Events:

   - The first crossword puzzle book is published.


Saturday, 19 April 1924



Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 20 April 1924



Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Monday, 21 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Tuesday, 22 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

   - Crowley and Leah Hirsig go to Notre Dame. [100]





Wednesday, 23 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Thursday, 24 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Friday, 25 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Saturday, 26 April 1924



Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

   - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 27 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Wisdom, Love and Power" at 11:00 a.m. in Rooms 213-214 of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 28 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Tuesday, 29 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.





Wednesday, 30 April 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Enlightenment" at 8:00 p.m. in Rooms 213-214 of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




—  May 


circa May 1924





   - Crowley to Cart de Vidal Hunt

   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Thursday, 1 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hôtel de Blois, 50 rue Vavin, Paris, France.

- Crowley and Leah Hirsig are thrown out of the Hôtel de Blois on this day for nonpayment of rent. [50]

- Crowley writes the Poem / Oath "The Blackguard and the Sage." [50]





Saturday, 3 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France. [56]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 4 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France.





Tuesday, 6 May 1924



Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 41 years old.


Wednesday, 7 May 1924



Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Thursday, 8 May 1924



Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France.


   - Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd

   - Montgomery Evans to Crowley




Friday, 9 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Saturday, 10 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Independent

Current Events:

   - J. Edgar Hoover is appointed as the head of the F.B.I.


Sunday, 11 May 1924



Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Wednesday, 14 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France.

- Crowley meets the artist Xul Solar. [50]


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Thursday, 15 May 1924



Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France.

- Crowley accepts Xul Solar as his chela. [50]


   - Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd




Friday, 16 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France.





Saturday, 17 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France.





Sunday, 18 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France.





Monday, 19 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: 6 rue Jolia, Paris, France.





Tuesday, 20 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley writes the poem "At Chelles" and one of his "Sick Man's Fancies". [50]





Wednesday, 21 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley writes several of his "Sick Man's Fancies". [50]


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Thursday, 22 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.


   - Crowley to A. Kempler




Friday, 23 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Saturday, 24 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.


   - Crowley to Frank Bennett

   - Leah Hirsig to Frank Bennett

News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 25 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "GeminiThe Artists" at 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd. Floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 26 May 1924



Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.


   - Dr. Jarvis to Crowley




Tuesday, 27 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Wednesday, 28 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Enlightenment" at 8:00 p.m. on the 2nd. Floor of the Venetian Building, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Thursday, 29 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





Friday, 30 May 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





Saturday, 31 May 1924



Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley to Gerard Aumont

   - Crowley to William Seabrook




—  June 


Sunday, 1 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.


   - Crowley to American Friends




Tuesday, 3 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





Wednesday, 4 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- From 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. (with tea in between) Crowley dictates the essay "Helios, or the Future Beyond Science" to Leah Hirsig. [233] 





Thursday, 5 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Xul Solar visits Crowley and Leah Hirsig. [97] 





Friday, 6 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley spends time with Xul Solar. [97] 

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with Leah Hirsig. [97] 

Jane Wolfe moves into 5 Redesdale St., Chelsea, S.W.3. to work as Norman Mudd's secretary. [206]





Saturday, 7 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley spends time with Xul Solar. [97] 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 8 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with Leah Hirsig. [97] 

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Reincarnation" at 11:00 a.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd

   - Stansfeld Jones to Max Schneider




Monday, 9 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

Xul Solar goes to Paris. [97] 


   - Crowley to Everard Feilding

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe


Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 39 years old.


Tuesday, 10 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley goes to Paris and returns at 6:40. [97] 





Wednesday, 11 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Open Door" at 8:00 p.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Thursday, 12 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley goes to Paris and returns on the 8:16 train. [97] 





Friday, 13 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





Saturday, 14 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with Leah Hirsig. [97] 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 15 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

Adam Murray arrives in London to work with Jane Wolfe and Norman Mudd. [206]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Karma" at 11:00 a.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]

- Crowley writes the poem "The Belladonna in Your Eyes" as part of his Book of Oaths.



Current Events:

   - The Ford Motor Company manufactures its 10 millionth automobile.


Monday, 16 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

   - Jane Wolfe

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.






Tuesday, 17 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley and Leah Hirsig go to Paris and return on the 8:16 train. [97] 





Wednesday, 18 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Light of Asia" at 8:00 p.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Thursday, 19 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





Friday, 20 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley has lunch with Montgomery Evans. [50]

Xul Solar leaves.[97] 





Saturday, 21 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley goes to Paris. [97] 

- Crowley inscribes a copy of his pamphlet, The Rosicrucian Scandal, to Montgomery Evans with the inscription "To Montgomery Evans the Second in memory of a delightful day at Chelles-sur-Marne, An XX in 0°0'0" die i — one day later." [Lily Library] 



Current Events:

   - The Summer Solstice.


Sunday, 22 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Monday, 23 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley writes the Oath "The Battle of the Marne". [50]





Tuesday, 24 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

Leah Hirsig goes to Paris. [97] 





Wednesday, 25 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





Thursday, 26 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jane Wolfe

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





Friday, 27 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.


   - Crowley to M. Goriaud

   - Crowley to George Cecil Jones

   - Norman Mudd to Montgomery Evans




Saturday, 28 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

Leah Hirsig goes to Paris. [97] 


   - Crowley to Consul General, Paris




Sunday, 29 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





Monday, 30 June 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





—  July 


Tuesday, 1 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

Leah Hirsig goes to Paris and returns home at 5:24. [98]


   - Norman Mudd to J.F.C. Fuller




Wednesday, 2 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley goes to Paris. [98]





Thursday, 3 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

- Crowley goes to the office of H.B.M. Consul General in Paris and meets with the Vice Consul. [see correspondence]

- Crowley signs a Power of Attorney form giving Norman Mudd the ability to legally act on his behalf. [270]


   - Crowley to Consul General, Paris




Friday, 4 July 1924



Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.


   - Norman Mudd to Montgomery Evans




Saturday, 5 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 6 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Give And Take" at 11:00 a.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 7 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

Leah Hirsig goes to Paris. [98]


   - Norman Mudd to Frank Bennett




Tuesday, 8 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





Wednesday, 9 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

Leah Hirsig goes to Paris. [98]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Right Action" at 8:00 p.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


   - Leah Hirsig to Montgomery Evans




Thursday, 10 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





Friday, 11 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





Saturday, 12 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.


   - Crowley to Frank Bennett

   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Sunday, 13 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





Wednesday, 16 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.





Thursday, 17 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.

Norman Mudd receives word from His Majesty's Customs office that they have seized 12 cases of Crowley's material that has been shipped from Italy. Items of concern to Customs include “Leah Sublime,” Crowley's “A Book of Photographs,” and thirty-three copies of his book The Scented Garden. [56]





Friday, 18 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Inn Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris.


   - Leah Hirsig to Consul General, Paris




Saturday, 19 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Paris, France.

- Crowley goes to Paris at 2:41. [98]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 20 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Paris, France.

Leah Hirsig goes to Paris. [98]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Leo—The Emperor" at 11:00 a.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 21 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Paris, France.

Leah Hirsig returns to Chelles. [98]





Tuesday, 22 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Marina Hotel, Paris, France.

Leah Hirsig returns to Paris at 2:35. [98]





Wednesday, 23 July 1924



Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.




Current Events:

   Rose Kelly is 50 years old.


Thursday, 24 July 1924



Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.

Norman Mudd goes for a "rest-cure" remarking that "his nerves are all on edge." [206]





Saturday, 26 July 1924



Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 27 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

   - Jane Wolfe

Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Ten Limbs of Dharma" at 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd. Floor of 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Pittsburgh Press



Tuesday, 29 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.






Wednesday, 30 July 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.






Thursday, 31 July 1924



Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Birmingham Post



—  August 


circa August 1924



Norman Mudd is writing his pamphlet An Open Letter to Lord Beaverbrook.





Friday, 1 August 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.






Saturday, 2 August 1924



Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 3 August 1924



Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Invocation and God-Union" at 11:00 a.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


News Related to Crowley:

   - San Francisco Examiner



Monday, 4 August 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.






Tuesday, 5 August 1924



Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.




Current Events:

   - The "Little Orphan Annie" comic strip is published for the first time in the New York Daily News.


Wednesday, 6 August 1924



Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.



   - Leah Hirsig to Montgomery Evans




Thursday, 7 August 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.






Friday, 8 August 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.

Norman Mudd leaves Jane Wolfe and Adam Murray in London to join Crowley in Paris. [206]





Saturday, 9 August 1924



Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.

Adam Murray decides he wants to join Norman Mudd and Crowley in Paris, leaving Jane Wolfe alone in London. [206]





Tuesday, 12 August 1924



Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.



   - Crowley to Max Schneider




Wednesday, 13 August 1924






Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 47 years old.


Saturday, 16 August 1924



Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.



   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley to David Sturgis

   - Crowley to Baron von Falkenberg




Sunday, 17 August 1924



Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.


Saturday, 23 August 1924



Location: Montramarte 24 rue Lamarck, Paris, France.

- Circa August: Hansi breaks his arm at the Abbey of Thelema. [207]


   - Crowley to Marion Clarke

   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans




Tuesday, 26 August 1924



- Circa late August Jane Wolfe moves from 5 Redesdale St., Chelsea, to Radnor Street. [207]


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans




Saturday, 30 August 1924





News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

   - John Bull



Sunday, 31 August 1924



Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Human Radio" at 11:00 a.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





—  September 


circa September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

Norman Mudd and Crowley are distributing Mudd's pamphlet An Open Letter to Lord Beaverbrook. [250]

Alma Hirsig travels to the Abbey of Thelema, kidnaps Hansi and takes him back to Florida. [56]


   - Crowley to Arnold Bennett

   - Frank Harris to Crowley

   - Ninette Shumway to Leah Hirsig

   - Emma Goldman to Norman Mudd




Monday, 1 September 1924






Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 46 years old.


Wednesday, 3 September 1924





   - Marian K. Clark to Otto Kahn




Friday, 5 September 1924



Location: 64 Ave. du Maine, Paris.

Norman Mudd returns to London from Paris and rejoins Jane Wolfe. [207]





Saturday, 6 September 1924



Location: 64 Ave. du Maine, Paris.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 7 September 1924



Location: 64 Ave. du Maine, Paris.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Golden Thread" at 11:00 a.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Tuesday, 9 September 1924



Location: 64 Ave. du Maine, Paris.



   - Raymond Nadigan to Norman Mudd




Thursday, 11 September 1924



Location: 64 Ave. du Maine, Paris.



   - Leah Hirsig to Montgomery Evans

   - Raymond Nadigan to Norman Mudd




Friday, 12 September 1924



Location: Paris.

Adam Murray returns to London from Paris and joins Norman Mudd and Jane Wolfe. [207]


   - Leah Hirsig to Montgomery Evans

   - M. Craig to Norman Mudd




Saturday, 13 September 1924



Location: Paris.



   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

News Related to Crowley:

   - Spectator



Sunday, 14 September 1924



Location: Paris.


   - Norman Mudd to Bertrand Russell




Tuesday, 16 September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris.

- Crowley pawns his "TO MEGA THERION" ring. [50]





Wednesday, 17 September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris.





Thursday, 18 September 1924





   - Raymond Nadigin to Crowley




Saturday, 20 September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris / Traveling to Chantilly, France.

- Crowley, with the help of Leah Hirsig, receives the Word of the Equinox. [50]

- Crowley and Dorothy Olsen leave for Chantilly, France, leaving Leah Hirsig behind in Paris. [50]





Sunday, 21 September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hotel du Grand Coude, Chantilly, France.

Leah Hirsig, this date, renounces the title of The Scarlet Woman. [93]


   - Leah Hirsig to Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig to British Consulate




Monday, 22 September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Paris, France.

- Crowley and Dorothy Olsen return to Paris. [50]





Tuesday, 23 September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Marseille, France.

- Crowley and Dorothy Olsen travel by train from Paris to Marseille. [50]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Crowley to Norman Mudd


Current Events:

   - The Fall Equinox.


Wednesday, 24 September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Traveling by boat from Marseille to Tunis.

- Crowley and Dorothy Olsen leave at noon and travel by boat from Marseille, France to Tunis, Tunisia. [50]

- Crowley composes "To Man."

Leah Hirsig prepares her Will. [93]


   - Leah Hirsig's 09/24 Will




Thursday, 25 September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.

- Crowley and Dorothy Olsen arrive in Tunis, Tunisia and meet Gerard Aumont who plans to begin working with Crowley to translate the Diary of a Drug Fiend into French. [50]


   - Leah Hirsig to Crowley




Friday, 26 September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.



   - Leah Hirsig to Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd

   - Leah Hirsig to Dorothy Olsen

   - Leah Hirsig to Aimee Gouraud

   - Leah Hirsig to Montgomery Evans




Saturday, 27 September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

   - Saturday Journal



Sunday, 28 September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

   - Jane Wolfe

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Secret Place" at 11:00 a.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


   - Hirsig to Jane Wolfe

   - Hirsig to George Bernard Shaw




Monday, 29 September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.

Leah Hirsig prepares another Will. [93]


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Leah Hirsig's 09/29 Will

   - Leah Hirsig to Consulate

   - Leah Hirsig to Aimee Gouraud #1

   - Leah Hirsig to Aimee Gouraud #2

   - Leah Hirsig to Swiss Legation

   - Norman Mudd to Leah Hirsig




Tuesday, 30 September 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.

Norman Mudd joins Leah Hirsig in Paris. [93]


   - Crowley to Bertrand Russell




—  October 


circa October 1924





   - Norman Mudd's Father to Norman Mudd




Wednesday, 1 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Jazz



Thursday, 2 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.

- HM Customs issues a formal seizure order for the 12 cases of Crowley's material that has been shipped from Italy and seized by customs in July of 1924. Items of concern to Customs include “Leah Sublime,” Crowley's “A Book of Photographs,” and thirty-three copies of Crowley's book The Scented Garden. Crowley and Norman Mudd decide to protest with the result being that the destruction of the materials is held off until 24 March 1926.  [365] 



Current Events:

   Jack Parsons is 10 years old.


Friday, 3 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.


   - Wilfred T. Smith to Stansfeld Jones




Saturday, 4 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.

Leah Hirsig performs two magical sexual operations with Norman Mudd in Paris. [93]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 5 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.

Leah Hirsig performs five separate magical sexual operations with Norman Mudd in Paris. The purpose of the first operation is "The Establishment of the Kingdom", the purpose of the second operation being "Physical strength for Babalon" / "To fill Parsifal [Norman Mudd] with the force of Babalon" and the purpose of the fifth operation being "Pure Love". [93]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The New Commandment" at 11:00 a.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 6 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.

Leah Hirsig performs a magical sexual operation with Norman Mudd in Paris. The purpose of it being "Strength for Babalon". [93]


   - Crowley to Adam Murray

   - Crowley to Trustees




Tuesday, 7 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.

Leah Hirsig performs three magical sexual operations with Norman Mudd in Paris. [93]





Wednesday, 8 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.





Thursday, 9 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.





Friday, 10 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.

Leah Hirsig performs three magical sexual operations with Norman Mudd in Paris. The purpose of one being "The establishment of the new civilization". [93]

- Crowley fills out a Power of Attorney form giving Max Schneider the ability to legally act on his behalf. [270]





Saturday, 11 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.

Leah Hirsig performs three magical sexual operations with Norman Mudd in Paris. [93]





Sunday, 12 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.

- Crowley is 49 years old.

Leah Hirsig performs a magical sexual operation with Norman Mudd in Paris. [93]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Beaumont Journal

   - Birmingham News

   - El Paso Times

   - Zanesville Times Signal



Tuesday, 14 October 1924



Location: Majestic Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.

- Crowley's money difficulties clear up. [50]





Wednesday, 15 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

Location: Traveling to Sfax, Tunisia.



   - Crowley to Adam Murray

   - Ninette Shumway to Leah Hirsig & Norman Mudd




Thursday, 16 October 1924



Location: Traveling to Nefta, Tunisia.






Thursday, 17 October 1924



Location: Nefta, Tunisia.

Leah Hirsig and Norman Mudd move to 8 Place Jean Baptiste le Clement. [93]





Saturday, 18 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Nefta, Tunisia.



   - Leah Hirsig to Montgomery Evans

News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

Current Events:

   Grady McMurtry is 6 years old.


Sunday, 19 October 1924



Location: Nefta, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Scorpio—The Transformer" at 11:00 a.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Oregonian

   - Star Tribune



Monday, 20 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Nefta, Tunisia.






Tuesday, 21 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Traveling from Nefta, Tunisia to Bordj-i-Shaoust-i-Yahoudi.





Wednesday, 22 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling to Bordj Non-ce?





Thursday, 23 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Traveling to Debila, Algeria.





Friday, 24 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling from Debila to El Oued, Algeria.





Saturday, 25 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: El Oued, Algeria.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 26 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: El Oued, Algeria.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Lift Up Thyself" at 11:00 a.m. in Rooms 213-214, 15 East Washington Street, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 27 October 1924



Location: El Oued, Algeria.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Wilfred T. Smith




Tuesday, 28 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: El Oued, Algeria.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans




Wednesday, 30 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: El Oued, Algeria.





Friday, 31 October 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: El Oued, Algeria.

Leah Hirsig performs two magical sexual operations with Norman Mudd in Paris. [93]





—  November 


circa November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe



   - Crowley to Norman Mudd




Saturday, 1 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: El Oued, Algeria

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with Dorothy Olsen with the purpose of getting money for her. [50]

- Ida de H. Crooke, Soror Volo Imperas, is accepted by Crowley as a Probationer in the AA [15]





Sunday, 2 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: El Oued, Algeria

- Crowley attends a lavish luncheon at the house of Abd-el-Aziz-ben Mohammed el-Hachemi Cherif, chef de la Kadirga. [50]


News Related to Crowley:

   - San Francisco Chronicle



Monday, 3 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: El Oued, Algeria

- Crowley performs an experimental magical sexual operation with no object to see what would happen. [50]

Leah Hirsig performs a magical sexual operation with Norman Mudd in Paris. [93]





Tuesday, 4 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: El Oued, Algeria


   - Crowley to Norman Mudd


Current Events:

   Stanley Baldwin becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

   Calvin Coolidge is elected as the 30th President of the United States.


Wednesday, 5 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Traveling from El-Oued to Touggourt.






Thursday, 6 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Traveling to Mornet el-Kaid.

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with an Arab for "Good health and spirits" for Dorothy Olsen. [50]





Friday, 7 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Traveling to Ferdjane.

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with Dorothy Olsen. [50]


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Saturday, 8 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Traveling to M'Guitla, Algeria.

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with Dorothy Olsen. [50]





Sunday, 9 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Traveling to Touggourt, Algeria.


   - Leah Hirsig to Frank Bennett

   - Ninette Shumway to Leah Hirsig




Monday, 10 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig






Tuesday, 11 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Touggourt, Algeria.





Wednesday, 12 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Leah Hirsig works on her Book of Babalon. [93]





Thursday, 13 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Touggourt, Algeria.


   - Leah Hirsig to Montgomery Evans




Friday, 14 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hotel du Sahara, Biskra, Algeria.





Saturday, 15 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hotel du Sahara, Biskra, Algeria.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley

   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

   - Smith's Weekly



Sunday, 16 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Invisible Links" at 11:00 a.m. in Washington Hall, 12th Floor, State-Lake Building, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 17 November 1924



Location: Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria.


   - Ninette Shumway to Leah Hirsig


Current Events:

   Israel Regardie is 17 years old.


Tuesday, 18 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria.

- Today is Crowley's 26th "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his initiation into the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898.





Thursday, 20 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria.





Friday, 21 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria.





Saturday, 22 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Norman Mudd to Everard Feilding

   - Stansfeld Jones to "Whom it May Concern"

News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 23 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Sagittarius—The Sage" at 11:00 a.m. in Washington Hall, 12th Floor, State-Lake Building, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]





Monday, 24 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria.

- Crowley writes the poem "Hamlet in a Nut-shell" as part of his Book of Oaths.





Tuesday, 25 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria.





Wednesday, 26 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria.





Thursday, 27 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Traveling to Al-Kantava.





Friday, 28 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Traveling to Constantine by car.

Leah Hirsig performs a solo magical sexual operation. [93]





Saturday, 29 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location: Traveling to the "East".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

   - Smith's Weekly



Sunday, 30 November 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Lords of the Cosmos" at 11:00 a.m. in Washington Hall, 12th Floor, State-Lake Building, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


   - Leah Hirsig to Montgomery Evans




—  December 


circa December 1924





   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Ninette Shumway to Norman Mudd




Monday, 1 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

- Circa December Jane Wolfe leaves London to stay at Pilton Park Farm, East Pennard, Somerset.  [207]





Tuesday, 2 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Leah Hirsig performs a magical sexual operation. [93]





Wednesday, 3 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig






Thursday, 4 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig






Saturday, 6 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig



News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 7 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Leah Hirsig performs a magical sexual operation. [93]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "Actions and Reactions" at 11:00 a.m. in Washington Hall, 12th Floor, State-Lake Building, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Houston Post-Dispatch

   - New Orleans States

   - Springfield News Leader

   - Tampa Tribune

   - Times



Monday, 8 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig






Tuesday, 9 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Hammam Meskoutine, Algeria.





Wednesday, 10 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Leah Hirsig performs a magical sexual operation. [93]





Friday, 12 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.

- Crowley arrives back in Tunis. [50]





Saturday, 13 December 1924





News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 14 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a Psychomagia Inc. lecture entitled "The Root and the Fruit" at 11:00 a.m. in Washington Hall, 12th Floor, State-Lake Building, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


   - Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd

News Related to Crowley:

   - Buffalo Times

   - Cincinnati Inquirer



Monday, 15 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.





Tuesday, 16 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.


   - Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd




Wednesday, 17 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Lancaster New Era

Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 43 years old.


Thursday, 18 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.





Friday, 19 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   Gerald Yorke is 23 years old.


Saturday, 20 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   Adolf Hitler is released from jail early, having served only 9 months of a five-year sentence for his role in the "Beer Hall Putsch."


Sunday, 21 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.





Monday, 22 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones


Current Events:

   - The Winter Solstice.


Tuesday, 23 December 1924



Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.


   - Crowley to Adam Murray




Wednesday, 24 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.





Thursday, 25 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.





Friday, 26 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.





Saturday, 27 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.





Sunday, 28 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.





Monday, 29 December 1924


Diary Entries:

   - Leah Hirsig

Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.





Tuesday, 30 December 1924



Location:  Tunis, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   - Astronomer, Edwin Hubble formally announces the existence of other galactic systems.



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